

本文主要描述Assembly4的实现原理、相关组件等方面的内容, 并不对使用方法进行阐述,希望对从事FreeCAD研究、国产CAX(CAD/CAE/CAM软件开发的朋友们有帮助。


Assembly4模块可实现多个几何体对象的装配功能。需要指出的是,Assembly4装配功能的实现并不是借助于几何约束求解器,而是通过三维局部坐标系变换(也称作基准坐标系,Local Coordinate System, Datum Coordinate System)。

具体来说,Assembly4模块中使用一个App:Part类型的Model表示装配体,可以将多个几何体(App::Part、PartDesign::Body)以App::Link对象的形式添加到装配体Model中。在这过程中,可以通过Expression指定几何体与几何体、几何体与Model的局部坐标系变换关系。然后,Assembly4便可借助于Expresion Engine来完成这种局部坐标系变换,进而实现多个几何体的装配。


Ref. from Assembly 4 workbench-----------------------------

The basic principle is the one from assembly without solver: FreeCAD's App::Part container serve as basic building blocs, that are inserted into each other using the App::Link interface introduced with FreeCAD 0.19.

The advantage of App::Link feature is that it's possible to link FreeCAD objects between files, seamlessly: a model in a file will appear in the tree of another model in another file, but the data is not copied across. This allows to create many instances of the same object without any overhead, allowing the creation of large assemblies. In other words, this is identical what other CAD systems do when speaking of assembly.

The particularity of Assembly 4 is that the placement of the inserted (linked) part is done by matching corresponding coordinate systems in the parent assembly and in the linked part: therefore, there must be at least 1 coordinate system in the assembly and at least 1 in the part. There can be many coordinate systems in each, and the user can choose which of these coordinate systems — in the assembly and in the part — shall be used. Under the hood, for those interested in the technical details, the ExpressionEngine of the Placement property of the App::Link is used to superimpose the Placement of two coordinate systems — one in the assembly and one in the inserted part — which fixes all degrees of freedom of the inserted part.

Another particularity of Assembly 4 is that there is no difference between a part and an assembly: it's possible to mix datum objects, 2D sketches, 3D geometries and inserted parts at will. This feature can prove to be extremely powerful once a user gets used to it.

-----------------------------Ref. from Assembly 4 workbench


3.1 对偶四元数




对偶数(Dual number)的概念类似于复数,它的数学形式为



对偶四元数(Dual Quaternions)是实部和对偶部都为四元数的对偶数,又可称为八元数。对偶四元数是对偶数和四元数在多维空间中的有机结合,可以理解为元素为四元数的对偶数,同样可以理解为元素为对偶数的四元数。




    4.1 App::Part

App::Part主要作为几何体容器,Assembly4 Model对象其实就是一个App::Part类型的对象。App::Part通过App::OriginGroupExtension以增加了一个App::Origin对象,正是App::Origin对象定义了一个局部坐标系,App::Part所包含的其他几何体的位置均是相对于这个局部坐标系。

    4.2 App::Link


    4.3 PartDesign::Body


    4.4 PartDesign::Coordinate


    4.5 App::Expression





5.1 创建装配体



    # the real stuffdef Activated(self):# get the current active document to avoid errors if user changes tabself.activeDoc = App.activeDocument()# check whether there is already Model in the documentif not self.checkModel():# create a group 'Parts' to hold all parts in the assembly document (if any)# must be done before creating the Asm4 ModelpartsGroup = self.activeDoc.getObject('Parts')if partsGroup is None:partsGroup = self.activeDoc.addObject( 'App::DocumentObjectGroup', 'Parts' )# create a new App::Part called 'Model'model = self.activeDoc.addObject('App::Part','Model')# set the type as a "proof" that it's an Assembly4 Modelmodel.Type='Assembly4 Model'# add an LCS at the root of the Model, and attach it to the 'Origin'lcs0 = model.newObject('PartDesign::CoordinateSystem','LCS_Origin')lcs0.Support = [(model.Origin.OriginFeatures[0],'')]lcs0.MapMode = 'ObjectXY'lcs0.MapReversed = False# create a group Constraints to store future solver constraints theremodel.newObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup','Constraints')# create an object Variables to hold variables to be used in this documentmodel.addObject(Asm4.createVariables())# create a Configuration propertymodel.addProperty('App::PropertyEnumeration', 'Configuration', 'Parameters')model.Configuration = ['Default']# move existing parts and bodies at the document root to the Parts group# not nested inside other parts, to keep hierarchyif partsGroup.TypeId=='App::DocumentObjectGroup':for obj in self.activeDoc.Objects:if obj.TypeId in Asm4.containerTypes and obj.Name!='Model' and obj.getParentGeoFeatureGroup() is None:partsGroup.addObject(obj)else:Asm4.warningBox(   'There seems to already be a Parts object, you might get unexpected behaviour' )# recompute to get rid of the small overlaysmodel.recompute()self.activeDoc.recompute()


5.2 创建零件连接



    """+-----------------------------------------------+|         the real stuff happens here           |+-----------------------------------------------+"""def onCreateLink(self):# parse the selected items # TODO : there should only be 1selectedPart = []for selected in self.partList.selectedIndexes():# get the selected partselectedPart = self.allParts[ selected.row() ]# get the name of the link (as it should appear in the tree)linkName = self.linkNameInput.text()# only create link if there is a Part object and a nameif self.asmPart and selectedPart and linkName:# create the App::Link with the user-provided name#createdLink = self.activeDoc.getObject('Model').newObject( 'App::Link', linkName )createdLink = self.asmPart.newObject( 'App::Link', linkName )# assign the user-selected selectedPart to itcreatedLink.LinkedObject = selectedPart# If the name was already chosen, and a UID was generated:if createdLink.Name != linkName:# we try to set the label to the chosen namecreatedLink.Label = linkName# update the linkcreatedLink.recompute()# close the dialog UI...self.close()# ... and launch the placement of the inserted partGui.Selection.clearSelection()Gui.Selection.addSelection( self.activeDoc.Name, self.asmPart.Name, createdLink.Name+'.' )# ... but only if we're in an Asm4 Modelif self.asmPart.Name=='Model':Gui.runCommand( 'Asm4_placeLink' )# if still open, close the dialog UIself.close()


5.3 安置零件



    """+-----------------------------------------------+| check that all necessary things are selected, ||   populate the expression with the selected   ||    elements, put them into the constraint     ||   and trigger the recomputation of the part   |+-----------------------------------------------+"""def Apply( self ):# get the instance to attach to:# it's either the top level assembly or a sister App::Linkif self.parentList.currentText() == 'Parent Assembly':a_Link = 'Parent Assembly'a_Part = Noneelif self.parentList.currentIndex() > 1:parent = self.parentTable[ self.parentList.currentIndex() ]a_Link = parent.Namea_Part = parent.LinkedObject.Document.Nameelse:a_Link = Nonea_Part = None# the attachment LCS's name in the parent# check that something is selected in the QlistWidgetif self.attLCSlist.selectedItems():a_LCS = self.attLCStable[ self.attLCSlist.currentRow() ].Nameelse:a_LCS = None# the linked App::Part's namel_Part = self.selectedLink.LinkedObject.Document.Name# the LCS's name in the linked part to be used for its attachment# check that something is selected in the QlistWidgetif self.partLCSlist.selectedItems():#l_LCS = self.partLCSlist.selectedItems()[0].text()l_LCS = self.partLCStable[ self.partLCSlist.currentRow() ].Nameelse:l_LCS = None# check that all of them have something in# constrName has been checked at the beginningif a_Link and a_LCS and l_Part and l_LCS :# this is where all the magic is, see:# # as of FreeCAD v0.19 the syntax is different:# expr = ParentLink.Placement * ParentPart#LCS.Placement * constr_LinkName.AttachmentOffset * LinkedPart#LCS.Placement ^ -1'           # expr = LCS_in_the_assembly.Placement * constr_LinkName.AttachmentOffset * LinkedPart#LCS.Placement ^ -1'            expr = Asm4.makeExpressionPart( a_Link, a_Part, a_LCS, l_Part, l_LCS )# add the Asm4 properties if it's a pure App::LinkAsm4.makeAsmProperties(self.selectedLink)# store the part where we're attached to in the constraints objectself.selectedLink.AssemblyType = 'Asm4EE'self.selectedLink.AttachedBy = '#'+l_LCSself.selectedLink.AttachedTo = a_Link+'#'+a_LCS# load the expression into the link's Expression Engineself.selectedLink.setExpression('Placement', expr )# recompute the object to apply the placement:self.selectedLink.recompute()self.parentAssembly.recompute(True)return Trueelse:#FCC.PrintWarning("Problem in selections\n")return False


"""+-----------------------------------------------+|         populate the ExpressionEngine         ||             for a linked App::Part            |+-----------------------------------------------+
def makeExpressionPart( attLink, attDoc, attLCS, linkedDoc, linkLCS ):# if everything is definedif attLink and attLCS and linkedDoc and linkLCS:# this is where all the magic is, see:# # as of FreeCAD v0.19 the syntax is different:# expr = ParentLink.Placement * ParentPart#LCS.Placement * constr_LinkName.AttachmentOffset * LinkedPart#LCS.Placement ^ -1# expr = LCS_in_the_assembly.Placement * constr_LinkName.AttachmentOffset * LinkedPart#LCS.Placement ^ -1# the AttachmentOffset is now a property of the App::Link# expr = LCS_in_the_assembly.Placement * AttachmentOffset * LinkedPart#LCS.Placement ^ -1expr = attLCS+'.Placement * AttachmentOffset * '+linkedDoc+'#'+linkLCS+'.Placement ^ -1'# if we're attached to another sister part (and not the Parent Assembly)# we need to take into account the Placement of that Part.if attDoc:expr = attLink+'.Placement * '+attDoc+'#'+exprelse:expr = Falsereturn expr


Assembly4 Workbench

Quaternion Wiki

SongHo OpenGL: Quaternion

Maths - Quaternions


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