

Create table grade (id integer, score integer);


public class GradeInsertSentence {

public static void main(String[] args) {

for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {

int j = (int) (Math.random()*100) + 1;

System.out.println("insert into grade(id,score) value('"+i+"','"+j+"');");





Select * from grade;


查询指定分段的人数(x>=80; 80>x>=60; 60>x>40; 40>x>=20, x<20 )



select *


(select count(*) as A from grade g where g.score >=80) a,

(select count(*) as B from grade g where g.score >=60 and g.score <80) b,

(select count(*) as C from grade g where g.score >=40 and g.score <60) c,

(select count(*) as D from grade g where g.score >=20 and g.score <40) d,

(select count(*) as E from grade g where g.score <20) e;


select a.aa, b.bb, c.cc, d.dd, e.ee


(select count(*) as aa from grade g where g.score >=80) a,

(select count(*) as bb from grade g where g.score >=60 and g.score <80) b,

(select count(*) as cc from grade g where g.score >=40 and g.score <60) c,

(select count(*) as dd from grade g where g.score >=20 and g.score <40) d,

(select count(*) as ee from grade g where g.score <20) e;


select count(*) as aa from grade g where g.score >=80

union all

select count(*) as bb from grade g where g.score >=60 and g.score <80

union all

select count(*) as cc from grade g where g.score >=40 and g.score <60

union all

select count(*) as dd from grade g where g.score >=20 and g.score <40

union all

select count(*) as ee from grade g where g.score <20





case when (score >=80) then 'A'

when (score >=60 and score <80) then 'B'

when (score >=40 and score <60) then 'C'

when (score >=20 and score <40) then 'D'

else 'E'

end grade, count(*) num

from grade group by

case when (score >=80) then 'A'

when (score >=60 and score <80) then 'B'

when (score >=40 and score <60) then 'C'

when (score >=20 and score <40) then 'D'

else 'E' end

order by 1;


case when (score >=80) then 'A'

when (score >=60 and score <80) then 'B'

when (score >=40 and score <60) then 'C'

when (score >=20 and score <40) then 'D'

else 'E'

end 'grade', count(*) num

from grade

group by

case when (score >=80) then 'A'

when (score >=60 and score <80) then 'B'

when (score >=40 and score <60) then 'C'

when (score >=20 and score <40) then 'D'

else 'E' end;


select A.score*20, count(A.score) from


select floor(g.score/20) as score from grade g

)  A

group by A.score;


select convert(A.score*20,varchar) ,count(A.score)   from


select floor(g.score/20) as score from grade g

) A

group by A.score;



case when score BETWEEN 80 AND 100 then 'A'

when score BETWEEN 60 AND 80 then 'B'

when score BETWEEN 40 AND 60 then 'C'

when score BETWEEN 20 AND 40 then 'D'

when score < 20 then 'E' end as 'grade',

count(*) as 'num' FROM grade;

都是在百度上找的,最后一个实现不成功,between and在select里面不能识别范围,哪位仁兄看到,实现了,记得给我留言,谢谢。

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