
Today, Amazon took its Flexible Payments System — a PayPal-like service aimed at merchants — out of beta (at least in the US). They also launched a number “Quick Starts,” which are simplified sets of APIs making it easier for merchants to begin taking orders through Amazon’s payment system, and as a way to entice new accounts, Amazon is offering free payment processing up to $500,000 for the first three months.

今天,亚马逊将其灵活支付系统(针对商家的类似于PayPal的服务)从beta中淘汰(至少在美国是这样)。 他们还推出了一些“快速入门”,它们是简化的API集,使商户可以更轻松地开始通过亚马逊的支付系统接订单,并且作为吸引新帐户的一种方式,亚马逊提供了高达500,000美元的免费支付处理。前三个月。

For consumers, paying with Amazon is a no-brainer. Because Amazon is essentially synonymous with ecommerce, and because most consumers have had good experiences with them, it is easier to trust them to handle payment processing for smaller, less well known merchants you need or want to deal with. Even more than PayPal and Google, the Amazon name lends a feeling of security to the purchasing process.

对于消费者而言,在亚马逊付款是不费吹灰之力的事情。 因为亚马逊在本质上是电子商务的代名词,并且由于大多数消费者都拥有良好的购物体验,所以更容易信任他们来为您需要或想要与之交易的较小,知名度较低的商家进行付款处理。 亚马逊的名字比PayPal和Google都多,给购买过程带来了安全感。

But for merchants, the decision to go with Amazon isn’t so cut and dry. Amazon offers perhaps the most complete end-to-end ecommerce solution on the web — they’ve truly made available their entire infrastructure. You can take payments with Amazon, let them handle fulfillment, tap into their backend infrastructure, sell or advertise your products, even let Amazon publish your book, DVD, or CD. It all sounds great, and in many ways it is. Amazon’s infrastructure services mean that the barrier to entry for creating an ecommerce business is extremely low, and many of the headaches associated with selling online are taken care of for you.

但是对于商家而言,选择与亚马逊合作的决定并非那么艰难。 亚马逊可能提供了网络上最完整的端到端电子商务解决方案-他们确实使整个基础架构可用。 您可以使用Amazon 付款 ,让他们处理充实的商品 ,利用他们的后端基础架构 , 出售或宣传您的产品,甚至让Amazon 出版您的书籍,DVD或CD 。 听起来很棒,而且在很多方面都很棒。 亚马逊的基础设施服务意味着创建电子商务业务的入门门槛非常低,并且与在线销售相关的许多头痛问题已为您解决。

But it comes with a price: Amazon is also likely one of your main competitors. As we noted six months ago, many larger retailers are wary of partnering with Amazon because the retailer is a competitor and giving them access to sales data might not be in their best interests. For smaller ecommerce businesses, this might be less of a concern, though certainly still something to think about.

但这要付出代价:亚马逊也可能是您的主要竞争对手之一。 正如我们六个月前指出的那样 ,许多大型零售商对与亚马逊合作持谨慎态度,因为该零售商是竞争对手,并且让他们访问销售数据可能并不符合他们的最大利益。 对于较小的电子商务企业,这虽然可能仍需要考虑,但可能不必担心。

Perhaps the bigger consideration before jumping on board a complete end-to-end platform like Amazon’s is that relying so much on one company puts your business at significant risk. If Amazon handles payments, fulfillment, and advertising for your company, for example, then changes to any of their products could alter your business in ways you might not like but have little control over.

跳上像Amazon这样的完整端到端平台之前,更大的考虑因素是,如果过于依赖一家公司,您的业务将面临巨大风险。 例如,如果亚马逊为您的公司处理付款,履行和广告,那么对它们的任何产品进行更改都可能以您可能不喜欢但几乎无法控制的方式改变您的业务。

On the other hand, mashing together services from multiple providers might not be as easy, as painless, as pretty, or as cost effective, but it does mean that if one spoke in the wheel gets taken away, recovery is a lot easier. Amazon’s end-to-end ecommerce platform has lowered the barrier of entry for creating an ecommerce business, and that’s great, but there’s a choice that business owners need to make between simplicity and speed to deployment vs. security and flexibility.

另一方面,将多个提供商的服务融合在一起可能并不容易,那么轻松,漂亮,或不具有成本效益,但这确实意味着,如果轮到别人讲话了,那么恢复就容易得多。 亚马逊的端到端电子商务平台降低了创建电子商务业务的准入门槛,这很棒,但是企业主需要在简化和部署速度与安全性和灵活性之间做出选择。




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