
Radial Distortion

尽管畸变可能是没有规律或遵循某种模式的,但一般情况下我们遇到的最多的情况是畸变呈放射状且是对称的,其主要产生于相机镜头的畸变。这种呈放射状的、对称的畸变,即radial distortion主要可以分为两种,barrel distortion(桶形畸变)以及pincushion distortion(枕型畸变)。


畸变种类 效果 说明



胡子型畸变是以上两种畸变的混合,有时也叫做混合型畸变。从中心向边缘扩散的过程中,畸变种类也从桶形畸变变成了枕型畸变。正因为在图片的上半部分中的直线变得像胡子形状一样,所以我们称其为“胡子型畸变”(Mustache distortion)。


Software Correction

低阶放射状畸变可以用Brown的矫正模型(https://web.archive.org/web/20180312205006/https://www.asprs.org/wp-content/uploads/pers/1966journal/may/1966_may_444-462.pdf)进行矫正,这个模型也叫做Brown-Conrady模型(基于Conrady早期的一些工作,http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1919MNRAS..79..384C)。这个Brown-Conrady模型既可以用于桶形畸变的矫正,也可以用于切线畸变的矫正(偏心矫正,discentering distortion)。


参数 含义

其中,桶形畸变的参数是负的,而枕型畸变的是正数。而胡子型畸变的放射几何序列是非单调的,即对于一些而言,序列的符号是变化的。在给放射畸变建模的过程中,除法模型(division model,https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/990465)比Brown-Conrady的偶数阶多项式模型(http://www.cs.ait.ac.th/~mdailey/papers/Bukhari-RadialDistortion.pdf)更准确。



from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import imageio
import math
import cv2
import timedef read_image_return_nparray(fname):"""open image use Image and convert it into np.array:param fname: image file name:return: np.array(image)"""image = Image.open(fname)image_array = np.array(image)return image_arraydef read_color_image_as_gray_return_nparray(fname):image = cv2.imread(fname)original_gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)return original_gray_imagedef get_image_height_and_width_and_channels(image_array):return image_array.shape[1], image_array.shape[0], image_array.shape[2]def barrel_correction(distorted_image, image_width, image_height, paramA, paramB, paramC, paramD):distorted_image_copy = distorted_imaged = int(min(image_width, image_height) / 2)center_x = (image_width - 1) / 2.0center_y = (image_height - 1) / 2.0for x in range(image_width):for y in range(image_height):delta_x = (x - center_x) / ddelta_y = (y - center_y) / ddst_r = np.sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y)src_r = (paramA * dst_r * dst_r * dst_r + paramB * dst_r * dst_r + paramC * dst_r + paramD) * dst_rfactor = dst_r / src_rsrc_xd = center_x + (delta_x * factor * d)src_yd = center_y + (delta_y * factor * d)src_x = int(src_xd)src_y = int(src_yd)if 0 <= src_x < image_width and 0 <= src_y < image_height:distorted_image[y][x] = distorted_image_copy[src_y][src_x]return distorted_imagedef barrel_correction2(src_image, param_a, param_b, param_c, param_d):xDim = get_image_height_and_width_and_channels(src_image)[0]yDim = get_image_height_and_width_and_channels(src_image)[1]zDim = get_image_height_and_width_and_channels(src_image)[2]dest_image = np.zeros_like(src_image)xcen = (xDim - 1.0) / 2.0ycen = (yDim - 1.0) / 2.0normDist = min(xcen, ycen)imageMin = np.min(src_image)dest_image.fill(imageMin)for k in range(zDim):for j in range(yDim):yoff = (j - ycen) / normDistfor i in range(xDim):xoff = (i - xcen) / normDistrdest2 = xoff * xoff + yoff * yoffrdest = math.sqrt(rdest2)rdest3 = rdest2 * rdestrdest4 = rdest2 * rdest2rsrc = param_a * rdest4 + param_b * rdest3 + param_c * rdest2 + param_d * rdestrsrc = normDist * rsrcang = math.atan2(yoff, xoff)xSrc = xcen + (rsrc * math.cos(ang))ySrc = ycen + (rsrc * math.sin(ang))if 0 <= xSrc < xDim - 1 and 0 <= ySrc < yDim - 1:xBase = int(math.floor(xSrc))delX = float(xSrc - xBase)yBase = int(math.floor(ySrc))delY = float(ySrc - yBase)dest_image[j][i][k] = int((1 - delX) * (1 - delY) * src_image[yBase][xBase][k])if xSrc < (xDim - 1):dest_image[j][i][k] += int(delX * (1 - delY) * src_image[yBase][xBase + 1][k])if ySrc < (yDim - 1):dest_image[j][i][k] += int((1 - delX) * delY * src_image[yBase + 1][xBase][k])if (xSrc < (xDim - 1)) and (ySrc < (yDim - 1)):dest_image[j][i][k] += int(delX * delY * src_image[yBase + 1][xBase + 1][k])return dest_imagedef save_image_array(image_array, fname):imageio.imwrite(fname, image_array)if __name__ == "__main__":start = time.time()print("start!!! " + time.ctime())original_image = read_image_return_nparray("/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/singleImages/3.png")# original_grey_image = read_color_image_as_gray_return_nparray(#     "/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/singleImages/4.png")h, w, z = get_image_height_and_width_and_channels(original_image)paramA = 0.08  # affects only the outermost pixels of the imageparamB = -0.36  # most cases only require b optimizationparamC = 0.0  # most uniform correctionparamD = 1.0 - paramA - paramB - paramC  # describes the linear scaling of the imagecorrected_original_image = barrel_correction2(original_image, paramA, paramB, paramC, paramD)# colored_result = cv2.cvtColor(corrected_original_image, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)save_image_array(corrected_original_image,"/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/mytest_result_images/barrel3_result_python.png")end = time.time()print("end!!! " + time.ctime())print("duration: {}".format(end - start))





以上代码的运行效率是很慢的,在经过同学的帮助之后,先是引入了numpy的一些向量运算,把速度提升到了1.5s左右,然后因为我们的眼镜参数是固定的,因此可以考虑把convert map保存成文件,然后只要通过文件读取map之后用cv2.remap函数,这样把速度提升到了每张图片100ms左右。(convert map的具体思想来自于stackoverflow,https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46520123/how-do-i-use-opencvs-remap-function)


import numpy as np
import cv2def read_image(fname):image = cv2.imread(fname)return imagedef get_image_height_and_width(image):return image.shape[:2]def get_mapping_relation(source_image, a, b, c, d, mapping_fname):height, width = get_image_height_and_width(source_image)x, y = np.meshgrid(range(width), range(height))x = x.reshape(-1)y = y.reshape(-1)location_of_source_image = np.stack([x, y], 1)center_x = x.mean()center_y = y.mean()center = np.array([center_x, center_y])norm = np.mean(center)dist = np.sqrt(((location_of_source_image - center) ** 2).sum(1))r = np.sqrt(((x - center_x) / norm) ** 2 + ((y - center_y) / norm) ** 2)rdest = (a * r ** 4 + b * r ** 3 + c * r ** 2 + d * r) * normtarget_x = rdest / dist * (x - center_x) + center_xtarget_y = rdest / dist * (y - center_y) + center_ylocation_of_dest_image = np.stack([target_x, target_y], 1)save_array_as_npy(mapping_fname, location_of_dest_image)def save_array_as_npy(fname, array):np.save(fname, array)if __name__ == "__main__":# 1. set some necessary paramsparam_a = 0.08  # affects only the outermost pixels of the imageparam_b = -0.37  # most cases only require b optimizationparam_c = 0.0  # most uniform correctionparam_d = 1.0 - param_a - param_b - param_c  # describes the linear scaling of the imagemapping_where_to_save = "/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/params/location_of_dest_image.npy"# 2. read a imagecolor = read_image("/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/singleImages/4.png")# 3. get mapping and save it as npyget_mapping_relation(color, param_a, param_b, param_c, param_d, mapping_where_to_save)


import numpy as np
import cv2
import timeif __name__ == "__main__":start = time.time()print("start!!! " + time.ctime())dest_array = np.load("/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/params/location_of_dest_image.npy")dest_array = dest_array.reshape((-1, 2))for i in range(1, 5):original_image_name = "/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/singleImages/{}.png".format(i)color = cv2.imread(original_image_name)color = cv2.resize(color, (1214, 1354))width, height, ndim = color.shape[1], color.shape[0], color.shape[2]map_x = dest_array[:, 1].reshape((height, width)).astype(np.float32)map_y = dest_array[:, 0].reshape((height, width)).astype(np.float32)mapped_img = cv2.remap(color, map_y, map_x, cv2.INTER_LINEAR)cv2.imwrite("/Users/pengyuyan/Desktop/singleFrame/images/mytest_result_images/speed-optimization/INTER_LINEAR/INTER_LINEAR_result_{}.png".format(i), mapped_img)end = time.time()print("end!!! " + time.ctime())print("duration: {}".format(end - start))


start!!! Fri Dec 13 11:41:56 2019
end!!! Fri Dec 13 11:41:56 2019
duration: 0.43956685066223145Process finished with exit code 0


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7qrgrrHry0&feature=youtu.be
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distortion_(optics)


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