松翰c语言(项目)例程(Sonix C language routines (project))

松翰c语言(项目)例程(Sonix C language routines (project))

Sonix C language routines (project)

Later, for the convenience of MCU friends of SCM project development, I will choose some simple practical projects published in the forum, including Sonix, elan, Hetai singlechip C language program.

The only requirement is to reprint a friend pointed out that reproduced at.

Statement: This routine is a motor speed adjustable timer products, we provide users reference, reproduced please indicate clearly reproduced at.

/*------------ - sn8p2602B


Functions: timer output, there are three buttons, three LED display, 00-40 minutes to select the timing output file, 1-4 strength.

Preparation: Zhongshan Pakistan closed electronic studio lcsome

Technical support:

Modify the reason: because the re layout, increase light even eliminate the lightning, and update key arrangement


Modify reason: revise the power on, do not show. The completion of the countdown, 5 seconds without operation automatically and display.

Revision date: 2009.10.9

Modify the reason: customers reflect the variable level, not by accumulating to increase, but according to each stage of growth

Revision date: 2009.10.13

* /


Noise_Filter Disable

Security Enable

Fcpu Fosc/2

Watch_Dog Enable

Reset_pin P15



* /


#define uint unsigned int

#define uchar unsigned char

Struct bitDefine{

Unsigned bit0:1;

Unsigned bit1:1;

Unsigned bit2:1;

Unsigned bit3:1;

Unsigned bit4:1;

Unsigned bit5:1;

Unsigned bit6:1;

Unsigned bit7:1;


/ /

#define run (flag1.bit0) / /

#define key_mode_last (flag1.bit1) / /

#define key_power_last (flag1.bit2) / /

#define key_delay_last (flag1.bit3) / /

#define time_10ms_flag (flag1.bit4)

#define sync_last (flag1.bit5) / / synchronous detection

//#define display_enable (flag1.bit6)

#define LED (flag1.bit6)

#define _nop (__asm{nop})

#define _clrwdt ([email=__asm{@RST_WDT]__asm{@RST_WDT[/email]})



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