
class KeywordExtractor(object):STOP_WORDS = set(("the", "of", "is", "and", "to", "in", "that", "we", "for", "an", "are","by", "be", "as", "on", "with", "can", "if", "from", "which", "you", "it","this", "then", "at", "have", "all", "not", "one", "has", "or", "that"))def set_stop_words(self, stop_words_path):abs_path = _get_abs_path(stop_words_path)if not os.path.isfile(abs_path):raise Exception("jieba: file does not exist: " + abs_path)content = open(abs_path, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8')for line in content.splitlines():self.stop_words.add(line)def extract_tags(self, *args, **kwargs):raise NotImplementedError

set_stop_words方法中将"the", “of”, “is”, “and”, “to”, “in”, “that”, “we”, “for”, “an”, “are”,
“by”, “be”, “as”, “on”, “with”, “can”, “if”, “from”, “which”, “you”, “it”,
“this”, “then”, “at”, “have”, “all”, “not”, “one”, “has”, “or”, “that”

class IDFLoader(object):

def __init__(self, idf_path=None):self.path = ""self.idf_freq = {}self.median_idf = 0.0if idf_path:self.set_new_path(idf_path)def set_new_path(self, new_idf_path):if self.path != new_idf_path:self.path = new_idf_pathcontent = open(new_idf_path, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8')self.idf_freq = {}for line in content.splitlines():word, freq = line.strip().split(' ')self.idf_freq[word] = float(freq)self.median_idf = sorted(self.idf_freq.values())[len(self.idf_freq) // 2]def get_idf(self):return self.idf_freq, self.median_idf

词频 (term frequency, TF) 指的是某一个给定的词语在该文件中出现的次数。这个数字通常会被归一化(一般是词频除以文章总词数), 以防止它偏向长的文件。IDF的主要思想是:如果包含词条t的文档越少, IDF越大,则说明词条具有很好的类别区分能力。某一特定词语的IDF,可以由总文件数目除以包含该词语之文件的数目,再将得到的商取对数得到。
解析 idf.txt,拿到词与idf的对应值,建立一个字典key = word,value = idf

class TFIDF(KeywordExtractor):def __init__(self, idf_path=None):self.tokenizer = jieba.dtself.postokenizer = jieba.posseg.dtself.stop_words = self.STOP_WORDS.copy()self.idf_loader = IDFLoader(idf_path or DEFAULT_IDF)self.idf_freq, self.median_idf = self.idf_loader.get_idf()def set_idf_path(self, idf_path):new_abs_path = _get_abs_path(idf_path)if not os.path.isfile(new_abs_path):raise Exception("jieba: file does not exist: " + new_abs_path)self.idf_loader.set_new_path(new_abs_path)self.idf_freq, self.median_idf = self.idf_loader.get_idf()def extract_tags(self, sentence, topK=20, withWeight=False, allowPOS=(), withFlag=False):"""Extract keywords from sentence using TF-IDF algorithm.Parameter:- topK: return how many top keywords. `None` for all possible words.- withWeight: if True, return a list of (word, weight);if False, return a list of words.- allowPOS: the allowed POS list eg. ['ns', 'n', 'vn', 'v','nr'].if the POS of w is not in this list,it will be filtered.- withFlag: only work with allowPOS is not empty.if True, return a list of pair(word, weight) like posseg.cutif False, return a list of words"""if allowPOS:allowPOS = frozenset(allowPOS)words = self.postokenizer.cut(sentence)else:words = self.tokenizer.cut(sentence)freq = {}for w in words:if allowPOS:if w.flag not in allowPOS:continueelif not withFlag:w = w.wordwc = w.word if allowPOS and withFlag else wif len(wc.strip()) < 2 or wc.lower() in self.stop_words:continuefreq[w] = freq.get(w, 0.0) + 1.0total = sum(freq.values())for k in freq:kw = k.word if allowPOS and withFlag else kfreq[k] *= self.idf_freq.get(kw, self.median_idf) / totalif withWeight:tags = sorted(freq.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)else:tags = sorted(freq, key=freq.__getitem__, reverse=True)if topK:return tags[:topK]else:return tags


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