

---Must we finish the work all day? ---________. You can do it tomorrow.A.Yes, you must.B.No, you mu

--Would you like ________ to eat? --No. thanks. I’d like ________ to drink.A.something, anythingB.so

--- Did you see My Love from the Star (《来自星星的你》)? --- Yes. I ____ it twice so far.A.seeB.am w

Some ______are ______their time to help the old people.A.volunteer; volunteer B.volunteers; voluntee

——There are many ________between them.—— Yes. ________ people think ________.A.different, Difference

India attainedindependence in 1947, afterlong struggle.A.不填;aB.the; aC.an;不填D.an; the

— I can’t stand the weather. I would like to take off my shirt. — Hehe…the weather report says it w

-WhenareyougoingtoHainan? -Iamgoingthere_______June8,2009.A.withB.onC.atD.in

——There are many ________between them.—— Yes. ________ people think ________.A.different, Difference

They arrived _____ Wuhan _____ a cold morning.A.in; inB.at; onC.in; onD.at; in

Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A.whichB.thatC.whenD.on which

The old woman lives_________, but she doesn’t feel__________.A.alone, aloneB.lonely, lonelyC.lonely,

I think I can get the job because I am able to be good with the kids. A.get on well with B.take good

---- How do you like the film Tiny Times? ---- Well, Guo Jingming’s fans are all _____ in it. But it

----The flowers in the garden are more beautiful than _____ in doors.A.them B.thoseC.it D.what

I had a hard time learning math last year. A.was hard-workingB.worked hardC.had troubleD.didn’t like

—National Day is coming in .—Great. We will have a vacation.A.seven days, seven day’s timeB.seven da

Our teacher told us ______carefully in class.A.listen B.to listen C.listened D.listens

They arrived _____ Wuhan _____ a cold morning.A.in; inB.at; onC.in; onD.at; in

---Would you like tea or coffee? --- I need of them. I just had a large glass of water 5 minutes ago

Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A.whichB.thatC.whenD.on which

bikes are new, but are old.A.Our, theirs B.Our, their C.Ours, their

The girl was flying a kite ________ her father came back.A.whileB.whenC.untilD.after

---- Lin Zhiying is 39 years old. But he looks even _____ than a college student.---- Yes, he is one

---Is your sister’s room as­­­­as?----No,it isn’t.A.big youB.bigger, yourC.biggest y

Song Ying is _________ kind that she has donated almost all her savings to a charity.A.veryB.soC.muc

I became a student ten years . I have been a student1996. I have studied here_____ about 10 years.A.

May works hard at her study, and she does her homework ______ every day. A.for herselfB.on herselfC.

--What about those two new shirts ?--I like them, _____ of them looks good on me.A.AllB.eachC.bothD.

The old man lives ____ in the big apartment but he doesn’t feel ___ at allA.alone; aloneB.alone; lon

---- ____ is the Ming Great Wall?---- About 8850 kilometers.A.How longB.How farC.How highD.How deep

I believe you must come first in the exam. You always do __________ in our class.A.more carefully B.

—What a nice watch!—My grandpa gave it to me as a gift on my __________ birthday. A.nineB.ninth C.th

They arrived _____ Wuhan _____ a cold morning.A.in; inB.at; onC.in; onD.at; in

________students took the high school entrance exam on time ________ the morning of June 16th in Yan

Mary noticed ________ with the English way of life.A.new somethingB.anything newC.something interest

My mother is ________ thin because she eats _________ meat.A.a little, littleB.a little, a littleC.l

---- ____ is the Ming Great Wall?---- About 8850 kilometers.A.How longB.How farC.How highD.How deep

Micky Mouse a symble of .A.chinese cultureB.American cultureC.Canadia cultureD.Australian culture

The old woman lives_________, but she doesn’t feel__________.A.alone, aloneB.lonely, lonelyC.lonely,

—By the way, _____________ is it from your home to the Summer Palace?—It usually takes me 30 minutes

—By the way, _____________ is it from your home to the Summer Palace?—It usually takes me 30 minutes

We all like ________animal. Because they are ______ interesting.A.kind of; kind ofB.this kind of; ki

India attainedindependence in 1947, afterlong struggle.A.不填;aB.the; aC.an;不填D.an; the

---Which do you like ____, Chinese, English or math? --- English. A.goodB.betterC. bestD.well

Is this photo of your daughter? She looks _____ in the pink dress.A.happily B.lovelyC.friendlyD.poli

.--- My Chinese is ____ of all the subjects, can I help you? --- Sure.A. worstB.the worstC. betterD.

The dooropen , no matter how hard she pushed.A.shouldn’tB.couldn'tC.wouldn'tD.mightn't

— Emily, here’s a dictionary. I hope it will help you. — Thank you. It’s ________ what I need.A.only

Tony can hardly boil an egg,stillcook dinner.A.lessB.littleC.muchD.more

---Would you like tea or coffee? --- I need of them. I just had a large glass of water 5 minutes ago

---Have you cooked supper_________?---Yes, I have _________ finished it.A.yet, justB.yet, everC.alre

The dooropen , no matter how hard she pushed.A.shouldn’tB.couldn'tC.wouldn'tD.mightn't

Rice grows _________ here, because there’s _________ rain.A.good; many B.well; littleC.good; fewD.we

We all like ________animal. Because they are ______ interesting.A.kind of; kind ofB.this kind of; ki

——Our math teacher has ____hair.A.curly black longB.black long curlyC.a long curly blackD.long curly

Her mother asked her to keep the windows ____ and the door ____.A.open ; closed B.closed ; to open C

—Is this your jacket, Michael.—No, I it’s .A.think, Kangkang’s B.think, Kangkang C.guess, Kangkang

— _________ is it from here to your home town? — Well, it takes over three hours to get there by car

---________is the weather like in America in winter? ---It’s snowy.A.WhatB.HowC.WhereD.Why


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