第二章 learning unsuoerxised festure representations of remote sensing data with sparse convolutional

2.1 Introduction








1.fields like ****work in the **, in which(解释**)

2.from a geometrical viewpoint, **,but visualizing, understanding and designing algorithms therein is challenging,mainly due to the high dimensionality and correlation between covariates.在可视化理解和设计算法上有很大的难度由于高维度和协方差矩阵的相关性

3. this is why **has captured a lot of interest in the scientific community.这就是为什么**在科学界有很多兴趣

4.this is the field of **,for which ****








an autoencoder is a deep learning architecture in which the input signal is reconstructed/decoded at the output layer through an intermediate layer with reduced number of hidden nodes. Basically, the autoencoder aims at reproducing the inputs at the output layer by using the high-abstraction features learned in the intermediate layer. The use of autoencoders implies, however, the tuning of several free parameters, addressing the regularization issue mainly by limiting the structure of the network heuristically.自动编码器是一种深度学习体系结构,其中输入信号通过隐藏节点数量减少的中间层在输出层进行重构/解码。基本上,自动编码器的目标是通过利用在中间层学习到的高抽象特征来再现输出层的输入。然而,自动编码器的使用意味着要调整几个自由参数,主要通过启发式地限制网络的结构来解决正则化问题。

While the issue of non-linear feature extraction can be resolved with deep networks efficiently, there is still the issue of what a sensible criterion should be employed. Natural data, namely, data generated by a physical process or mechanism, often show strong autocorrelation functions (in space and time), heavy tails, strong feature correlations, not necessarily linear, and (from a manifold learning perspective) data lives in subspaces of (much) lower dimensionality. This can be interpreted as that the observations were generated by a much simpler mechanisms, and that one should seek for a sparse representation
A dictionary can be understood as a set of bases that sparsely  represent the original data. The main goal in dictionary learning is to find a dataset to best represent the inputs by only using a small subset (also known as atoms) of the dictionary.字典可以理解为一组稀疏地表示原始数据的基。字典学习的主要目标是通过只使用字典的一个小子集(也称为原子)来找到一个最好地表示输入的数据集。


These methods describe the input images in sparse representation spaces but do not take advantage of the high non-linear nature of deep architectures. However, attaining sparse non-linear deep networks is still unresolved in the literature, especially in unsupervised learning。


1.** is the prefered approach in cases of *****  在*****的情况下,** 是首选

2.**method can be mainly categorized as either local or global approaches. Local methods retain local geometry of data, and are computationally efficient since only sparse matrix computations are needed. Global manifold methods, on the other hand, keep the entire topology of the dataset, yet are computationally expensive for large datasets. They have higher generalization power, but local ones can perform well on datasets with different sub-manifolds.局部和非局部的优劣势

3.The use of **in *** is wide spread for a wide range of applications, including****.**在**方面有广泛应用比如:

2.2 sparse unsupervised convolutional networks

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