
glance image 卡在了queued的状态


查看glance的图,应该是要走upload的步骤, 可以查glance-api.conf中定义的store是啥,我的定义是swift, 同时glance-api.log中也报错swift.
再查swift的log,发现是swift的的网不通进入swich,查看核对发现vlan id被人改成了错误的

Glance-api:49 ERROR swiftclient [req-5b37596a-f3d6-4ada-8ece-215f4706518c 62870b0414254865a44c83dbd63fc363 8f5ee47c91c34559b16c6f90af804e05 - - -] Container HEAD failed:..
swift-proxy:swift-proxy-server: ERROR with Container server re: Trying to PUT /AUTH_b42409b0505344859c2b131e4f39b1cf: ConnectionTimeout (0.5s)




- Image在glance中的状态:
The image identifier has been reserved for an image in the Glance registry. No image data has been uploaded to Glance and the image size was not explicitly set to zero on creation.
• saving
Denotes that an image’s raw data is currently being uploaded to Glance. When an image is registered with a call to POST /images and there is an x-image-meta-location header present, that image will never be in the saving status (as the image data is already available in some other location).
• active
Denotes an image that is fully available in Glance. This occurs when the image data is uploaded, or the image size is explicitly set to zero on creation.
• deactivated
Denotes that access to image data is not allowed to any non-admin user. Prohibiting downloads of an image also prohibits operations like image export and image cloning that may require image data.
• killed
Denotes that an error occurred during the uploading of an image’s data, and that the image is not readable.
• deleted
Glance has retained the information about the image, but it is no longer available to use. An image in this state will be removed automatically at a later date.
• pending_delete
This is similar to deleted, however, Glance has not yet removed the image data. An image in this state is not recoverable.

- Tasks在glance中的状态
• pending
The task identifier has been reserved for a task in the Glance. No processing has begun on it yet.
• processing
The task has been picked up by the underlying executor and is being run using the backend Glance execution logic for that task type.
• success
Denotes that the task has had a successful run within Glance. The result field of the task shows more details about the outcome.
• failure
Denotes that an error occurred during the execution of the task and it cannot continue processing. The message field of the task shows what the error was.

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