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The topic of “microtransactions” is a contentious one among gamers. They’re anything that you have to pay money for inside a video game. Here’s why players have a problem with them.

“微交易”这一话题在游戏玩家中是一个有争议的话题。 它们是您在视频游戏中必须支付的任何费用。 这就是玩家对他们有疑问的原因。

什么是微交易? (What is a Microtransaction?)

When video games first started being released, buying them was a fairly straightforward process. You walk into a tech or gaming store, purchase a game for your console or computer, and then slot it in when you get home.

当视频游戏首次开始发行时,购买它们是一个相当简单的过程。 您走进一家科技商店或游戏商店,为主机或计算机购买游戏,然后在回家时将其插入。

With the rise of the internet, especially high-speed broadband and WiFi connections, came online game selling. Now, you don’t have to leave your house to buy games. You can purchase the titles on digital stores such as Steam, Playstation Network, Nintendo eShop, and even mobile platforms such as the App Store and the Google Play Store. The game files then download directly onto your device, and you can play the game right away.

随着互联网的兴起,尤其是高速宽带和WiFi连接的出现,在线游戏销售开始兴起。 现在,您不必离开家来购买游戏。 您可以在Steam ,Playstation Network,Nintendo eShop等数字商店,甚至在App Store和Google Play商店等移动平台上购买标题。 游戏文件然后直接下载到您的设备上,您可以立即玩游戏。

However, the rise of digital game retailing also introduced in-game purchases or microtransactions. They’re anything you can buy inside of a game, such as items, costumes, upgrades, premium features, and more. Microtransactions have been included in many recently released games, from free mobile apps to blockbuster titles from significant development studios. Their use is contentious and is often a major point of discussion in the gaming community.

但是,数字游戏零售的兴起也带来了游戏内购买或微交易。 它们是您可以在游戏中购买的任何物品,例如物品,服装,升级,高级功能等等。 微交易已包含在许多最近发布的游戏中,从免费的移动应用到重要的开发工作室的巨片。 它们的使用引起争议,并且通常是游戏社区中讨论的重点。

微交易会堆积 (Microtransactions Can Stack Up)

Microtransactions are often baked into games along with item drops that use a random number generator. This means getting a box or pack with an item or several items in it. While most games have ways you can get these for free, they also offer the option to buy a box with cash.

微交易通常与使用随机数生成器的物品掉落一起被烘焙到游戏中。 这意味着要得到一个装有一个或多个物品的盒子或包装。 尽管大多数游戏都提供了免费提供这些功能的方式,但它们还提供了购买现金盒的选项。

Thannaree Deepul/Shutterstock.com Thannaree Deepul / Shutterstock.com

There’s an entire subgenre of video games centered around these random loot boxes called “gacha games,” which are typically free mobile games. They’re based on a Japanese vending machine format where you enter cash or tokens and get a random toy inside a capsule in return.

视频游戏的整个子类别都围绕着这些随机的战利品盒,称为“ gacha游戏”,它们通常是免费的手机游戏。 它们基于日本的自动售货机格式,您可以在其中输入现金或代币,然后在胶囊中获取随机玩具作为回报。

Since gacha games actively encourage you to purchase more, people can spend thousands of dollars on any particular title. People who spend enormous amounts of money on microtransactions are called “whales.” Many of these games have been compared to slot machines, except they don’t pay out money.

由于gacha游戏会积极鼓励您购买更多游戏,因此人们可以在任何特定游戏上花费数千美元。 在微交易上花费大量金钱的人被称为“鲸鱼”。 这些游戏中有许多都与老虎机进行了比较,只是它们不付钱。

Also common among some gamers is the belief that if you pay $60 for a premium game, having to pay additional money to unlock in-game content that is already programmed into the game is greedy. Many sports games utilize this model. Both the NBA 2k and the FIFA series have modes that allow players to collect trading cards to unlock in-game content. These trading cards are in random packs that cost players a certain amount each.

在某些游戏玩家中也普遍认为,如果您为高级游戏支付60美元,则必须支付额外的钱来解锁已经编程到游戏中的游戏内内容。 许多体育游戏都采用这种模型。 NBA 2k和FIFA系列都具有允许玩家收集交易卡以解锁游戏内容的模式。 这些交易卡装在随机包装中,每张花费玩家一定数量。

微交易改变了游戏机制 (Microtransactions Change Game Mechanics)

Another issue is that microtransactions tend to change gaming mechanics fundamentally.  Many games are specifically built to encourage people to buy microtransactions. For free titles, they do this by limiting the number of times you can play in a specific period or always showing you ads.

另一个问题是微交易往往会从根本上改变游戏机制。 许多游戏都是为鼓励人们购买微交易而专门设计的。 对于免费标题,他们通过限制您在特定时期内可以播放或始终展示广告的次数来做到这一点。

Many mobile apps also utilize dark patterns, which are interfaces designed to manipulate users into performing unintended actions. This may be as simple as where a button is placed or the way that items on-screen are colored.

许多移动应用程序还利用暗模式,这些暗模式是旨在操纵用户执行意外动作的界面。 这可能与放置按钮的位置或屏幕上的项目的着色方式一样简单。

This change in mechanics also applies to large titles. Many games severely slow down progression, increase the rarity of certain items, or cutting off certain areas, unless you pay for special items or boosts. This is very common in massively multiplayer online games or MMOs.

这种机制上的变化也适用于大标题。 许多游戏会严重减慢进度,增加某些物品的稀有度或切断某些区域,除非您为特殊物品或特效付费。 这在大型多人在线游戏或MMO中非常常见。

Bethesda Game Studios

A recent example is Bethesda Game Studio’s Fallout 76. This game suffered from a lot of technical issues at launch, but one of the most significant issues people had with the game was the prominence of microtransactions. Many in-game items were sold for ridiculously high prices at their Atom store, with Eurogamer noting that a purely cosmetic Santa Claus outfit sold for $20. They also sold items that provided in-game advantages for users that bought them.

最近的一个例子是Bethesda Game Studio的Fallout76。该游戏在发布时遇到了很多技术问题,但是人们对游戏的最重大关注之一就是微交易的重要性。 Eurogamer指出,许多游戏中的物品在他们的Atom商店以高得离谱的价格出售,而一件纯粹的化妆品圣诞老人衣服则以20美元的价格出售。 他们还出售了为购买它们的用户提供游戏优势的物品。

Games employing microtransactions that offer a gameplay advantage are often called “pay to win” by gamers. Rather than every player being on an equal playing field, players who spend money get better equipment and abilities, making some games more about who paid the most money rather than who played the best.

利用微交易提供游戏玩法优势的游戏通常被游戏玩家称为“赢钱”。 花钱的玩家会获得更好的装备和能力,而不是每个玩家都拥有平等的竞争环境,这使得某些游戏更多地关注谁花了钱而不是玩得最好。

There’s a gray area. A game might offer gameplay advantages to people who spend 10 hours leveling up their character, but let some players pay money to skip the 10-hour leveling process. That still sounds accessible—but what if the leveling process instead took 1000 hours unless you put down some cash to skip it?

有一个灰色区域。 游戏可能会给花了10个小时升级角色的人提供游戏优势,但让一些玩家花钱跳过10个小时的升级过程。 听起来还是可以访问的,但是如果调平过程花费了1000个小时,除非您放下一些钱跳过它,该怎么办?

并非所有的微交易都是“赢钱” (Not All Microtransactions Are “Pay to Win”)

However, not to say that all microtransactions are bad and disliked by gamers. Some microtransactions don’t affect gameplay and aren’t “pay to win.”

但是,并不是说所有微交易都是不好的,并且游戏玩家不喜欢它。 一些微交易不会影响游戏玩法,也不是“赢钱”。

Epic Games

An example of a good microtransaction format is the incredibly popular battle royale title Fortnite. The game is completely free on all platforms, which is why it’s accessible to people of all ages. All of its money is made via purely cosmetic microtransactions. That means players cannot pay to have an advantage in the game; they can only pay for costumes, dances, and other things that modify the look of their avatar. Everyone is on an equal playing field, and people can’t get a gameplay advantage by spending money.

良好的微交易格式的一个例子是令人难以置信的流行皇家大逃杀头衔Fortnite 。 该游戏在所有平台上都是完全免费的,因此所有年龄段的人都可以使用该游戏。 它所有的钱都是通过纯粹的化妆品微交易赚来的。 这意味着玩家无法为在游戏中占优势而付费; 他们只能购买服装,舞蹈和其他可改变头像外观的东西。 每个人都处于平等的竞争环境中,人们无法通过花钱获得游戏优势。

A few other online games, such as Dota 2, Counter-Strike: GO, and Overwatch, also have microtransaction models that aren’t as despised by many gamers. All these games only put up cosmetic items for sale, which means that there are no advantages for gamers who can afford to pay more.

其他一些在线游戏,例如Dota 2,Counter-Strike:GO和Overwatch,也具有微交易模型,许多游戏玩家对此并不鄙视。 所有这些游戏都只出售化妆品,这意味着负担得起的游戏玩家没有任何优势。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/449521/what-are-microtransactions-and-why-do-people-hate-them/



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