
//画条码 直接贴到主模板图上GenBarCode(memDC, barCodeSn_left, barCodeSn_top, barCodeSn_bottom, sn, iStyle, 0, width - barCodeSn_left * 2);//画第一个二维码,保存到图片int ret = CreateQRCodeBMP((unsigned char *)"chenhao", 0, NULL, DEF_QRCODE_BMP_1);if (ret != 0) { AfxMessageBox("创建二维码失败"); return; }CImage image2; //创建图片类,把二维码图片 贴到主模板图上image2.Load(DEF_QRCODE_BMP_1);if (image2 == NULL) { AfxMessageBox("二维码文件不存在:" + (g_szTemplateName)); return; }HDC memDC2 = image2.GetDC();int xDest = 10;int yDest = 472;int wDest = 500;int hDest = 500;int xSrc = 0;int ySrc = 0;int wSrc = image2.GetWidth();int hSrc = image2.GetHeight();::SetStretchBltMode(memDC, COLORONCOLOR); //删除像素。该模式删除所有消除的像素行,不保留其信息::StretchBlt(memDC, xDest, yDest, wDest, hDest, memDC2, xSrc, ySrc, wSrc, hSrc, SRCCOPY);//拉伸贴图image2.ReleaseDC();

C++处理二维码: 字符串--二维码比特矩阵--保存二维码图片--粘到主图中。

先画条型码会影响二维码,生成的没问题,粘到主图有问题,改成::SetStretchBltMode(memDC, COLORONCOLOR);后正常,不论先后顺序。先画二维码正常,正常情况下也不重叠。

pbText 要生成的二维码文字内容
iTextlen 内容长度 以0结束的字符串长度可以为0
pbCodeTextName 保存二维码数据的文件名 NULL时不存保
pbQRCodeName 二维码图片名
return 0成功  其它失败
int CreateQRCodeBMP(unsigned char *pbText, unsigned int iTextlen, const char *pbCodeTextName, const char *pbQRCodeName)
{FILE *fp;uint8_t qrcode[QR_MAX_BITDATA];//先清空相关文件fp = fopen(pbQRCodeName, "wb+");fclose(fp);int size = qr_encode(QR_LEVEL_L, 0, (const char *)pbText, iTextlen, qrcode); //二维码矩阵 返回单边比特数量if (size == -1){size = 0;return -1;}//实际每行占用字节数,bmp要求行必须4字对齐,每行8个bit因此需要算32bit的余数unsigned int irealSize = (size % 32 > 0)?size + (32 - (size % 32)):size;BYTE *pbQRcode1 = (BYTE *)malloc(irealSize*size);//存二维码字符填充memset(pbQRcode1, '-', irealSize*size);unsigned int ipos = 0;unsigned int ipos2 = 0;BYTE ibit = 8;unsigned int iflag = 1;while (iflag){for (int i = 8; i > 0; i--){if (((qrcode[ipos] >> (i - 1)) & 0x01) > 0){pbQRcode1[ipos2] = '#';}else{pbQRcode1[ipos2] = ' ';}ipos2++;if ((ipos2%irealSize) % size == 0){ipos2 += irealSize - size; //跳过对齐填充的}if (ipos2 >= irealSize * size)//总比特数{iflag = 0;break;}}ipos++;}if (pbCodeTextName != NULL){//先清空相关文件fp = fopen(pbCodeTextName, "wb+");fclose(fp);fp = fopen(pbCodeTextName, "wb+"); //保存到文件ipos = 0;while (ipos < size){fwrite(pbQRcode1 + ipos * (irealSize), 1, irealSize, fp);fprintf(fp, "\r\n"); //加上回车换行ipos++;}fclose(fp); //保存文件完成}BYTE *pbQRcode2 = (BYTE *)malloc((irealSize*size) / 8);//图片memset(pbQRcode2, 0x00, (irealSize*size) / 8);int i = 0;unsigned int ipos4 = 0;int ibit4 = 8;for (i = 0; i < size; i++)//把pbQRcode1解析成pbQRcode2格式 即图片需要的格式{for (int j = 0; j < irealSize; j++){BYTE bT = pbQRcode1[(size - 1 - i)*irealSize + j];pbQRcode2[ipos4] |= (bT == ' ') ? (0x01 << (ibit4 - 1)) : 0x00;ibit4--;if (ibit4 == 0){ipos4++;ibit4 = 8;}}ibit4 = 8;}free(pbQRcode1);BITMAPFILEHEADER FileHeader;BITMAPINFOHEADER BmpHeader;BYTE pbRGBMask[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00 };// Fill the FileHeaderFileHeader.bfType = ((WORD)('M' << 8) | 'B');FileHeader.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(pbRGBMask);FileHeader.bfSize = FileHeader.bfOffBits + (irealSize * size) / 8;FileHeader.bfReserved1 = 0;FileHeader.bfReserved2 = 0;// Fill the ImgHeaderBmpHeader.biSize = 40;BmpHeader.biWidth = size;BmpHeader.biHeight = size;BmpHeader.biPlanes = 1;BmpHeader.biBitCount = 1;BmpHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;BmpHeader.biSizeImage = 84;BmpHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;BmpHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;BmpHeader.biClrUsed = 0;BmpHeader.biClrImportant = 0;// fill rgb maskfp = fopen(pbQRCodeName, "wb+");fwrite(&FileHeader, 1, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), fp);fwrite(&BmpHeader, 1, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), fp);fwrite(pbRGBMask, 1, sizeof(pbRGBMask), fp);fwrite(pbQRcode2, 1, (irealSize*size) / 8, fp);fclose(fp);free(pbQRcode2);return 0;
/** Copyright (c) 2010 Psytec Inc.* Copyright (c) 2012 Alexey Mednyy <swexru@gmail.com>* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Pavol Rusnak <stick@gk2.sk>** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*/
//#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "qr_encode.h"
#include "qr_consts.h"#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endifstatic int m_nLevel;
static int m_nVersion;
static int m_nMaskingNo;
static int m_ncDataCodeWordBit, m_ncAllCodeWord, nEncodeVersion;
static int m_ncDataBlock;
static int m_nSymbleSize;
static int m_nBlockLength[QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD];
static uint8_t m_byModuleData[QR_MAX_MODULESIZE][QR_MAX_MODULESIZE]; // [x][y]
static uint8_t m_byAllCodeWord[QR_MAX_ALLCODEWORD];
static uint8_t m_byBlockMode[QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD];
static uint8_t m_byDataCodeWord[QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD];
static uint8_t m_byRSWork[QR_MAX_CODEBLOCK];static int IsNumeralData(uint8_t c)
{if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return 1;return 0;
}static int IsAlphabetData(uint8_t c)
{if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return 1;if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return 1;if (c == ' ' || c == '$' || c == '%' || c == '*' || c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == ':') return 1;return 0;
}static uint8_t AlphabetToBinary(uint8_t c)
{if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return (uint8_t)(c - '0');if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return (uint8_t)(c - 'A' + 10);if (c == ' ') return 36;if (c == '$') return 37;if (c == '%') return 38;if (c == '*') return 39;if (c == '+') return 40;if (c == '-') return 41;if (c == '.') return 42;if (c == '/') return 43;return 44; // c == ':'
}static int SetBitStream(int nIndex, uint16_t wData, int ncData)
{int i;if (nIndex == -1 || nIndex + ncData > QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD * 8) return -1;for (i = 0; i < ncData; i++) {if (wData & (1 << (ncData - i - 1))) {m_byDataCodeWord[(nIndex + i) / 8] |= 1 << (7 - ((nIndex + i) % 8));}}return nIndex + ncData;
}static int GetBitLength(uint8_t nMode, int ncData, int nVerGroup)
{int ncBits = 0;switch (nMode) {case QR_MODE_NUMERAL:ncBits = 4 + nIndicatorLenNumeral[nVerGroup] + (10 * (ncData / 3));switch (ncData % 3) {case 1:ncBits += 4;break;case 2:ncBits += 7;break;default: // case 0:break;}break;case QR_MODE_ALPHABET:ncBits = 4 + nIndicatorLenAlphabet[nVerGroup] + (11 * (ncData / 2)) + (6 * (ncData % 2));break;default: // case QR_MODE_8BIT:ncBits = 4 + nIndicatorLen8Bit[nVerGroup] + (8 * ncData);break;}return ncBits;
}static int EncodeSourceData(const char* lpsSource, int ncLength, int nVerGroup)
{memset(m_nBlockLength, 0, sizeof(m_nBlockLength));int i, j;// Investigate whether continuing characters (bytes) which mode is whatfor (m_ncDataBlock = i = 0; i < ncLength; i++) {uint8_t byMode;if (IsNumeralData(lpsSource[i])) {byMode = QR_MODE_NUMERAL;} else if (IsAlphabetData(lpsSource[i])) {byMode = QR_MODE_ALPHABET;} else {byMode = QR_MODE_8BIT;}if (i == 0) {m_byBlockMode[0] = byMode;}if (m_byBlockMode[m_ncDataBlock] != byMode) {m_byBlockMode[++m_ncDataBlock] = byMode;}m_nBlockLength[m_ncDataBlock]++;}m_ncDataBlock++;// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// Linked by a sequence of conditional block alphanumeric mode and numeric mode block adjacentint ncSrcBits, ncDstBits; // The bit length of the block mode if you have over the original bit length and a single alphanumericint nBlock = 0;while (nBlock < m_ncDataBlock - 1) {int ncJoinFront, ncJoinBehind;        // Bit length when combined with 8-bit byte block mode before and afterint nJoinPosition = 0;      // Block the binding of 8-bit byte mode: combined with the previous -1 = 0 = do not bind, bind behind a =// Sort of - "digit alphanumeric" - "or alphanumeric numbers"if ((m_byBlockMode[nBlock] == QR_MODE_NUMERAL && m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 1] == QR_MODE_ALPHABET) ||(m_byBlockMode[nBlock] == QR_MODE_ALPHABET && m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 1] == QR_MODE_NUMERAL)) {// If you compare the bit length of alphanumeric characters and a single block mode over the original bit lengthncSrcBits = GetBitLength(m_byBlockMode[nBlock], m_nBlockLength[nBlock], nVerGroup) +GetBitLength(m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 1], m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1], nVerGroup);ncDstBits = GetBitLength(QR_MODE_ALPHABET, m_nBlockLength[nBlock] + m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1], nVerGroup);if (ncSrcBits > ncDstBits) {// If there is an 8-bit byte block mode back and forth, check whether they favor the binding ofif (nBlock >= 1 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock - 1] == QR_MODE_8BIT) {// There are 8-bit byte block mode beforencJoinFront = GetBitLength(QR_MODE_8BIT, m_nBlockLength[nBlock - 1] + m_nBlockLength[nBlock], nVerGroup) +GetBitLength(m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 1], m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1], nVerGroup);if (ncJoinFront > ncDstBits + GetBitLength(QR_MODE_8BIT, m_nBlockLength[nBlock - 1], nVerGroup)) {ncJoinFront = 0; // 8-bit byte and block mode does not bind}} else {ncJoinFront = 0;}if (nBlock < m_ncDataBlock - 2 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 2] == QR_MODE_8BIT) {// There are 8-bit byte mode block behindncJoinBehind = GetBitLength(m_byBlockMode[nBlock], m_nBlockLength[nBlock], nVerGroup) +GetBitLength(QR_MODE_8BIT, m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1] + m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 2], nVerGroup);if (ncJoinBehind > ncDstBits + GetBitLength(QR_MODE_8BIT, m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 2], nVerGroup)) {ncJoinBehind = 0; // 8-bit byte and block mode does not bind}} else {ncJoinBehind = 0;}if (ncJoinFront != 0 && ncJoinBehind != 0) {// If there is a 8-bit byte block mode has priority both before and after the way the data length is shorternJoinPosition = (ncJoinFront < ncJoinBehind) ? -1 : 1;} else {nJoinPosition = (ncJoinFront != 0) ? -1 : ((ncJoinBehind != 0) ? 1 : 0);}if (nJoinPosition != 0) {// Block the binding of 8-bit byte modeif (nJoinPosition == -1) {m_nBlockLength[nBlock - 1] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}} else {m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 1] = QR_MODE_8BIT;m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 2];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock + 2; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}}m_ncDataBlock--;} else {// Block mode integrated into a single alphanumeric string of numbers and alphanumericif (nBlock < m_ncDataBlock - 2 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 2] == QR_MODE_ALPHABET) {// Binding mode of the block followed by alphanumeric block attempts to joinm_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 2];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock + 2; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}m_ncDataBlock--;}m_byBlockMode[nBlock] = QR_MODE_ALPHABET;m_nBlockLength[nBlock] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock + 1; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}m_ncDataBlock--;if (nBlock >= 1 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock - 1] == QR_MODE_ALPHABET) {// Combined mode of alphanumeric block before the block boundm_nBlockLength[nBlock - 1] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}m_ncDataBlock--;}}continue;// Re-examine the block of the current position}}nBlock++; // Investigate the next block}// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// 8-bit byte block mode over the short block mode to continuousnBlock = 0;while (nBlock < m_ncDataBlock - 1) {ncSrcBits = GetBitLength(m_byBlockMode[nBlock], m_nBlockLength[nBlock], nVerGroup)+ GetBitLength(m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 1], m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1], nVerGroup);ncDstBits = GetBitLength(QR_MODE_8BIT, m_nBlockLength[nBlock] + m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1], nVerGroup);// If there is a 8-bit byte block mode before, subtract the duplicate indicator minuteif (nBlock >= 1 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock - 1] == QR_MODE_8BIT) {ncDstBits -= (4 + nIndicatorLen8Bit[nVerGroup]);}// If there is a block behind the 8-bit byte mode, subtract the duplicate indicator minuteif (nBlock < m_ncDataBlock - 2 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 2] == QR_MODE_8BIT) {ncDstBits -= (4 + nIndicatorLen8Bit[nVerGroup]);}if (ncSrcBits > ncDstBits) {if (nBlock >= 1 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock - 1] == QR_MODE_8BIT) {// 8-bit byte mode coupling block in front of the block to joinm_nBlockLength[nBlock - 1] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}m_ncDataBlock--;nBlock--;}if (nBlock < m_ncDataBlock - 2 && m_byBlockMode[nBlock + 2] == QR_MODE_8BIT) {// 8-bit byte mode coupling block at the back of the block to joinm_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 2];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock + 2; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}m_ncDataBlock--;}m_byBlockMode[nBlock] = QR_MODE_8BIT;m_nBlockLength[nBlock] += m_nBlockLength[nBlock + 1];// The subsequent shiftfor (i = nBlock + 1; i < m_ncDataBlock - 1; i++) {m_byBlockMode[i] = m_byBlockMode[i + 1];m_nBlockLength[i] = m_nBlockLength[i + 1];}m_ncDataBlock--;// Re-examination in front of the block boundif (nBlock >= 1) {nBlock--;}continue;}nBlock++;// Investigate the next block}// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// Mosquito bit arrayint ncComplete = 0; // Data pre-processing counteruint16_t wBinCode;m_ncDataCodeWordBit = 0;// Bit counter processing unitmemset(m_byDataCodeWord, 0, sizeof(m_byDataCodeWord));for (i = 0; i < m_ncDataBlock && m_ncDataCodeWordBit != -1; i++) {if (m_byBlockMode[i] == QR_MODE_NUMERAL) {// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// Numeric mode// Indicator (0001b)m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, 1, 4);// Set number of charactersm_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, (uint16_t)m_nBlockLength[i], nIndicatorLenNumeral[nVerGroup]);// Save the bit stringfor (j = 0; j < m_nBlockLength[i]; j += 3) {if (j < m_nBlockLength[i] - 2) {wBinCode = (uint16_t)(((lpsSource[ncComplete + j] - '0') * 100) +((lpsSource[ncComplete + j + 1] - '0') * 10) +(lpsSource[ncComplete + j + 2] - '0'));m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, wBinCode, 10);} elseif (j == m_nBlockLength[i] - 2) {// 2 bytes fractionwBinCode = (uint16_t)(((lpsSource[ncComplete + j] - '0') * 10) +(lpsSource[ncComplete + j + 1] - '0'));m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, wBinCode, 7);} elseif (j == m_nBlockLength[i] - 1) {// A fraction of byteswBinCode = (uint16_t)(lpsSource[ncComplete + j] - '0');m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, wBinCode, 4);}}ncComplete += m_nBlockLength[i];}elseif (m_byBlockMode[i] == QR_MODE_ALPHABET) {// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// Alphanumeric mode// Mode indicator (0010b)m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, 2, 4);// Set number of charactersm_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, (uint16_t)m_nBlockLength[i], nIndicatorLenAlphabet[nVerGroup]);// Save the bit stringfor (j = 0; j < m_nBlockLength[i]; j += 2) {if (j < m_nBlockLength[i] - 1) {wBinCode = (uint16_t)((AlphabetToBinary(lpsSource[ncComplete + j]) * 45) +AlphabetToBinary(lpsSource[ncComplete + j + 1]));m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, wBinCode, 11);} else {// A fraction of byteswBinCode = (uint16_t)AlphabetToBinary(lpsSource[ncComplete + j]);m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, wBinCode, 6);}}ncComplete += m_nBlockLength[i];}else { // (m_byBlockMode[i] == QR_MODE_8BIT)// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// 8-bit byte mode// Mode indicator (0100b)m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, 4, 4);// Set number of charactersm_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, (uint16_t)m_nBlockLength[i], nIndicatorLen8Bit[nVerGroup]);// Save the bit stringfor (j = 0; j < m_nBlockLength[i]; j++) {m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, (uint16_t)lpsSource[ncComplete + j], 8);}ncComplete += m_nBlockLength[i];}}return (m_ncDataCodeWordBit != -1);
}// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /
// APPLICATIONS: To get the bit length
// Args: data mode type, data length, group version (model number)
// Returns: data bit lengthstatic int GetEncodeVersion(int nVersion, const char* lpsSource, int ncLength)
{int nVerGroup = nVersion >= 27 ? QR_VERSION_L : (nVersion >= 10 ? QR_VERSION_M : QR_VERSION_S);int i, j;for (i = nVerGroup; i <= QR_VERSION_L; i++) {if (EncodeSourceData(lpsSource, ncLength, i)) {if (i == QR_VERSION_S) {for (j = 1; j <= 9; j++) {if ((m_ncDataCodeWordBit + 7) / 8 <= QR_VersonInfo[j].ncDataCodeWord[m_nLevel]) {return j;}}}
#if QR_MAX_VERSION >= QR_VERSION_Melseif (i == QR_VERSION_M) {for (j = 10; j <= 26; j++) {if ((m_ncDataCodeWordBit + 7) / 8 <= QR_VersonInfo[j].ncDataCodeWord[m_nLevel]) {return j;}}}
#if QR_MAX_VERSION >= QR_VERSION_Lelseif (i == QR_VERSION_L) {for (j = 27; j <= 40; j++) {if ((m_ncDataCodeWordBit + 7) / 8 <= QR_VersonInfo[j].ncDataCodeWord[m_nLevel]) {return j;}}}
#endif}}return 0;
}static void GetRSCodeWord(uint8_t* lpbyRSWork, int ncDataCodeWord, int ncRSCodeWord)
{int i, j;for (i = 0; i < ncDataCodeWord ; i++) {if (lpbyRSWork[0] != 0) {uint8_t nExpFirst = byIntToExp[lpbyRSWork[0]]; // Multiplier coefficient is calculated from the first termfor (j = 0; j < ncRSCodeWord; j++) {// Add (% 255 ^ 255 = 1) the first term multiplier to multiplier sectionsuint8_t nExpElement = (uint8_t)(((int)(byRSExp[ncRSCodeWord][j] + nExpFirst)) % 255);// Surplus calculated by the exclusivelpbyRSWork[j] = (uint8_t)(lpbyRSWork[j + 1] ^ byExpToInt[nExpElement]);}// Shift the remaining digitsfor (j = ncRSCodeWord; j < ncDataCodeWord + ncRSCodeWord - 1; j++) {lpbyRSWork[j] = lpbyRSWork[j + 1];}} else {// Shift the remaining digitsfor (j = 0; j < ncDataCodeWord + ncRSCodeWord - 1; j++) {lpbyRSWork[j] = lpbyRSWork[j + 1];}}}
}static void SetFinderPattern(int x, int y)
{static const uint8_t byPattern[] = {  0x7f,   // 1111111b0x41,    // 1000001b0x5d,    // 1011101b0x5d,    // 1011101b0x5d,    // 1011101b0x41,    // 1000001b0x7f};   // 1111111bint i, j;for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) {m_byModuleData[x + j][y + i] = (byPattern[i] & (1 << (6 - j))) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}}
}static void SetVersionPattern(void)
{int i, j;if (m_nVersion <= 6) {return;}int nVerData = m_nVersion << 12;// Calculated bit remainderfor (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {if (nVerData & (1 << (17 - i))) {nVerData ^= (0x1f25 << (5 - i));}}nVerData += m_nVersion << 12;for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {m_byModuleData[m_nSymbleSize - 11 + j][i] = m_byModuleData[i][m_nSymbleSize - 11 + j] =(nVerData & (1 << (i * 3 + j))) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}}
}static void SetAlignmentPattern(int x, int y)
{static const uint8_t byPattern[] = {  0x1f,   // 11111b0x11,  // 10001b0x15,  // 10101b0x11,  // 10001b0x1f}; // 11111bint i, j;if (m_byModuleData[x][y] & 0x20) {return;         // Excluded due to overlap with the functional module}x -= 2; y -= 2;     // Convert the coordinates to the upper left cornerfor (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {m_byModuleData[x + j][y + i] = (byPattern[i] & (1 << (4 - j))) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}}
}static void SetFunctionModule(void)
{int i, j;// Position detection patternSetFinderPattern(0, 0);SetFinderPattern(m_nSymbleSize - 7, 0);SetFinderPattern(0, m_nSymbleSize - 7);// Separator pattern position detectionfor (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {m_byModuleData[i][7] = m_byModuleData[7][i] = '\x20';m_byModuleData[m_nSymbleSize - 8][i] = m_byModuleData[m_nSymbleSize - 8 + i][7] = '\x20';m_byModuleData[i][m_nSymbleSize - 8] = m_byModuleData[7][m_nSymbleSize - 8 + i] = '\x20';}// Registration as part of a functional module position description format informationfor (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {m_byModuleData[i][8] = m_byModuleData[8][i] = '\x20';}for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {m_byModuleData[m_nSymbleSize - 8 + i][8] = m_byModuleData[8][m_nSymbleSize - 8 + i] = '\x20';}// Version information patternSetVersionPattern();// Pattern alignmentfor (i = 0; i < QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].ncAlignPoint; i++) {SetAlignmentPattern(QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].nAlignPoint[i], 6);SetAlignmentPattern(6, QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].nAlignPoint[i]);for (j = 0; j < QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].ncAlignPoint; j++) {SetAlignmentPattern(QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].nAlignPoint[i], QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].nAlignPoint[j]);}}// Timing patternfor (i = 8; i <= m_nSymbleSize - 9; i++) {m_byModuleData[i][6] = (i % 2) == 0 ? '\x30' : '\x20';m_byModuleData[6][i] = (i % 2) == 0 ? '\x30' : '\x20';}
}static void SetCodeWordPattern(void)
{int x = m_nSymbleSize;int y = m_nSymbleSize - 1;int nCoef_x = 1;    // placement orientation axis xint nCoef_y = 1;    // placement orientation axis yint i, j;for (i = 0; i < m_ncAllCodeWord; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {do {x += nCoef_x;nCoef_x *= -1;if (nCoef_x < 0) {y += nCoef_y;if (y < 0 || y == m_nSymbleSize) {y = (y < 0) ? 0 : m_nSymbleSize - 1;nCoef_y *= -1;x -= 2;if (x == 6) { // Timing patternx--;}}}} while (m_byModuleData[x][y] & 0x20); // Exclude a functional modulem_byModuleData[x][y] = (m_byAllCodeWord[i] & (1 << (7 - j))) ? '\x02' : '\x00';}}
}static void SetMaskingPattern(int nPatternNo)
{int i, j;for (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize; j++) {if (! (m_byModuleData[j][i] & 0x20)) { // Exclude a functional moduleint bMask;switch (nPatternNo) {case 0:bMask = ((i + j) % 2 == 0);break;case 1:bMask = (i % 2 == 0);break;case 2:bMask = (j % 3 == 0);break;case 3:bMask = ((i + j) % 3 == 0);break;case 4:bMask = (((i / 2) + (j / 3)) % 2 == 0);break;case 5:bMask = (((i * j) % 2) + ((i * j) % 3) == 0);break;case 6:bMask = ((((i * j) % 2) + ((i * j) % 3)) % 2 == 0);break;default: // case 7:bMask = ((((i * j) % 3) + ((i + j) % 2)) % 2 == 0);break;}m_byModuleData[j][i] = (uint8_t)((m_byModuleData[j][i] & 0xfe) | (((m_byModuleData[j][i] & 0x02) > 1) ^ bMask));}}}
}static void SetFormatInfoPattern(int nPatternNo)
{int nFormatInfo;int i;switch (m_nLevel) {case QR_LEVEL_L:nFormatInfo = 0x08; // 01nnnbbreak;case QR_LEVEL_M:nFormatInfo = 0x00; // 00nnnbbreak;case QR_LEVEL_Q:nFormatInfo = 0x18; // 11nnnbbreak;default: // case QR_LEVEL_H:nFormatInfo = 0x10; // 10nnnbbreak;}nFormatInfo += nPatternNo;int nFormatData = nFormatInfo << 10;// Calculated bit remainderfor (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {if (nFormatData & (1 << (14 - i))) {nFormatData ^= (0x0537 << (4 - i)); // 10100110111b}}nFormatData += nFormatInfo << 10;// MaskingnFormatData ^= 0x5412; // 101010000010010b// Position detection patterns located around the upper leftfor (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {m_byModuleData[8][i] = (nFormatData & (1 << i)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}m_byModuleData[8][7] = (nFormatData & (1 << 6)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';m_byModuleData[8][8] = (nFormatData & (1 << 7)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';m_byModuleData[7][8] = (nFormatData & (1 << 8)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';for (i = 9; i <= 14; i++) {m_byModuleData[14 - i][8] = (nFormatData & (1 << i)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}// Position detection patterns located under the upper right cornerfor (i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {m_byModuleData[m_nSymbleSize - 1 - i][8] = (nFormatData & (1 << i)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}// Right lower left position detection patterns locatedm_byModuleData[8][m_nSymbleSize - 8] = '\x30';   // Module fixed darkfor (i = 8; i <= 14; i++) {m_byModuleData[8][m_nSymbleSize - 15 + i] = (nFormatData & (1 << i)) ? '\x30' : '\x20';}
}static int CountPenalty(void)
{int nPenalty = 0;int i, j, k;// Column of the same color adjacent modulefor (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize - 4; j++) {int nCount = 1;for (k = j + 1; k < m_nSymbleSize; k++) {if (((m_byModuleData[i][j] & 0x11) == 0) == ((m_byModuleData[i][k] & 0x11) == 0)) {nCount++;} else {break;}}if (nCount >= 5) {nPenalty += 3 + (nCount - 5);}j = k - 1;}}// Adjacent module line of the same colorfor (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize - 4; j++) {int nCount = 1;for (k = j + 1; k < m_nSymbleSize; k++) {if (((m_byModuleData[j][i] & 0x11) == 0) == ((m_byModuleData[k][i] & 0x11) == 0)) {nCount++;} else {break;}}if (nCount >= 5) {nPenalty += 3 + (nCount - 5);}j = k - 1;}}// Modules of the same color block (2 ~ 2)for (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize - 1; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize - 1; j++) {if ((((m_byModuleData[i][j] & 0x11) == 0) == ((m_byModuleData[i + 1][j]     & 0x11) == 0)) &&(((m_byModuleData[i][j] & 0x11) == 0) == ((m_byModuleData[i] [j + 1] & 0x11) == 0)) &&(((m_byModuleData[i][j] & 0x11) == 0) == ((m_byModuleData[i + 1][j + 1] & 0x11) == 0))) {nPenalty += 3;}}}// Pattern (dark dark: light: dark: light) ratio 1:1:3:1:1 in the same columnfor (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize - 6; j++) {if (((j == 0) ||                (! (m_byModuleData[i][j - 1] & 0x11))) &&(   m_byModuleData[i][j    ] & 0x11) &&(! (m_byModuleData[i][j + 1] & 0x11)) &&(   m_byModuleData[i][j + 2] & 0x11) &&(   m_byModuleData[i][j + 3] & 0x11) &&(   m_byModuleData[i][j + 4] & 0x11) &&(! (m_byModuleData[i][j + 5] & 0x11)) &&(   m_byModuleData[i][j + 6] & 0x11) &&((j == m_nSymbleSize - 7) || (! (m_byModuleData[i][j + 7] & 0x11)))) {// Clear pattern of four or more before or afterif (((j < 2 || ! (m_byModuleData[i][j - 2] & 0x11)) &&(j < 3 || ! (m_byModuleData[i][j - 3] & 0x11)) &&(j < 4 || ! (m_byModuleData[i][j - 4] & 0x11))) ||((j >= m_nSymbleSize - 8 || ! (m_byModuleData[i][j + 8] & 0x11)) &&(j >= m_nSymbleSize - 9 || ! (m_byModuleData[i][j + 9] & 0x11)) &&(j >= m_nSymbleSize - 10 || ! (m_byModuleData[i][j + 10] & 0x11)))) {nPenalty += 40;}}}}// Pattern (dark dark: light: dark: light) in the same line ratio 1:1:3:1:1for (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize - 6; j++) {if (((j == 0) ||              (! (m_byModuleData[j - 1][i] & 0x11))) &&(   m_byModuleData[j   ] [i] & 0x11) &&(! (m_byModuleData[j + 1][i] & 0x11)) &&(   m_byModuleData[j + 2][i] & 0x11) &&(   m_byModuleData[j + 3][i] & 0x11) &&(   m_byModuleData[j + 4][i] & 0x11) &&(! (m_byModuleData[j + 5][i] & 0x11)) &&(   m_byModuleData[j + 6][i] & 0x11) &&((j == m_nSymbleSize - 7) || (! (m_byModuleData[j + 7][i] & 0x11)))) {// Clear pattern of four or more before or afterif (((j < 2 || ! (m_byModuleData[j - 2][i] & 0x11)) &&(j < 3 || ! (m_byModuleData[j - 3][i] & 0x11)) &&(j < 4 || ! (m_byModuleData[j - 4][i] & 0x11))) ||((j >= m_nSymbleSize - 8 || ! (m_byModuleData[j + 8][i] & 0x11)) &&(j >= m_nSymbleSize - 9 || ! (m_byModuleData[j + 9][i] & 0x11)) &&(j >= m_nSymbleSize - 10 || ! (m_byModuleData[j + 10][i] & 0x11)))) {nPenalty += 40;}}}}// The proportion of modules for the entire darkint nCount = 0;for (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize; j++) {if (! (m_byModuleData[i][j] & 0x11)) {nCount++;}}}nPenalty += (abs(50 - ((nCount * 100) / (m_nSymbleSize * m_nSymbleSize))) / 5) * 10;return nPenalty;
}static void FormatModule(void)
{int i, j;memset(m_byModuleData, 0, sizeof(m_byModuleData));// Function module placementSetFunctionModule();// Data placementSetCodeWordPattern();if (m_nMaskingNo == -1) {// Select the best pattern maskingm_nMaskingNo = 0;SetMaskingPattern(m_nMaskingNo);       // MaskingSetFormatInfoPattern(m_nMaskingNo);   // Placement pattern format informationint nMinPenalty = CountPenalty();for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {SetMaskingPattern(i);             // MaskingSetFormatInfoPattern(i);      // Placement pattern format informationint nPenalty = CountPenalty();if (nPenalty < nMinPenalty) {nMinPenalty = nPenalty;m_nMaskingNo = i;}}}SetMaskingPattern(m_nMaskingNo);     // MaskingSetFormatInfoPattern(m_nMaskingNo); // Placement pattern format information// The module pattern converted to a Boolean valuefor (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize; j++) {m_byModuleData[i][j] = (uint8_t)((m_byModuleData[i][j] & 0x11) != 0);}}
}static void putBitToPos(uint32_t pos, int bw, uint8_t *bits)
{if (bw == 0) return;uint32_t tmp;uint32_t bitpos[8] = {128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1};if (pos % 8 == 0) {tmp = (pos / 8) - 1;bits[tmp] = bits[tmp] ^ bitpos[7];} else {tmp = pos / 8;bits[tmp] = bits[tmp] ^ bitpos[pos % 8 - 1];}
}int qr_encode(int level, int version, const char *source, size_t source_len, uint8_t *result)
{int i, j;const bool auto_extent = 0;m_nLevel = level;m_nMaskingNo = -1;memset(result, 0, QR_MAX_BITDATA);// If the data length is not specified, acquired by lstrlensize_t ncLength = source_len > 0 ? source_len : strlen(source);if (ncLength == 0) {return -1; // No data}// Check version (model number)nEncodeVersion = GetEncodeVersion(version, source, ncLength);if (nEncodeVersion == 0) {return -1; // Over-capacity}if (version == 0) {// Auto Partm_nVersion = nEncodeVersion;} else {if (nEncodeVersion <= version) {m_nVersion = version;} else {if (auto_extent) {m_nVersion = nEncodeVersion; // Automatic extended version (model number)} else {return -1; // Over-capacity}}}// Terminator addition code "0000"int ncDataCodeWord = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].ncDataCodeWord[level];int ncTerminator = (ncDataCodeWord * 8) - m_ncDataCodeWordBit;if (ncTerminator > 4) {ncTerminator = 4;}if (ncTerminator > 0) {m_ncDataCodeWordBit = SetBitStream(m_ncDataCodeWordBit, 0, ncTerminator);}// Additional padding code "11101100, 00010001"uint8_t byPaddingCode = 0xec;for (i = (m_ncDataCodeWordBit + 7) / 8; i < ncDataCodeWord; i++) {m_byDataCodeWord[i] = byPaddingCode;byPaddingCode = (uint8_t)(byPaddingCode == 0xec ? 0x11 : 0xec);}// Calculated the total clear area code wordm_ncAllCodeWord = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].ncAllCodeWord;memset(m_byAllCodeWord, 0, sizeof(m_byAllCodeWord));int nDataCwIndex = 0;  // Position data processing code word// Division number data blockint ncBlock1 = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].RS_BlockInfo1[level].ncRSBlock;int ncBlock2 = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].RS_BlockInfo2[level].ncRSBlock;int ncBlockSum = ncBlock1 + ncBlock2;int nBlockNo = 0; // Block number in the process// The number of data code words by blockint ncDataCw1 = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].RS_BlockInfo1[level].ncDataCodeWord;int ncDataCw2 = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].RS_BlockInfo2[level].ncDataCodeWord;// Code word interleaving data placementfor (i = 0; i < ncBlock1; i++) {for (j = 0; j < ncDataCw1; j++) {m_byAllCodeWord[(ncBlockSum * j) + nBlockNo] = m_byDataCodeWord[nDataCwIndex++];}nBlockNo++;}for (i = 0; i < ncBlock2; i++) {for (j = 0; j < ncDataCw2; j++) {if (j < ncDataCw1) {m_byAllCodeWord[(ncBlockSum * j) + nBlockNo] = m_byDataCodeWord[nDataCwIndex++];} else {// 2 minute fraction block placement eventm_byAllCodeWord[(ncBlockSum * ncDataCw1) + i] = m_byDataCodeWord[nDataCwIndex++];}}nBlockNo++;}// RS code words by block number (currently the same number)int ncRSCw1 = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].RS_BlockInfo1[level].ncAllCodeWord - ncDataCw1;int ncRSCw2 = QR_VersonInfo[m_nVersion].RS_BlockInfo2[level].ncAllCodeWord - ncDataCw2;// RS code word is calculatednDataCwIndex = 0;nBlockNo = 0;for (i = 0; i < ncBlock1; i++) {memset(m_byRSWork, 0, sizeof(m_byRSWork));memmove(m_byRSWork, m_byDataCodeWord + nDataCwIndex, ncDataCw1);GetRSCodeWord(m_byRSWork, ncDataCw1, ncRSCw1);// RS code word placementfor (j = 0; j < ncRSCw1; j++) {m_byAllCodeWord[ncDataCodeWord + (ncBlockSum * j) + nBlockNo] = m_byRSWork[j];}nDataCwIndex += ncDataCw1;nBlockNo++;}for (i = 0; i < ncBlock2; i++) {memset(m_byRSWork, 0, sizeof(m_byRSWork));memmove(m_byRSWork, m_byDataCodeWord + nDataCwIndex, ncDataCw2);GetRSCodeWord(m_byRSWork, ncDataCw2, ncRSCw2);// RS code word placementfor (j = 0; j < ncRSCw2; j++) {m_byAllCodeWord[ncDataCodeWord + (ncBlockSum * j) + nBlockNo] = m_byRSWork[j];}nDataCwIndex += ncDataCw2;nBlockNo++;}m_nSymbleSize = m_nVersion * 4 + 17;// Module placementFormatModule();for (i = 0; i < m_nSymbleSize; i++) {for (j = 0; j < m_nSymbleSize; j++) {if (!m_byModuleData[i][j]) {putBitToPos((j * m_nSymbleSize) + i + 1, 0, result);} else {putBitToPos((j * m_nSymbleSize) + i + 1, 1, result);}}}return m_nSymbleSize;
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** Copyright (c) 2010 Psytec Inc.* Copyright (c) 2012 Alexey Mednyy <swexru@gmail.com>* Copyright (c) 2012 Pavol Rusnak <stick@gk2.sk>** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*/#ifndef __QR_ENCODE_H__
#define __QR_ENCODE_H__#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif#define QR_MAX_VERSION QR_VERSION_L// Constants// Error correction level
#define QR_LEVEL_L         0    //  7% of codewords can be restored
#define QR_LEVEL_M         1    // 15% of codewords can be restored
#define QR_LEVEL_Q         2    // 25% of codewords can be restored
#define QR_LEVEL_H         3    // 30% of codewords can be restored// Data Mode
#define QR_MODE_NUMERAL    0    // numbers
#define QR_MODE_ALPHABET   1    // alphanumberic
#define QR_MODE_8BIT       2    // rest// Group version (Model number)
#define QR_VERSION_S       0    //  1 -  9 (module  21 -  53)
#define QR_VERSION_M       1    // 10 - 26 (module  57 - 121)
#define QR_VERSION_L       2    // 27 - 40 (module 125 - 177)#ifndef QR_MAX_VERSION
#endif// Length constants#if QR_MAX_VERSION == QR_VERSION_S
#define QR_MAX_MODULESIZE     (9 * 4 + 17)                                       // Maximum number of modules in a side
#define QR_MAX_ALLCODEWORD    292                                                // Maximum total number of code words
#define QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD   232                                                // Maximum data word code
#define QR_MAX_MODULESIZE     (26 * 4 + 17)                                      // Maximum number of modules in a side
#define QR_MAX_ALLCODEWORD    1706                                               // Maximum total number of code words
#define QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD   1370                                               // Maximum data word code
#define QR_MAX_MODULESIZE     (40 * 4 + 17)                                      // Maximum number of modules in a side
#define QR_MAX_ALLCODEWORD    3706                                               // Maximum total number of code words
#define QR_MAX_DATACODEWORD   2956                                               // Maximum data word code
#endif#define QR_MAX_BITDATA        ((QR_MAX_MODULESIZE * QR_MAX_MODULESIZE + 7) / 8)  // Maximum size of bit data
#define QR_MAX_CODEBLOCK      153                                                // Maximum number of block data code word (including RS code word)//
// * level - error correction level, use QR_LEVEL_? macros
// * version - version of the code (1-40), use 0 for autodetection
// * source - source data
// * source_len - length of the source data, use 0 when passing zero-terminated string
// * result - array to write, writes to bits
// * function returns the size of the square side
int qr_encode(int level, int version, const char *source, size_t source_len, uint8_t *result);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** Copyright (c) 2010 Psytec Inc.* Copyright (c) 2012 Alexey Mednyy <swexru@gmail.com>* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Pavol Rusnak <stick@gk2.sk>** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE* AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,* OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE* SOFTWARE.*/#ifndef __QR_CONSTS_H__
#define __QR_CONSTS_H__typedef struct
{uint8_t ncRSBlock;     // RS block numberuint8_t ncAllCodeWord;    // The number of codewords in the blockuint8_t ncDataCodeWord;  // The number of data code words (the number of code words - the number of RS code word)
} RS_BLOCKINFO;typedef struct
{uint8_t nVersionNo;uint16_t ncAllCodeWord;// Error correction levels (0 = L, 1 = M, 2 = Q, 3 = H)uint16_t ncDataCodeWord[4];       // data lenuint8_t ncAlignPoint;            // positionuint8_t nAlignPoint[6];          // numberofRS_BLOCKINFO RS_BlockInfo1[4];   // EC posRS_BLOCKINFO RS_BlockInfo2[4]; // EC pos
} QR_VERSIONINFO;static const QR_VERSIONINFO QR_VersonInfo[] = {{0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0}, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}},{1, 26, {19, 16, 13, 9}, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{1, 26, 19}, {1, 26, 16}, {1, 26, 13}, {1, 26, 9}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}},{2, 44, {34, 28, 22, 16}, 1, {18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{1, 44, 34}, {1, 44, 28}, {1, 44, 22}, {1, 44, 16}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}},{3, 70, {55, 44, 34, 26}, 1, {22, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{1, 70, 55}, {1, 70, 44}, {2, 35, 17}, {2, 35, 13}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}},{4, 100, {80, 64, 48, 36}, 1, {26, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{1, 100, 80}, {2, 50, 32}, {2, 50, 24}, {4, 25, 9}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}},{5, 134, {108, 86, 62, 46}, 1, {30, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{1, 134, 108}, {2, 67, 43}, {2, 33, 15}, {2, 33, 11}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {2, 34, 16}, {2, 34, 12}}},{6, 172, {136, 108, 76, 60}, 1, {34, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{2, 86, 68}, {4, 43, 27}, {4, 43, 19}, {4, 43, 15}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}},{7, 196, {156, 124, 88, 66}, 2, {22, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{2, 98, 78}, {4, 49, 31}, {2, 32, 14}, {4, 39, 13}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {4, 33, 15}, {1, 40, 14}}},{8, 242, {194, 154, 110, 86}, 2, {24, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{2, 121, 97}, {2, 60, 38}, {4, 40, 18}, {4, 40, 14}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {2, 61, 39}, {2, 41, 19}, {2, 41, 15}}},{9, 292, {232, 182, 132, 100}, 2, {26, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{2, 146, 116}, {3, 58, 36}, {4, 36, 16}, {4, 36, 12}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {2, 59, 37}, {4, 37, 17}, {4, 37, 13}}},
#if QR_MAX_VERSION >= QR_VERSION_M{10, 346, {274, 216, 154, 122}, 2, {28, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{2, 86, 68}, {4, 69, 43}, {6, 43, 19}, {6, 43, 15}}, {{2, 87, 69}, {1, 70, 44}, {2, 44, 20}, {2, 44, 16}}},{11, 404, {324, 254, 180, 140}, 2, {30, 54, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{4, 101, 81}, {1, 80, 50}, {4, 50, 22}, {3, 36, 12}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {4, 81, 51}, {4, 51, 23}, {8, 37, 13}}},{12, 466, {370, 290, 206, 158}, 2, {32, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{2, 116, 92}, {6, 58, 36}, {4, 46, 20}, {7, 42, 14}}, {{2, 117, 93}, {2, 59, 37}, {6, 47, 21}, {4, 43, 15}}},{13, 532, {428, 334, 244, 180}, 2, {34, 62, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {{4, 133, 107}, {8, 59, 37}, {8, 44, 20}, {12, 33, 11}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 60, 38}, {4, 45, 21}, {4, 34, 12}}},{14, 581, {461, 365, 261, 197}, 3, {26, 46, 66, 0, 0, 0}, {{3, 145, 115}, {4, 64, 40}, {11, 36, 16}, {11, 36, 12}}, {{1, 146, 116}, {5, 65, 41}, {5, 37, 17}, {5, 37, 13}}},{15, 655, {523, 415, 295, 223}, 3, {26, 48, 70, 0, 0, 0}, {{5, 109, 87}, {5, 65, 41}, {5, 54, 24}, {11, 36, 12}}, {{1, 110, 88}, {5, 66, 42}, {7, 55, 25}, {7, 37, 13}}},{16, 733, {589, 453, 325, 253}, 3, {26, 50, 74, 0, 0, 0}, {{5, 122, 98}, {7, 73, 45}, {15, 43, 19}, {3, 45, 15}}, {{1, 123, 99}, {3, 74, 46}, {2, 44, 20}, {13, 46, 16}}},{17, 815, {647, 507, 367, 283}, 3, {30, 54, 78, 0, 0, 0}, {{1, 135, 107}, {10, 74, 46}, {1, 50, 22}, {2, 42, 14}}, {{5, 136, 108}, {1, 75, 47}, {15, 51, 23}, {17, 43, 15}}},{18, 901, {721, 563, 397, 313}, 3, {30, 56, 82, 0, 0, 0}, {{5, 150, 120}, {9, 69, 43}, {17, 50, 22}, {2, 42, 14}}, {{1, 151, 121}, {4, 70, 44}, {1, 51, 23}, {19, 43, 15}}},{19, 991, {795, 627, 445, 341}, 3, {30, 58, 86, 0, 0, 0}, {{3, 141, 113}, {3, 70, 44}, {17, 47, 21}, {9, 39, 13}}, {{4, 142, 114}, {11, 71, 45}, {4, 48, 22}, {16, 40, 14}}},{20, 1085, {861, 669, 485, 385}, 3, {34, 62, 90, 0, 0, 0}, {{3, 135, 107}, {3, 67, 41}, {15, 54, 24}, {15, 43, 15}}, {{5, 136, 108}, {13, 68, 42}, {5, 55, 25}, {10, 44, 16}}},{21, 1156, {932, 714, 512, 406}, 4, {28, 50, 72, 94, 0, 0}, {{4, 144, 116}, {17, 68, 42}, {17, 50, 22}, {19, 46, 16}}, {{4, 145, 117}, {0, 0, 0}, {6, 51, 23}, {6, 47, 17}}},{22, 1258, {1006, 782, 568, 442}, 4, {26, 50, 74, 98, 0, 0}, {{2, 139, 111}, {17, 74, 46}, {7, 54, 24}, {34, 37, 13}}, {{7, 140, 112}, {0, 0, 0}, {16, 55, 25}, {0, 0, 0}}},{23, 1364, {1094, 860, 614, 464}, 4, {30, 54, 78, 102, 0, 0}, {{4, 151, 121}, {4, 75, 47}, {11, 54, 24}, {16, 45, 15}}, {{5, 152, 122}, {14, 76, 48}, {14, 55, 25}, {14, 46, 16}}},{24, 1474, {1174, 914, 664, 514}, 4, {28, 54, 80, 106, 0, 0}, {{6, 147, 117}, {6, 73, 45}, {11, 54, 24}, {30, 46, 16}}, {{4, 148, 118}, {14, 74, 46}, {16, 55, 25}, {2, 47, 17}}},{25, 1588, {1276, 1000, 718, 538}, 4, {32, 58, 84, 110, 0, 0}, {{8, 132, 106}, {8, 75, 47}, {7, 54, 24}, {22, 45, 15}}, {{4, 133, 107}, {13, 76, 48}, {22, 55, 25}, {13, 46, 16}}},{26, 1706, {1370, 1062, 754, 596}, 4, {30, 58, 86, 114, 0, 0}, {{10, 142, 114}, {19, 74, 46}, {28, 50, 22}, {33, 46, 16}}, {{2, 143, 115}, {4, 75, 47}, {6, 51, 23}, {4, 47, 17}}},
#if QR_MAX_VERSION >= QR_VERSION_L{27, 1828, {1468, 1128, 808, 628}, 4, {34, 62, 90, 118, 0, 0}, {{8, 152, 122}, {22, 73, 45}, {8, 53, 23}, {12, 45, 15}}, {{4, 153, 123}, {3, 74, 46}, {26, 54, 24}, {28, 46, 16}}},{28, 1921, {1531, 1193, 871, 661}, 5, {26, 50, 74, 98, 122, 0}, {{3, 147, 117}, {3, 73, 45}, {4, 54, 24}, {11, 45, 15}}, {{10, 148, 118}, {23, 74, 46}, {31, 55, 25}, {31, 46, 16}}},{29, 2051, {1631, 1267, 911, 701}, 5, {30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 0}, {{7, 146, 116}, {21, 73, 45}, {1, 53, 23}, {19, 45, 15}}, {{7, 147, 117}, {7, 74, 46}, {37, 54, 24}, {26, 46, 16}}},{30, 2185, {1735, 1373, 985, 745}, 5, {26, 52, 78, 104, 130, 0}, {{5, 145, 115}, {19, 75, 47}, {15, 54, 24}, {23, 45, 15}}, {{10, 146, 116}, {10, 76, 48}, {25, 55, 25}, {25, 46, 16}}},{31, 2323, {1843, 1455, 1033, 793}, 5, {30, 56, 82, 108, 134, 0}, {{13, 145, 115}, {2, 74, 46}, {42, 54, 24}, {23, 45, 15}}, {{3, 146, 116}, {29, 75, 47}, {1, 55, 25}, {28, 46, 16}}},{32, 2465, {1955, 1541, 1115, 845}, 5, {34, 60, 86, 112, 138, 0}, {{17, 145, 115}, {10, 74, 46}, {10, 54, 24}, {19, 45, 15}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {23, 75, 47}, {35, 55, 25}, {35, 46, 16}}},{33, 2611, {2071, 1631, 1171, 901}, 5, {30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 0}, {{17, 145, 115}, {14, 74, 46}, {29, 54, 24}, {11, 45, 15}}, {{1, 146, 116}, {21, 75, 47}, {19, 55, 25}, {46, 46, 16}}},{34, 2761, {2191, 1725, 1231, 961}, 5, {34, 62, 90, 118, 146, 0}, {{13, 145, 115}, {14, 74, 46}, {44, 54, 24}, {59, 46, 16}}, {{6, 146, 116}, {23, 75, 47}, {7, 55, 25}, {1, 47, 17}}},{35, 2876, {2306, 1812, 1286, 986}, 6, {30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150}, {{12, 151, 121}, {12, 75, 47}, {39, 54, 24}, {22, 45, 15}}, {{7, 152, 122}, {26, 76, 48}, {14, 55, 25}, {41, 46, 16}}},{36, 3034, {2434, 1914, 1354, 1054}, 6, {24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154}, {{6, 151, 121}, {6, 75, 47}, {46, 54, 24}, {2, 45, 15}}, {{14, 152, 122}, {34, 76, 48}, {10, 55, 25}, {64, 46, 16}}},{37, 3196, {2566, 1992, 1426, 1096}, 6, {28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158}, {{17, 152, 122}, {29, 74, 46}, {49, 54, 24}, {24, 45, 15}}, {{4, 153, 123}, {14, 75, 47}, {10, 55, 25}, {46, 46, 16}}},{38, 3362, {2702, 2102, 1502, 1142}, 6, {32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162}, {{4, 152, 122}, {13, 74, 46}, {48, 54, 24}, {42, 45, 15}}, {{18, 153, 123}, {32, 75, 47}, {14, 55, 25}, {32, 46, 16}}},{39, 3532, {2812, 2216, 1582, 1222}, 6, {26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166}, {{20, 147, 117}, {40, 75, 47}, {43, 54, 24}, {10, 45, 15}}, {{4, 148, 118}, {7, 76, 48}, {22, 55, 25}, {67, 46, 16}}},{40, 3706, {2956, 2334, 1666, 1276}, 6, {30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170}, {{19, 148, 118}, {18, 75, 47}, {34, 54, 24}, {20, 45, 15}}, {{6, 149, 119}, {31, 76, 48}, {34, 55, 25}, {61, 46, 16}}},
};static const uint8_t byExpToInt[] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 29, 58, 116, 232, 205, 135, 19, 38, 76, 152, 45, 90, 180, 117, 234, 201, 143, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 157, 39, 78, 156, 37, 74, 148, 53, 106, 212, 181, 119, 238, 193, 159, 35, 70, 140, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 93, 186, 105, 210, 185, 111, 222, 161, 95, 190, 97, 194, 153, 47, 94, 188, 101, 202, 137, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 253, 231, 211, 187, 107, 214, 177, 127, 254, 225, 223, 163, 91, 182, 113, 226, 217, 175, 67, 134, 17, 34, 68, 136, 13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 189, 103, 206, 129, 31, 62, 124, 248, 237, 199, 147, 59, 118, 236, 197, 151, 51, 102, 204, 133, 23, 46, 92, 184, 109, 218, 169, 79, 158, 33, 66, 132, 21, 42, 84, 168, 77, 154, 41, 82, 164, 85, 170, 73, 146, 57, 114, 228, 213, 183, 115, 230, 209, 191, 99, 198, 145, 63, 126, 252, 229, 215, 179, 123, 246, 241, 255, 227, 219, 171, 75, 150, 49, 98, 196, 149, 55, 110, 220, 165, 87, 174, 65, 130, 25, 50, 100, 200, 141, 7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224, 221, 167, 83, 166, 81, 162, 89, 178, 121, 242, 249, 239, 195, 155, 43, 86, 172, 69, 138, 9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 61, 122, 244, 245, 247, 243, 251, 235, 203, 139, 11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 125, 250, 233, 207, 131, 27, 54, 108, 216, 173, 71, 142, 1};
static const uint8_t byIntToExp[] = {0, 0, 1, 25, 2, 50, 26, 198, 3, 223, 51, 238, 27, 104, 199, 75, 4, 100, 224, 14, 52, 141, 239, 129, 28, 193, 105, 248, 200, 8, 76, 113, 5, 138, 101, 47, 225, 36, 15, 33, 53, 147, 142, 218, 240, 18, 130, 69, 29, 181, 194, 125, 106, 39, 249, 185, 201, 154, 9, 120, 77, 228, 114, 166, 6, 191, 139, 98, 102, 221, 48, 253, 226, 152, 37, 179, 16, 145, 34, 136, 54, 208, 148, 206, 143, 150, 219, 189, 241, 210, 19, 92, 131, 56, 70, 64, 30, 66, 182, 163, 195, 72, 126, 110, 107, 58, 40, 84, 250, 133, 186, 61, 202, 94, 155, 159, 10, 21, 121, 43, 78, 212, 229, 172, 115, 243, 167, 87, 7, 112, 192, 247, 140, 128, 99, 13, 103, 74, 222, 237, 49, 197, 254, 24, 227, 165, 153, 119, 38, 184, 180, 124, 17, 68, 146, 217, 35, 32, 137, 46, 55, 63, 209, 91, 149, 188, 207, 205, 144, 135, 151, 178, 220, 252, 190, 97, 242, 86, 211, 171, 20, 42, 93, 158, 132, 60, 57, 83, 71, 109, 65, 162, 31, 45, 67, 216, 183, 123, 164, 118, 196, 23, 73, 236, 127, 12, 111, 246, 108, 161, 59, 82, 41, 157, 85, 170, 251, 96, 134, 177, 187, 204, 62, 90, 203, 89, 95, 176, 156, 169, 160, 81, 11, 245, 22, 235, 122, 117, 44, 215, 79, 174, 213, 233, 230, 231, 173, 232, 116, 214, 244, 234, 168, 80, 88, 175};static const uint8_t byRSExp7[] = {87, 229, 146, 149, 238, 102, 21};
static const uint8_t byRSExp10[] = {251, 67, 46, 61, 118, 70, 64, 94, 32, 45};
static const uint8_t byRSExp13[] = {74, 152, 176, 100, 86, 100, 106, 104, 130, 218, 206, 140, 78};
static const uint8_t byRSExp15[] = {8, 183, 61, 91, 202, 37, 51, 58, 58, 237, 140, 124, 5, 99, 105};
static const uint8_t byRSExp16[] = {120, 104, 107, 109, 102, 161, 76, 3, 91, 191, 147, 169, 182, 194, 225, 120};
static const uint8_t byRSExp17[] = {43, 139, 206, 78, 43, 239, 123, 206, 214, 147, 24, 99, 150, 39, 243, 163, 136};
static const uint8_t byRSExp18[] = {215, 234, 158, 94, 184, 97, 118, 170, 79, 187, 152, 148, 252, 179, 5, 98, 96, 153};
static const uint8_t byRSExp20[] = {17, 60, 79, 50, 61, 163, 26, 187, 202, 180, 221, 225, 83, 239, 156, 164, 212, 212, 188, 190};
static const uint8_t byRSExp22[] = {210, 171, 247, 242, 93, 230, 14, 109, 221, 53, 200, 74, 8, 172, 98, 80, 219, 134, 160, 105, 165, 231};
static const uint8_t byRSExp24[] = {229, 121, 135, 48, 211, 117, 251, 126, 159, 180, 169, 152, 192, 226, 228, 218, 111, 0, 117, 232, 87, 96, 227, 21};
static const uint8_t byRSExp26[] = {173, 125, 158, 2, 103, 182, 118, 17, 145, 201, 111, 28, 165, 53, 161, 21, 245, 142, 13, 102, 48, 227, 153, 145, 218, 70};
static const uint8_t byRSExp28[] = {168, 223, 200, 104, 224, 234, 108, 180, 110, 190, 195, 147, 205, 27, 232, 201, 21, 43, 245, 87, 42, 195, 212, 119, 242, 37, 9, 123};
static const uint8_t byRSExp30[] = {41, 173, 145, 152, 216, 31, 179, 182, 50, 48, 110, 86, 239, 96, 222, 125, 42, 173, 226, 193, 224, 130, 156, 37, 251, 216, 238, 40, 192, 180};
static const uint8_t byRSExp32[] = {10, 6, 106, 190, 249, 167, 4, 67, 209, 138, 138, 32, 242, 123, 89, 27, 120, 185, 80, 156, 38, 69, 171, 60, 28, 222, 80, 52, 254, 185, 220, 241};
static const uint8_t byRSExp34[] = {111, 77, 146, 94, 26, 21, 108, 19, 105, 94, 113, 193, 86, 140, 163, 125, 58, 158, 229, 239, 218, 103, 56, 70, 114, 61, 183, 129, 167, 13, 98, 62, 129, 51};
static const uint8_t byRSExp36[] = {200, 183, 98, 16, 172, 31, 246, 234, 60, 152, 115, 0, 167, 152, 113, 248, 238, 107, 18, 63, 218, 37, 87, 210, 105, 177, 120, 74, 121, 196, 117, 251, 113, 233, 30, 120};
static const uint8_t byRSExp38[] = {159, 34, 38, 228, 230, 59, 243, 95, 49, 218, 176, 164, 20, 65, 45, 111, 39, 81, 49, 118, 113, 222, 193, 250, 242, 168, 217, 41, 164, 247, 177, 30, 238, 18, 120, 153, 60, 193};
static const uint8_t byRSExp40[] = {59, 116, 79, 161, 252, 98, 128, 205, 128, 161, 247, 57, 163, 56, 235, 106, 53, 26, 187, 174, 226, 104, 170, 7, 175, 35, 181, 114, 88, 41, 47, 163, 125, 134, 72, 20, 232, 53, 35, 15};
static const uint8_t byRSExp42[] = {250, 103, 221, 230, 25, 18, 137, 231, 0, 3, 58, 242, 221, 191, 110, 84, 230, 8, 188, 106, 96, 147, 15, 131, 139, 34, 101, 223, 39, 101, 213, 199, 237, 254, 201, 123, 171, 162, 194, 117, 50, 96};
static const uint8_t byRSExp44[] = {190, 7, 61, 121, 71, 246, 69, 55, 168, 188, 89, 243, 191, 25, 72, 123, 9, 145, 14, 247, 1, 238, 44, 78, 143, 62, 224, 126, 118, 114, 68, 163, 52, 194, 217, 147, 204, 169, 37, 130, 113, 102, 73, 181};
static const uint8_t byRSExp46[] = {112, 94, 88, 112, 253, 224, 202, 115, 187, 99, 89, 5, 54, 113, 129, 44, 58, 16, 135, 216, 169, 211, 36, 1, 4, 96, 60, 241, 73, 104, 234, 8, 249, 245, 119, 174, 52, 25, 157, 224, 43, 202, 223, 19, 82, 15};
static const uint8_t byRSExp48[] = {228, 25, 196, 130, 211, 146, 60, 24, 251, 90, 39, 102, 240, 61, 178, 63, 46, 123, 115, 18, 221, 111, 135, 160, 182, 205, 107, 206, 95, 150, 120, 184, 91, 21, 247, 156, 140, 238, 191, 11, 94, 227, 84, 50, 163, 39, 34, 108};
static const uint8_t byRSExp50[] = {232, 125, 157, 161, 164, 9, 118, 46, 209, 99, 203, 193, 35, 3, 209, 111, 195, 242, 203, 225, 46, 13, 32, 160, 126, 209, 130, 160, 242, 215, 242, 75, 77, 42, 189, 32, 113, 65, 124, 69, 228, 114, 235, 175, 124, 170, 215, 232, 133, 205};
static const uint8_t byRSExp52[] = {116, 50, 86, 186, 50, 220, 251, 89, 192, 46, 86, 127, 124, 19, 184, 233, 151, 215, 22, 14, 59, 145, 37, 242, 203, 134, 254, 89, 190, 94, 59, 65, 124, 113, 100, 233, 235, 121, 22, 76, 86, 97, 39, 242, 200, 220, 101, 33, 239, 254, 116, 51};
static const uint8_t byRSExp54[] = {183, 26, 201, 87, 210, 221, 113, 21, 46, 65, 45, 50, 238, 184, 249, 225, 102, 58, 209, 218, 109, 165, 26, 95, 184, 192, 52, 245, 35, 254, 238, 175, 172, 79, 123, 25, 122, 43, 120, 108, 215, 80, 128, 201, 235, 8, 153, 59, 101, 31, 198, 76, 31, 156};
static const uint8_t byRSExp56[] = {106, 120, 107, 157, 164, 216, 112, 116, 2, 91, 248, 163, 36, 201, 202, 229, 6, 144, 254, 155, 135, 208, 170, 209, 12, 139, 127, 142, 182, 249, 177, 174, 190, 28, 10, 85, 239, 184, 101, 124, 152, 206, 96, 23, 163, 61, 27, 196, 247, 151, 154, 202, 207, 20, 61, 10};
static const uint8_t byRSExp58[] = {82, 116, 26, 247, 66, 27, 62, 107, 252, 182, 200, 185, 235, 55, 251, 242, 210, 144, 154, 237, 176, 141, 192, 248, 152, 249, 206, 85, 253, 142, 65, 165, 125, 23, 24, 30, 122, 240, 214, 6, 129, 218, 29, 145, 127, 134, 206, 245, 117, 29, 41, 63, 159, 142, 233, 125, 148, 123};
static const uint8_t byRSExp60[] = {107, 140, 26, 12, 9, 141, 243, 197, 226, 197, 219, 45, 211, 101, 219, 120, 28, 181, 127, 6, 100, 247, 2, 205, 198, 57, 115, 219, 101, 109, 160, 82, 37, 38, 238, 49, 160, 209, 121, 86, 11, 124, 30, 181, 84, 25, 194, 87, 65, 102, 190, 220, 70, 27, 209, 16, 89, 7, 33, 240};
static const uint8_t byRSExp62[] = {65, 202, 113, 98, 71, 223, 248, 118, 214, 94, 0, 122, 37, 23, 2, 228, 58, 121, 7, 105, 135, 78, 243, 118, 70, 76, 223, 89, 72, 50, 70, 111, 194, 17, 212, 126, 181, 35, 221, 117, 235, 11, 229, 149, 147, 123, 213, 40, 115, 6, 200, 100, 26, 246, 182, 218, 127, 215, 36, 186, 110, 106};
static const uint8_t byRSExp64[] = {45, 51, 175, 9, 7, 158, 159, 49, 68, 119, 92, 123, 177, 204, 187, 254, 200, 78, 141, 149, 119, 26, 127, 53, 160, 93, 199, 212, 29, 24, 145, 156, 208, 150, 218, 209, 4, 216, 91, 47, 184, 146, 47, 140, 195, 195, 125, 242, 238, 63, 99, 108, 140, 230, 242, 31, 204, 11, 178, 243, 217, 156, 213, 231};
static const uint8_t byRSExp66[] = {5, 118, 222, 180, 136, 136, 162, 51, 46, 117, 13, 215, 81, 17, 139, 247, 197, 171, 95, 173, 65, 137, 178, 68, 111, 95, 101, 41, 72, 214, 169, 197, 95, 7, 44, 154, 77, 111, 236, 40, 121, 143, 63, 87, 80, 253, 240, 126, 217, 77, 34, 232, 106, 50, 168, 82, 76, 146, 67, 106, 171, 25, 132, 93, 45, 105};
static const uint8_t byRSExp68[] = {247, 159, 223, 33, 224, 93, 77, 70, 90, 160, 32, 254, 43, 150, 84, 101, 190, 205, 133, 52, 60, 202, 165, 220, 203, 151, 93, 84, 15, 84, 253, 173, 160, 89, 227, 52, 199, 97, 95, 231, 52, 177, 41, 125, 137, 241, 166, 225, 118, 2, 54, 32, 82, 215, 175, 198, 43, 238, 235, 27, 101, 184, 127, 3, 5, 8, 163, 238};
static const uint8_t* byRSExp[] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, byRSExp7, NULL, NULL, byRSExp10, NULL, NULL, byRSExp13, NULL, byRSExp15, byRSExp16, byRSExp17, byRSExp18, NULL, byRSExp20, NULL, byRSExp22, NULL, byRSExp24, NULL, byRSExp26, NULL, byRSExp28, NULL, byRSExp30, NULL, byRSExp32, NULL, byRSExp34, NULL, byRSExp36, NULL, byRSExp38, NULL, byRSExp40, NULL, byRSExp42, NULL, byRSExp44, NULL, byRSExp46, NULL, byRSExp48, NULL, byRSExp50, NULL, byRSExp52, NULL, byRSExp54, NULL, byRSExp56, NULL, byRSExp58, NULL, byRSExp60, NULL, byRSExp62, NULL, byRSExp64, NULL, byRSExp66, NULL, byRSExp68};static const int nIndicatorLenNumeral[] = {10, 12, 14};
static const int nIndicatorLenAlphabet[] = {9, 11, 13};
static const int nIndicatorLen8Bit[] = {8, 16, 16};#endif
* 函数名:void GenBarCode(HDC hDC, int iL, int iT, int iB, CString csCode, int iStyle, int iMap);
* 参  数:
*   hDC:画布句柄
*   iL:左上角 X坐标
*   iT:左上角 Y坐标
*   iB:条码高度
*   csCode:条码内容
*   iStyle:条码格式
*   iMap:
* 返回值:无
* 描  述:画条码到指定HDC
void GenBarCode(HDC hDC, int iL, int iT, int iB, CString csCode, int iStyle, int iMap, int iWidth)
{COLORREF clrBar = RGB(0, 0, 0);COLORREF clrSpace = RGB(255, 255, 255);int iPenW = 2;switch (iStyle){case 0:{Barcode39 code;code.Encode39(csCode);code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;case 1:{Barcode93 code;code.Encode93(csCode);code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;case 2: //自动 包含小写 就是128B{Barcode128 code;if (isContainLowercaseletters(csCode)) {code.Encode128B(csCode);}else{code.Encode128A(csCode);}code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;case 3: {Barcode128 code;code.Encode128B(csCode);code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;case 4: {Barcode128 code;code.Encode128C(csCode);code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;case 5: {BarcodeI2of5 code;code.EncodeI2of5(csCode);code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;case 6: {BarcodeEan13 code;code.EncodeEan13(csCode);code.DrawBarcodeWidth(hDC, iL, iT, iB - 10, iB, clrBar, clrSpace, iPenW, iWidth);}break;default:break;}
#ifndef Barcode_h_djdfkjdjkfgjgjghdhdhdgdgfgfgfgeue
#define Barcode_h_djdfkjdjkfgjgjghdhdhdgdgfgfgfgeueclass Barcode39;
class Barcode93;
class BarcodeIof5;
class Barcode128;const int ga2_Code128[2][207]=
{{64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,80,  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,  91,  92,  93,  94,  95,0,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,  31,32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,48,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  95,  96,  97,  98,  99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,},{-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,0,   1,   2,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9,  10,  11,  12,  13,  14,  15,16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  24,  25,  26,  27,  28,  29,  30,  31,32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  38,  39,  40,  41,  42,  43,  44,  45,  46,  47,48,  49,  50,  51,  52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  60,  61,  62,  63,64,  65,  66,  67,  68,  69,  70,  71,  72,  73,  74,  75,  76,  77,  78,  79,80,  81,  82,  83,  84,  85,  86,  87,  88,  89,  90,  91,  92,  93,  94,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,  -1,-1,  -1,  -1,  95,  96,  97,  98,  99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,},
};class BarcodeBase
public:BarcodeBase(){Clear();i_Ratio=3;}void operator=(const BarcodeBase&bc){i_LenBuf=bc.i_LenBuf;i_Ratio    =bc.i_Ratio;memcpy(ia_Buf,bc.ia_Buf,sizeof(ia_Buf));}void Clear(){memset(ia_Buf,0,sizeof(ia_Buf));i_LenBuf=0;}int GetEncodeLength()   const{BYTE*pb=(BYTE*)ia_Buf;int i,iLen=0;for(i=0;i<i_LenBuf;i++){//wide is 3if(*pb&2)   iLen+=(i_Ratio-1);pb++;}return iLen+i_LenBuf;}int GetBufferLength()    const{return i_LenBuf;}const BYTE&GetAt(int i)  const {return ia_Buf[i];}int GetRatio() const{return i_Ratio;}int SetRatio(int iRatio){i_Ratio=iRatio;if(i_Ratio<=0)   i_Ratio=1;}int DrawBarcode(HDC hDC2,int iX2,int iY02,int iY102,int iY112,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW){HPEN hPenBar = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, iPenW, clrBar);HPEN hPenSpace = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, iPenW, clrSpace);int iR = 0;HPEN hPenOld;HDC hDC;HDC memDC;HBITMAP hBitmap;hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);//创建兼容内存memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);SetBkColor(memDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));//白色背景hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, 1024, 800);SelectObject(memDC, hBitmap);hPenOld = (HPEN)::SelectObject(memDC, hPenBar);BYTE*pb = ia_Buf;int i0, iNum0 = i_LenBuf;BYTE bBar;int i1, iNum1;int iY;int iX = 0;int iY0 = 0;int iY10 = iY102;int iY11 = iY112;for (i0 = 0;i0<iNum0;i0++){bBar = *pb & 0x01;iNum1 = (*pb & 0x02) ? i_Ratio : 1;iY = (*pb & 0x04) ? iY11 : iY10;for (i1 = 0;i1<iNum1;i1++){if (bBar)   ::SelectObject(memDC, hPenBar);else     ::SelectObject(memDC, hPenSpace);::MoveToEx(memDC, iX, iY0, 0);::LineTo(memDC, iX, iY);iX += iPenW;}pb++;}iR = iX;::SelectObject(memDC, hPenOld);::SetStretchBltMode(hDC2,HALFTONE);//::SetStretchBltMode(memDC, HALFTONE);POINT point;::SetBrushOrgEx(hDC2, 0, 0, &point);::StretchBlt(hDC2, iX2, iY02, 1256, iY112 - iY02, memDC, 0, 0, iR, iY112 - iY02, SRCCOPY);::DeleteObject(hPenBar);::DeleteObject(hPenSpace);return iR;}int DrawBarcodeWidth(HDC hDC2,int iX2,int iY02,int iY102,int iY112,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW, int iWidth){HPEN hPenBar = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, iPenW, clrBar);HPEN hPenSpace = ::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, iPenW, clrSpace);int iR = 0;HPEN hPenOld;HDC hDC;HDC memDC;HBITMAP hBitmap;hDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);//创建兼容内存memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);SetBkColor(memDC, RGB(255, 255, 255));//白色背景hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, 1024, 800);SelectObject(memDC, hBitmap);hPenOld = (HPEN)::SelectObject(memDC, hPenBar);BYTE*pb = ia_Buf;int i0, iNum0 = i_LenBuf;BYTE bBar;int i1, iNum1;int iY;int iX = 0;int iY0 = 0;int iY10 = iY102;int iY11 = iY112;for (i0 = 0;i0<iNum0;i0++){bBar = *pb & 0x01;iNum1 = (*pb & 0x02) ? i_Ratio : 1;iY = (*pb & 0x04) ? iY11 : iY10;for (i1 = 0;i1<iNum1;i1++){if (bBar)   ::SelectObject(memDC, hPenBar);else     ::SelectObject(memDC, hPenSpace);::MoveToEx(memDC, iX, iY0, 0);::LineTo(memDC, iX, iY);iX += iPenW;}pb++;}iR = iX;::SelectObject(memDC, hPenOld);::SetStretchBltMode(hDC2,HALFTONE);//::SetStretchBltMode(memDC, HALFTONE);POINT point;::SetBrushOrgEx(hDC2, 0, 0, &point);::StretchBlt(hDC2, iX2, iY02, iWidth, iY112 - iY02, memDC, 0, 0, iR, iY112 - iY02, SRCCOPY);::DeleteObject(hPenBar);::DeleteObject(hPenSpace);return iR;}protected:BYTE ia_Buf[4096];int        i_LenBuf;int        i_Ratio;struct IntString{int ch;char*psz;};};class Barcode39:public BarcodeBase
public:Barcode39(){}~Barcode39(){}BOOL Encode39(const char*pszCodeIn){int iLen=strlen(pszCodeIn);char*pszCode=new char[iLen+3];sprintf_s(pszCode, iLen + 3, "*%s*",pszCodeIn);_strupr_s(pszCode, iLen + 3);BYTE*pFst=ia_Buf;BYTE*p0=pFst,*p1=NULL;iLen+=2;int i;for(i=0;i<iLen;i++){p1=P_GetNarrowWideBarSpace39(pszCode[i],p0);if(p1==0)  return 0;p0=p1;}i_LenBuf=p1-pFst;delete []pszCode;return 1;}void Draw39(HDC hDC,int iX,int iY0,int iY1,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW){DrawBarcode(hDC,iX,iY0,iY1,iY1,clrBar,clrSpace,iPenW);}private:BYTE*P_GetNarrowWideBarSpace39(char ch,BYTE*pb){IntString infs[]={{'1',   "wnnwnnnnwn"},{'2', "nnwwnnnnwn"},{'3', "wnwwnnnnnn"},{'4', "nnnwwnnnwn"},{'5', "wnnwwnnnnn"},{'6', "nnwwwnnnnn"},{'7', "nnnwnnwnwn"},{'8', "wnnwnnwnnn"},{'9', "nnwwnnwnnn"},{'0', "nnnwwnwnnn"},{'A', "wnnnnwnnwn"},{'B', "nnwnnwnnwn"},{'C', "wnwnnwnnnn"},{'D', "nnnnwwnnwn"},{'E', "wnnnwwnnnn"},{'F', "nnwnwwnnnn"},{'G', "nnnnnwwnwn"},{'H', "wnnnnwwnnn"},{'I', "nnwnnwwnnn"},{'J', "nnnnwwwnnn"},{'K', "wnnnnnnwwn"},{'L', "nnwnnnnwwn"},{'M', "wnwnnnnwnn"},{'N', "nnnnwnnwwn"},{'O', "wnnnwnnwnn"},{'P', "nnwnwnnwnn"},{'Q', "nnnnnnwwwn"},{'R', "wnnnnnwwnn"},{'S', "nnwnnnwwnn"},{'T', "nnnnwnwwnn"},{'U', "wwnnnnnnwn"},{'V', "nwwnnnnnwn"},{'W', "wwwnnnnnnn"},{'X', "nwnnwnnnwn"},{'Y', "wwnnwnnnnn"},{'Z', "nwwnwnnnnn"},{'-', "nwnnnnwnwn"},{'.', "wwnnnnwnnn"},{' ', "nwwnnnwnnn"},{'*', "nwnnwnwnnn"},{'$', "nwnwnwnnnn"},{'/', "nwnwnnnwnn"},{'+',    "nwnnnwnwnn"},{'%', "nnnwnwnwnn"},};int i0,iNum0=sizeof(infs)/sizeof(infs[0]);int i1;for(i0=0;i0<iNum0;i0++){IntString&inf=infs[i0];if(inf.ch==ch){for(i1=0;i1<10;i1++){if(inf.psz[i1]=='w')  *pb+=2;if(i1%2==0)          *pb+=1;pb++;}return pb;}}return 0;}
};class BarcodeI2of5:public BarcodeBase
public:BarcodeI2of5(){}~BarcodeI2of5(){}BOOL EncodeI2of5(const char*pszCode){Clear();BYTE*pFst=ia_Buf;BYTE*pb=pFst;const int iNum=strlen(pszCode);int i;//"nnnn"for(i=0;i<4;i++){if(i%2==0)    *pb+=1;pb++;}int iV;for(i=0;i<iNum;i+=2){iV=pszCode[i]-'0';iV=iV*10;iV+=pszCode[i+1]-'0';pb=P_GetNarrorWideBarSpaceI2of5(pb,iV);if(pb==0) return 0;}//"wnn"*pb+=3;    pb++;*pb+=0;    pb++;*pb+=1;    pb++;i_LenBuf=pb-pFst;return 1;}void DrawI2of5(HDC hDC,int iX,int iY0,int iY1,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW){DrawBarcode(hDC,iX,iY0,iY1,iY1,clrBar,clrSpace,iPenW);}private:BYTE*P_GetNarrorWideBarSpaceI2of5(BYTE*pb,int ch){if(ch<0)    return 0;if(ch>99)   return 0;IntString infs[]={{0,     "nnnnwwwwnn"},{1,     "nwnnwnwnnw"},{2,     "nnnwwnwnnw"},{3,     "nwnwwnwnnn"},{4,     "nnnnwwwnnw"},{5,     "nwnnwwwnnn"},{6,     "nnnwwwwnnn"},{7,     "nnnnwnwwnw"},{8,     "nwnnwnwwnn"},{9,     "nnnwwnwwnn"},{10,    "wnnnnwnwwn"},{11,    "wwnnnnnnww"},{12,    "wnnwnnnnww"},{13,    "wwnwnnnnwn"},{14,    "wnnnnwnnww"},{15,    "wwnnnwnnwn"},{16,    "wnnwnwnnwn"},{17,    "wnnnnnnwww"},{18,    "wwnnnnnwwn"},{19,    "wnnwnnnwwn"},{20,    "nnwnnwnwwn"},{21,    "nwwnnnnnww"},{22,    "nnwwnnnnww"},{23,    "nwwwnnnnwn"},{24,    "nnwnnwnnww"},{25,    "nwwnnwnnwn"},{26,    "nnwwnwnnwn"},{27,    "nnwnnnnwww"},{28,    "nwwnnnnwwn"},{29,    "nnwwnnnwwn"},{30,    "wnwnnwnwnn"},{31,    "wwwnnnnnnw"},{32,    "wnwwnnnnnw"},{33,    "wwwwnnnnnn"},{34,    "wnwnnwnnnw"},{35,    "wwwnnwnnnn"},{36,    "wnwwnwnnnn"},{37,    "wnwnnnnwnw"},{38,    "wwwnnnnwnn"},{39,    "wnwwnnnwnn"},{40,    "nnnnwwnwwn"},{41,    "nwnnwnnnww"},{42,    "nnnwwnnnww"},{43,    "nwnwwnnnwn"},{44,    "nnnnwwnnww"},{45,    "nwnnwwnnwn"},{46,    "nnnwwwnnwn"},{47,    "nnnnwnnwww"},{48,    "nwnnwnnwwn"},{49,    "nnnwwnnwwn"},{50,    "wnnnwwnwnn"},{51,    "wwnnwnnnnw"},{52,    "wnnwwnnnnw"},{53,    "wwnwwnnnnn"},{54,    "wnnnwwnnnw"},{55,    "wwnnwwnnnn"},{56,    "wnnwwwnnnn"},{57,    "wnnnwnnwnw"},{58,    "wwnnwnnwnn"},{59,    "wnnwwnnwnn"},{60,    "nnwnwwnwnn"},{61,    "nwwnwnnnnw"},{62,    "nnwwwnnnnw"},{63,    "nwwwwnnnnn"},{64,    "nnwnwwnnnw"},{65,    "nwwnwwnnnn"},{66,    "nnwwwwnnnn"},{67,    "nnwnwnnwnw"},{68,    "nwwnwnnwnn"},{69,    "nnwwwnnwnn"},{70,    "nnnnnwwwwn"},{71,    "nwnnnnwnww"},{72,    "nnnwnnwnww"},{73,    "nwnwnnwnwn"},{74,    "nnnnnwwnww"},{75,    "nwnnnwwnwn"},{76,    "nnnwnwwnwn"},{77,    "nnnnnnwwww"},{78,    "nwnnnnwwwn"},{79,    "nnnwnnwwwn"},{80,    "wnnnnwwwnn"},{81,    "wwnnnnwnnw"},{82,    "wnnwnnwnnw"},{83,    "wwnwnnwnnn"},{84,    "wnnnnwwnnw"},{85,    "wwnnnwwnnn"},{86,    "wnnwnwwnnn"},{87,    "wnnnnnwwnw"},{88,    "wwnnnnwwnn"},{89,    "wnnwnnwwnn"},{90,    "nnwnnwwwnn"},{91,    "nwwnnnwnnw"},{92,    "nnwwnnwnnw"},{93,    "nwwwnnwnnn"},{94,    "nnwnnwwnnw"},{95,    "nwwnnwwnnn"},{96,    "nnwwnwwnnn"},{97,    "nnwnnnwwnw"},{98,    "nwwnnnwwnn"},{99,    "nnwwnnwwnn"},};IntString&inf=infs[ch];int i;for(i=0;i<10;i++){if(inf.psz[i]=='w') *pb+=2;if(i%2==0)           *pb+=1;pb++;}return pb;}
};class Barcode93:public BarcodeBase
public:Barcode93(){}~Barcode93(){}BOOL Encode93(const char* pszCode){Clear();const int iNum=strlen(pszCode);BYTE*pFst=ia_Buf;BYTE*pb=pFst;pb=P_GetBarSpace93(pb,47);if(pb==0) return 0;BOOL b;int i,iFirst,iSecond;for(i=0;i<iNum;i++){b=P_AscIItoCode93Sequence((int)pszCode[i],iFirst,iSecond);if(b==0)    return 0;pb=P_GetBarSpace93(pb,iFirst);if(pb==0) return 0;if(iSecond!=-1){pb=P_GetBarSpace93(pb,iSecond);if(pb==0)   return 0;}}pb=P_GetCheckDigits(pb,pszCode);if(pb==0) return 0;pb=P_GetBarSpace93(pb,48);if(pb==0) return 0;i_LenBuf=pb-pFst;return 1;}void Draw93(HDC hDC,int iX,int iY0,int iY1,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW){DrawBarcode(hDC,iX,iY0,iY1,iY1,clrBar,clrSpace,iPenW);}private:BYTE*P_GetBarSpace93(BYTE*pb,int ch){if(ch<0)  return 0;if(ch>48)   return 0;IntString infs[]={{0,     "bsssbsbss"},{1,      "bsbssbsss"},{2,      "bsbsssbss"},{3,      "bsbssssbs"},{4,      "bssbsbsss"},{5,      "bssbssbss"},{6,      "bssbsssbs"},{7,      "bsbsbssss"},{8,      "bsssbssbs"},{9,      "bssssbsbs"},{10, "bbsbsbsss"},{11, "bbsbssbss"},{12, "bbsbsssbs"},{13, "bbssbsbss"},{14, "bbssbssbs"},{15, "bbsssbsbs"},{16, "bsbbsbsss"},{17, "bsbbssbss"},{18, "bsbbsssbs"},{19, "bssbbsbss"},{20, "bsssbbsbs"},{21, "bsbsbbsss"},{22, "bsbssbbss"},{23, "bsbsssbbs"},{24, "bssbsbbss"},{25, "bsssbsbbs"},{26, "bbsbbsbss"},{27, "bbsbbssbs"},{28, "bbsbsbbss"},{29, "bbsbssbbs"},{30, "bbssbsbbs"},{31, "bbssbbsbs"},{32, "bsbbsbbss"},{33, "bsbbssbbs"},{34, "bssbbsbbs"},{35, "bssbbbsbs"},{36, "bssbsbbbs"},{37, "bbbsbsbss"},{38, "bbbsbssbs"},{39, "bbbssbsbs"},{40, "bsbbsbbbs"},{41, "bsbbbsbbs"},{42, "bbsbsbbbs"},{43, "bssbssbbs"},{44, "bbbsbbsbs"},{45, "bbbsbsbbs"},{46, "bssbbssbs"},{47, "bsbsbbbbs"},{48, "bsbsbbbbsb"},};IntString&inf=infs[ch];int i;for(i=0;i<9;i++){if(inf.psz[i]=='b')  *pb+=1;pb++;}if(ch==48){*pb+=1;pb++;}return pb;}private:BYTE*P_GetCheckDigits(BYTE*pb,const char*&pszCode){int i,iSum,iWeight,iFirst,iSecond;// "C" check digit characteriWeight=1;iSum=0;const int iNum=strlen(pszCode);for(i=iNum-1;i>-1;i--){P_AscIItoCode93Sequence((int)pszCode[i],iFirst,iSecond);iSum+=(iWeight*iFirst);iWeight++;if(iWeight>20)   iWeight=1;if(iSecond!=-1){iSum+=(iWeight*iSecond);iWeight++;if(iWeight>20) iWeight=1;}}pb=P_GetBarSpace93(pb,iSum%47);if(pb==0)    return 0;iWeight=2;iSum=iSum%47;for(i=iNum-1;i>-1;i--){P_AscIItoCode93Sequence((int)pszCode[i],iFirst,iSecond);iSum +=(iWeight * iFirst);iWeight++;if(iWeight>15)  iWeight=1;if(iSecond!=-1){iSum +=(iWeight * iSecond);iWeight++;if(iWeight>15)  iWeight=1;}}pb=P_GetBarSpace93(pb,iSum%47);if(pb==0)    return 0;return pb;}BOOL P_AscIItoCode93Sequence(int iValue,int&iFirst,int&iSecond){if(iValue<0) return 0;if(iValue>127)  return 0;struct I3{int iV,iFirst,iSecond;};I3 i3s[]={{0,   44, 30},{1, 43, 10},{2, 43, 11},{3, 43, 12},{4, 43, 13},{5, 43, 14},{6, 43, 15},{7, 43, 16},{8, 43, 17},{9, 43, 18},{10,43, 19},{11,43, 20},{12,43, 21},{13,43, 22},{14,43, 23},{15,43, 24},{16,43, 25},{17,43, 26},{18,43, 27},{19,43, 28},{20,43, 29},{21,43, 30},{22,43, 31},{23,43, 32},{24,43, 33},{25,43, 34},{26,43, 35},{27,44, 10},{28,44, 11},{29,44, 12},{30,44, 13},{31,44, 14},{32,38, -1},{33,45, 10},{34,45, 11},{35,45, 12},{36,39, -1},{37,42, -1},{38,45, 15},{39,45, 16},{40,45, 17},{41,45, 18},{42,45, 19},{43,41, -1},{44,45, 21},{45,36, -1},{46,37, -1},{47,40, -1},{48,0,  -1},{49,1,  -1},{50,2,  -1},{51,3,  -1},{52,4,  -1},{53,5,  -1},{54,6,  -1},{55,7,  -1},{56,8,  -1},{57,9,  -1},{58,45, 35},{59,44, 15},{60,44, 16},{61,44, 17},{62,44, 18},{63,44, 19},{64,44, 31},{65,10, -1},{66,11, -1},{67,12, -1},{68,13, -1},{69,14, -1},{70,15, -1},{71,16, -1},{72,17, -1},{73,18, -1},{74,19, -1},{75,20, -1},{76,21, -1},{77,22, -1},{78,23, -1},{79,24, -1},{80,25, -1},{81,26, -1},{82,27, -1},{83,28, -1},{84,29, -1},{85,30, -1},{86,31, -1},{87,32, -1},{88,33, -1},{89,34, -1},{90,35, -1},{91,44, 20},{92,44, 21},{93,44, 22},{94,44, 23},{95,44, 24},{96,44, 32},{97,46, 10},{98,46, 11},{99,46, 12},{100,46,13},{101,46,14},{102,46,15},{103,46,16},{104,46,17},{105,46,18},{106,46,19},{107,46,20},{108,46,21},{109,46,22},{110,46,23},{111,46,24},{112,46,25},{113,46,26},{114,46,27},{115,46,28},{116,46,29},{117,46,30},{118,46,31},{119,46,32},{120,46,33},{121,46,34},{122,46,35},{123,44,25},{124,44,26},{125,44,27},{126,44,28},{127,44,29},};I3&i3=i3s[iValue];iFirst =i3.iFirst;iSecond =i3.iSecond;return 1;}
};class Barcode128:public BarcodeBase
public:Barcode128(){}~Barcode128(){}BOOL Encode128A(const char* pszCode)    {return P_Encode128((char*)pszCode,SUB::SETA);}BOOL Encode128B(const char* pszCode) {return P_Encode128((char*)pszCode,SUB::SETB);}BOOL Encode128C(const char* pszCode) {return P_Encode128((char*)pszCode,SUB::SETC);}void Draw128(HDC hDC,int iX,int iY0,int iY1,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW){DrawBarcode(hDC,iX,iY0,iY1,iY1,clrBar,clrSpace,iPenW);}private:struct SUB{enum{SETA=0,SETB=1,SETC=2,};};BOOL P_Encode128(char*pszCode,const int iSetIn){Clear();BYTE*pFst=ia_Buf;BYTE*pb=pFst;if(iSetIn==SUB::SETA)    pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,103);elseif(iSetIn==SUB::SETB)    pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,104);else                   pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,105);if(pb==0)    return 0;const int iCheckDigit=GetCheckDigit(iSetIn,pszCode);const int iNum=strlen(pszCode);int iChar,iCharNext;int iPosition=0;int iSet=iSetIn;while(iPosition<iNum){if(iSet==SUB::SETC){if(ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]]==101){pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,101);iPosition++;iSet=SUB::SETA;}else if(ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]]==100){pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,100);iPosition++;iSet=SUB::SETB;}else if(ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]]==102){pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,100);iPosition++;}else{char chT=pszCode[iPosition+2];pszCode[iPosition+2]=0;iChar=atoi(&pszCode[iPosition]);pszCode[iPosition+2]=chT;pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,iChar);if(pb==0) return 0;iPosition +=2;}}else{int iTemp2=pszCode[iPosition];if(iTemp2<-1) iTemp2=iTemp2&255;iChar=ga2_Code128[iSet][iTemp2];pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,iChar);if(pb==0)  return 0;iPosition++;if(iSet==SUB::SETA){if(iChar==100)   iSet=SUB::SETB;else if(iChar==99)    iSet=SUB::SETC;}else if(iSet==SUB::SETB){if(iChar==101)    iSet=SUB::SETA;else if(iChar==99)    iSet=SUB::SETC;}else if(iChar==98){if(iSet==SUB::SETA)iCharNext=ga2_Code128[SUB::SETB][pszCode[iPosition]];elseiCharNext=ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]];pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,iChar);if(pb==0)   return 0;iPosition++;}}}pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,iCheckDigit);if(pb==0)  return 0;pb=P_GetBarSpace128(pb,106);i_LenBuf=pb-pFst;return 1;}BYTE*P_GetBarSpace128(BYTE*pb,int iV){if(iV<0) return 0;if(iV>106)  return 0;IntString infs[]={{0,     "bbsbbssbbss"},{1,        "bbssbbsbbss"},{2,        "bbssbbssbbs"},{3,        "bssbssbbsss"},{4,        "bssbsssbbss"},{5,        "bsssbssbbss"},{6,        "bssbbssbsss"},{7,        "bssbbsssbss"},{8,        "bsssbbssbss"},{9,        "bbssbssbsss"},{10,   "bbssbsssbss"},{11,   "bbsssbssbss"},{12,   "bsbbssbbbss"},{13,   "bssbbsbbbss"},{14,   "bssbbssbbbs"},{15,   "bsbbbssbbss"},{16,   "bssbbbsbbss"},{17,   "bssbbbssbbs"},{18,   "bbssbbbssbs"},{19,   "bbssbsbbbss"},{20,   "bbssbssbbbs"},{21,   "bbsbbbssbss"},{22,   "bbssbbbsbss"},{23,   "bbbsbbsbbbs"},{24,   "bbbsbssbbss"},{25,   "bbbssbsbbss"},{26,   "bbbssbssbbs"},{27,   "bbbsbbssbss"},{28,   "bbbssbbsbss"},{29,   "bbbssbbssbs"},{30,   "bbsbbsbbsss"},{31,   "bbsbbsssbbs"},{32,   "bbsssbbsbbs"},{33,   "bsbsssbbsss"},{34,   "bsssbsbbsss"},{35,   "bsssbsssbbs"},{36,   "bsbbsssbsss"},{37,   "bsssbbsbsss"},{38,   "bsssbbsssbs"},{39,   "bbsbsssbsss"},{40,   "bbsssbsbsss"},{41,   "bbsssbsssbs"},{42,   "bsbbsbbbsss"},{43,   "bsbbsssbbbs"},{44,   "bsssbbsbbbs"},{45,   "bsbbbsbbsss"},{46,   "bsbbbsssbbs"},{47,   "bsssbbbsbbs"},{48,   "bbbsbbbsbbs"},{49,   "bbsbsssbbbs"},{50,   "bbsssbsbbbs"},{51,   "bbsbbbsbsss"},{52,   "bbsbbbsssbs"},{53,   "bbsbbbsbbbs"},{54,   "bbbsbsbbsss"},{55,   "bbbsbsssbbs"},{56,   "bbbsssbsbbs"},{57,   "bbbsbbsbsss"},{58,   "bbbsbbsssbs"},{59,   "bbbsssbbsbs"},{60,   "bbbsbbbbsbs"},{61,   "bbssbssssbs"},{62,   "bbbbsssbsbs"},{63,   "bsbssbbssss"},{64,   "bsbssssbbss"},{65,   "bssbsbbssss"},{66,   "bssbssssbbs"},{67,   "bssssbsbbss"},{68,   "bssssbssbbs"},{69,   "bsbbssbssss"},{70,   "bsbbssssbss"},{71,   "bssbbsbssss"},{72,   "bssbbssssbs"},{73,   "bssssbbsbss"},{74,   "bssssbbssbs"},{75,   "bbssssbssbs"},{76,   "bbssbsbssss"},{77,   "bbbbsbbbsbs"},{78,   "bbssssbsbss"},{79,   "bsssbbbbsbs"},{80,   "bsbssbbbbss"},{81,   "bssbsbbbbss"},{82,   "bssbssbbbbs"},{83,   "bsbbbbssbss"},{84,   "bssbbbbsbss"},{85,   "bssbbbbssbs"},{86,   "bbbbsbssbss"},{87,   "bbbbssbsbss"},{88,   "bbbbssbssbs"},{89,   "bbsbbsbbbbs"},{90,   "bbsbbbbsbbs"},{91,   "bbbbsbbsbbs"},{92,   "bsbsbbbbsss"},{93,   "bsbsssbbbbs"},{94,   "bsssbsbbbbs"},{95,   "bsbbbbsbsss"},{96,   "bsbbbbsssbs"},{97,   "bbbbsbsbsss"},{98,   "bbbbsbsssbs"},{99,   "bsbbbsbbbbs"},{100,  "bsbbbbsbbbs"},{101,  "bbbsbsbbbbs"},{102,  "bbbbsbsbbbs"},
//          {103,   "bbsbsbbbbss"},{103,  "bbsbssssbss"},{104,  "bbsbssbssss"},{105,  "bbsbssbbbss"},{106,  "bbsssbbbsbsbb"},};   int i;IntString&inf=infs[iV];for(i=0;i<11;i++){if(inf.psz[i]=='b')   *pb+=1;pb++;}if(iV==106)  {*pb+=1;  pb++;*pb+=1;    pb++;}return pb;}private:int GetCheckDigit(const int iSet,char*pszCode){int   iSum=0,iCurSet=0,iChar128,iCharNext,iWeight,iPosition;iCurSet=iSet;if(iSet==SUB::SETA){iSum=103;}else if(iSet==SUB::SETB){iSum=104;}else if(iSet==SUB::SETC){iSum=105;}iPosition=0;iWeight=1;const int iNum=strlen(pszCode);while(iPosition<iNum){if(iCurSet==SUB::SETC){if(ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]]==101){iChar128=101;iSum+=(iWeight*iChar128);iPosition++;iWeight++;iCurSet=SUB::SETA;}else if(ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]]==100){iChar128=100;iSum+=(iWeight*iChar128);iPosition++;iWeight++;iCurSet=SUB::SETB;}else if(ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]]==102){iChar128=102;iSum+=(iWeight*iChar128);iPosition++;iWeight++;}else{char chT=pszCode[iPosition+2];pszCode[iPosition+2]=0;iChar128=atol(&pszCode[iPosition]);pszCode[iPosition+2]=chT;iSum +=(iWeight*iChar128);iPosition +=2;iWeight++;}}else {int iTemp2=pszCode[iPosition];if(iTemp2<-1) iTemp2=iTemp2&255;iChar128=ga2_Code128[iCurSet][iTemp2];iSum+=(iWeight*iChar128);iPosition++;iWeight++;if(iCurSet==SUB::SETA){if(iChar128==100)iCurSet=SUB::SETB;else if(iChar128==99)iCurSet=SUB::SETC;}else if(iCurSet==SUB::SETB){if(iChar128==101)      iCurSet=SUB::SETA;else if(iChar128==99)  iCurSet=SUB::SETC;}else if(iChar128==98){if(iCurSet==SUB::SETA)iCharNext=ga2_Code128[SUB::SETB][pszCode[iPosition]];elseiCharNext=ga2_Code128[SUB::SETA][pszCode[iPosition]];iSum+=(iWeight*iCharNext);iPosition++;iWeight++;}}}return iSum%103;}
class BarcodeEan13:public BarcodeBase
public:BarcodeEan13(){}~BarcodeEan13(){}BOOL EncodeEan13(const char*pszCodeIn){Clear();//only allow 12 characters as inputchar szCode[14];const int iLen=strlen(pszCodeIn);if(iLen>12){strncpy_s(szCode,pszCodeIn,12);}else{strcpy_s(szCode,pszCodeIn);while(strlen(szCode)<12)  strcat_s(szCode,"0");}BYTE*pFst=ia_Buf;BYTE*pb=pFst;//"bsb"-long*pb+=5; pb++;*pb+=4;    pb++;*pb+=5;    pb++;BYTE iaCountryCode[6];BOOL b=P_GetCountryCode(szCode[0],iaCountryCode);if(b==0)   return 0;pb=P_GetLeftOddParity(pb,szCode[1]);int i;for(i=2;i<7;i++){if(iaCountryCode[i-2]=='O'){pb=P_GetLeftOddParity(pb,szCode[i]);}elseif(iaCountryCode[i-2]=='E'){pb=P_GetLeftEvenParity(pb,szCode[i]);}}//"sbsbs"-long*pb+=4;  pb++;*pb+=5;    pb++;*pb+=4;    pb++;*pb+=5;    pb++;*pb+=4;    pb++;for(i=7;i<12;i++){pb=P_GetRightPattern(pb,szCode[i]);}i=P_GetCheckSumDigit(szCode);pb=P_GetRightPattern(pb,(char)i);//"bsb"-long*pb+=5; pb++;*pb+=4;    pb++;*pb+=5;    pb++;i_LenBuf=pb-pFst;return 1;}void DrawEan13(HDC hDC,int iX,int iY0,int iY10,int iY11,const COLORREF clrBar,const COLORREF clrSpace,const int iPenW){DrawBarcode(hDC,iX,iY0,iY10,iY11,clrBar,clrSpace,iPenW);}private:BOOL P_GetCountryCode(char ch,BYTE*pbCountryCode){const int iV=ch-'0';if(iV<0) return 0;if(iV>9)    return 0;IntString infs[]={{0, "OOOOO"},{1,  "OEOEE"},{2,  "OEEOE"},{3,  "OEEEO"},{4,  "EOOEE"},{5,  "EEOOE"},{6,  "EEEOO"},{7,  "EOEOE"},{8,  "EOEEO"},{9,  "EEOEO"},};memcpy(pbCountryCode,infs[iV].psz,5);return 1;}BYTE*P_GetLeftOddParity(BYTE*pb,char ch){const int iV=ch-'0';if(iV<0) return 0;if(iV>9)    return 0;IntString infs[]={{0, "sssbbsb"},{1,    "ssbbssb"},{2,    "ssbssbb"},{3,    "sbbbbsb"},{4,    "sbsssbb"},{5,    "sbbsssb"},{6,    "sbsbbbb"},{7,    "sbbbsbb"},{8,    "sbbsbbb"},{9,    "sssbsbb"},};IntString&inf=infs[iV];int i;for(i=0;i<7;i++){if(inf.psz[i]=='b') *pb+=1;pb++;}return pb;}BYTE*P_GetLeftEvenParity(BYTE*pb,char ch){const int iV=ch-'0';if(iV<0)    return 0;if(iV>9)    return 0;IntString infs[]={{0, "sbssbbb"},{1,    "sbbssbb"},{2,    "ssbbsbb"},{3,    "sbssssb"},{4,    "ssbbbsb"},{5,    "sbbbssb"},{6,    "ssssbsb"},{7,    "ssbsssb"},{8,    "sssbssb"},{9,    "ssbsbbb"},};char*psz=infs[iV].psz;int i;for(i=0;i<7;i++){if(psz[i]=='b')  *pb+=1;pb++;}return pb;}BYTE*P_GetRightPattern(BYTE*pb,char ch){const int iV=ch-'0';if(iV<0)  return 0;if(iV>9)    return 0;IntString infs[]={{0, "bbbssbs"},{1,    "bbssbbs"},{2,    "bbsbbss"},{3,    "bssssbs"},{4,    "bsbbbss"},{5,    "bssbbbs"},{6,    "bsbssss"},{7,    "bsssbss"},{8,    "bssbsss"},{9,    "bbbsbss"},};char*psz=infs[iV].psz;int i;for(i=0;i<7;i++){if(psz[i]=='b')  *pb+=1;pb++;}return pb;}char P_GetCheckSumDigit(const char*pszCode){const int iLen=strlen(pszCode);int i,iSum=0,iItem;for(i=iLen;i >=1;i--){iItem=i%2?(pszCode[i-1]-'0')*1:(pszCode[i-1]-'0')*3;iSum+=iItem;}iSum%=10;return '0'+(10-iSum)%10;}};#endif

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