There are three things I’ve learned never to discuss with people: Religion, Politics and The Great Pumpkin. What’s the meaning of the Great Pumpkin?为什么不能谈论宗教,政治和南瓜大王

As we all know, Religion and Politics are not open topics for western countries. So we don’t have to comment more about it. For the Great Pumpkin, it’s originated from the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. He flies around to send toys and candies to sincere and believing kids on Halloween evening. It’s just like what Santa Clue do in the day before the New Year.
In the comic strip, Linus(a girl in the comic strip) sits in a pumpkin patch(the place where Linus thinks is the most sincere and believing ) to wait for the Great Pumpkin on Halloween evening. It’s no doubt that he never shows up, but Linus still waits for him year after year.
Later people make this phenomenon as a faith means everyone has a simple and pure pursue in the bottom of our heart. It only belongs to our own and buries in the heart. Never to discuss with people.
Yeah,these are my comments about the Great Pumpkin.

我们知道,宗教和政治是西方国家相对而言比较敏感的问题,不是可以公开讨论的话题,因此下面主要讲述我对于The Great Pumpkin的看法。
The Great Pumpkin 中文译作南瓜大王,出现于《花生漫画》中,我们熟悉的小狗史努比就是源自其中,the Great Pumpkin是在每年的万圣节的晚上给孩子负责发糖果和礼物,就好像除夕夜的圣诞老人一样。寓意来自于漫画中的女主Linus每年都会待在南瓜多的地方等待着南瓜大王的到来,但他却从未出现,Linus并未放弃,依旧每年的万圣节的晚上等待着南瓜大王的到来。
这就是我对于为什么不能谈论The Great Pumpkin 的自己看法,结合Wiki上的资料进行相关的评论,若有不同看法,欢迎大家进行评论指教。

Three things can't discuss with with people: Religion, Politics and The Great Pumpkin. Why?为什么不能谈论?相关推荐

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