


help history

[root@VM-0-15-centos ~]# help history
history: history [-c] [-d offset] [n] or history -anrw [filename] or history -ps arg [arg…]
Display or manipulate the history list.

Display the history list with line numbers, prefixing each modified
entry with a `*'.  An argument of N lists only the last N entries.Options:-c  clear the history list by deleting all of the entries-d offset  delete the history entry at offset OFFSET.-a    append history lines from this session to the history file-n    read all history lines not already read from the history file-r read the history file and append the contents to the historylist-w  write the current history to the history fileand append them to the history list-p  perform history expansion on each ARG and display the resultwithout storing it in the history list-s    append the ARGs to the history list as a single entryIf FILENAME is given, it is used as the history file.  Otherwise,
if $HISTFILE has a value, that is used, else ~/.bash_history.If the $HISTTIMEFORMAT variable is set and not null, its value is used
as a format string for strftime(3) to print the time stamp associated
with each displayed history entry.  No time stamps are printed otherwise.Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid option is given or an error occurs.


history -c


一般我们已知的是history -c 命令,即清除所有历史记录


1.*vim ~/.bash_history*

2.修改后再次 history 查看,发现并没有变化。原因:缓存
执行:*history -r*


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