The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board. It is currently the reference version of Arduino, and the latest version of an official Arduino device is the Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2.

Arduino Uno是微控制器板。 当前是Arduino的参考版本,官方Arduino设备的最新版本是Arduino Uno WiFi rev 2。

It has the same form factor and size of the Arduino 101, Arduino Zero, Arduino Yún, Arduino Leonardo, Arduino Uno and Arduino Ethernet.

它具有与Arduino 101,Arduino Zero,ArduinoYún,Arduino Leonardo,Arduino Uno和Arduino Ethernet相同的外形尺寸。

It comes with an 8-bit microcontroller, an ATmega4809, which comes with 48 KB of Flash memory, 6 KB of SRAM and 256 bytes of EEPROM. This is a lot more memory than previous Arduino Uno rev 3 boards had with the ATmega328P. If you have an older Arduino Uno board laying around, be aware of this change.

它带有一个8位微控制器 ATmega4809 ,它带有48 KB的闪存,6 KB的SRAM和256字节的EEPROM。 与以前的ATmega328P的Arduino Uno rev 3板相比,它的内存要大得多。 如果周围有旧的Arduino Uno开发板,请注意这一变化。

The Arduino runs at 16MHz at a voltage of 5V, and can be powered with a recommended input ranging from 7V to 12V.


In terms of I/O, the Arduino Uno has an USB-B port that can be used by a computer to transfer new programs to run, a power input and a set of I/O pins. It has 20 I/O pins, 14 digital and 6 analog pins that have 10 bits, mapping values from 0 to 1023.

在I / O方面,Arduino Uno有一个USB-B端口,计算机可以使用它传输要运行的新程序,一个电源输入和一组I / O引脚。 它具有20个I / O引脚,14个数字引脚和6个具有10位的模拟引脚,映射值从0到1023。

It features a WiFi module that supports 802.11b/g/n, the NINA-W13 which comes with an integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give access to a WiFi network, with hardware-based security.

它具有一个支持802.11b / g / n的WiFi模块,即NINA-W13 ,它带有一个集成的TCP / IP协议栈,可以基于硬件的安全性来访问WiFi网络。

Or, you can let the Arduino act as an access point, so you can connect to it.


Plus, it comes with an integrated IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) which lets you do some very cool motion sensor applications, the LSM6DS. This module provides 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope.

此外,它还带有集成的IMU(惯性测量单元),可让您执行一些非常酷的运动传感器应用LSM6DS 。 该模块提供3D加速度计和3D陀螺仪。

The Arduino Uno comes with an integrated high speed ADC, analog-to-digital converter.

Arduino Uno带有集成的高速ADC,模数转换器。

The Arduino Uno comes with an USB port that allows you to connect it to the computer and load a program on it.

Arduino Uno带有USB端口,可让您将其连接到计算机并在计算机上加载程序。

The Arduino has no operating system, and it runs one single program at a time.


Once a program is loaded, it is booted any time the Arduino is powered, either via USB or via the power port via a AC-to-DC power cable or a battery. This means that once you load the program, you can put the Arduino on a mountain with a solar panel and a battery, and it will keep running until there’s power.

程序加载后,只要通过USB或通过AC / DC电源线或电池通过电源端口为Arduino供电,就可以启动该程序。 这意味着,一旦加载程序,就可以将Arduino放在带有太阳能电池板和电池的山上,并且它将一直运行直到有电为止。


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