现在visual assist x 2488下载,都要填资料,有点麻烦,所以我这里下载了一个,放到云盘,有需要的同学可以下载。需要的速度下载。



https://www.123pan.com/s/4PtA-1kpfd.html 提取码:6688 VA_X_2488




https://www.123pan.com/s/4PtA-3yxfd.html 提取码:6688 VA_X_2476


NEW C++: Improved parser auto type deduction for pointers.

NEW C#: Improved parser support for C# tuple deconstruction.

NEW C++: Add parser support for C++ 17's structured binding from a constructor.

NEW Added support for custom shader file extensions.

NEW Improved code formatting when pasting Unreal Engine source code.

NEW Added UI to Find References results to repeat a search for the entire solution.

NEW C++: Code inspections for bugprone-inaccurate-erase and bugprone-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion.

VA 2023.1 is an extensive update bringing a wide range of improvements for a variety of functions—useful for all types of developers. Many of the updates included are a result of your continuous feedback and bug reports, so keep ‘em coming!

READ: Announcement blog (with screenshots).

First in our list of updates are a number of parser improvements.

  • Auto type deduction comprehension has been improved. This is especially apparent when using pointers that also reference other pointers.
  • In C#, the parser now recognizes multiple variables from a struct (tuple deconstruction)—allowing all VA’s features to work properly.
  • Similarly, the parser now recognizes a lookalike case when auto assigning multiple variables from a constructor (ie. C++17’s structured binding).

Next up, Visual Assist showcases continued improvements to shader files support, which we released a few months back. You can now instruct VA to read custom file types as shader files by specifying the file extension in a dialog.

This release also has an Unreal Engine-specific tweak. Similar to how VA removes automatic indentation when entering a new line, copy and pasting sections of Unreal code will also ignore those indents. This is something our Unreal customers will likely really love - a definite quality of life improvement within Visual Studio.

And a PSA for those who have found that results shown by find references seem to be incomplete sometimes: you have to specify the scope of the search (ie. just the open project or the entire solution). This release adds a new UI notification to make it more apparent.

If you want to learn more about the benefits that these updates provide, head on over to our blog post.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where icons may be missing in Visual Studio 2022.
  • Fixed issue where folders / JSON files may be unnecessarily created when hovering the mouse cursor over symbols.
  • Fixed convert suggestion listbox keyboard shortcut display to update when the shortcut is changed.Please adapt the copy to whatever font, font size, and formatting we use for the previous posts.

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