1、Statistics Pooling


The statistics pooling layer calculates the mean vector µ as well as the second-order statistics as the standard deviation vector σ over frame-level features ht (t = 1, · · · , T ).

where ⊙ represents the Hadamard product.

2、Attentive Statistics Pooling


calculates a scalar score et for each frame-level feature.

where f(·) is a non-linear activation function, such as a tanh or ReLU function.

The score is normalized over all frames by a softmax function so as to add up to the following unity:

The normalized score αt is then used as the weight in the pooling layer to calculate the weighted mean vector

the weighted standard deviation is defined as follows:

3、Self-Attentive pooling


H = {h1, h2, · · · , hT }, where ht is the hidden representation of input frame xt captured by the hidden layer below the self-attention layer.

where W1 is a matrix of size dh × da; W2 is a matrix of size da × dr, and dr is a hyperparameter that represents the number of attention heads; g(·) is some activation function and ReLU is chosen here. The sof tmax(·) is performed column-wise.

Each column vector of A is an annotation vector that represents the weights for different ht. Finally the weighted means E is obtained by

By increasing dr, we can easily have multiple attention heads to learn different aspects from a speaker’s speech. To encourage diversity in the annotation vectors so that each attention head can extract dissimilar information from the same speech segment, a penalty term P is introduced when dr > 1:

where I is the identity matrix and k·kF represents the Frobenius norm of a matrix. P is similar to L2 regularization and is minimized together with the original cost of the whole system

4、self Multi-Head Attention pooling


where Ti 1 is a temperature hyperparameter





6 learnable dictionary encoding (LDE)


Here, we introduce two groups of learnable parameters. One is the dictionary component center, noted as µ = {µ1, µ2 · · · µc}. The other one is assigned weights, noted as w.

where the smoothing factor  s_cfor each dictionary center u_cis learnable.

7、Attentive bilinear pooling (ABP)


Specifically, let H ∈ RL×D be the frame-level feature map captured by the hidden layer below the self-attention layer, where L and D are the number of frames and feature dimension respectively. Then the attention map A ∈ RL×K can be obtained by feeding H into a 1×1 convolutional layer followed by softmax non-linear activation, where K is the number of attention heads. The 1 st-order and 2 nd-order attentive statistics of H, denoted by µ and σ 2 , can be computed similar as crosslayer bilinear pooling [4], which is

where T1(x) is the operation of reshaping x into a vector, and T2(x) includes a signed square-root step and a L2- normalization step. represents the Hadamard product. The output of ABP is the concatenation of µ and σ 2

8、Short-time Spectral Pooling (STSP)




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