
  • The Browser DevTools


  • HTML Structure and CSS


    • The HTML panel


    • The CSS styles panel


    HTML Structure and CSS


  • The Console


    • Executing custom JavaScript


    • Error reporting


    The Console


  • The emulator


  • The network panel


  • JavaScript debugger


  • Application and Storage


    • Storage


    • Application


    Application and Storage


  • Security tab


  • Audits


浏览器开发工具 (The Browser DevTools)

I don’t think there was a time where websites and web applications were easy to build, as for backend technologies, but client-side development was surely easier than now, generally speaking.


Once you figured out the differences between Internet Explored and Netscape Navigator, and avoided the proprietary tags and technology, all you had to use was HTML and later CSS.

一旦弄清了Internet Explore和Netscape Navigator之间的区别,并且避免了专有标签和技术,您只需要使用HTML和更高版本CSS。

JavaScript was a tech for creating dialog boxes and a little bit more, but was definitely not as pervasive as today.


Although lots of web pages are still plain HTML + CSS, like this page, many other websites are real applications that run in the browser.

尽管许多网页仍是纯HTML + CSS,但与此网页一样,许多其他网站都是在浏览器中运行的真实应用程序。

Just providing the source of the page, like browser did once upon a time, was not enough.


Browser had to provide much more information on how they rendered the page, and what the page is currently doing, hence they introduced a feature for developers: their developer tools.


Every browser is different and so their dev tools are slightly different. At the time of writing my favorite developer tools are provided by Chrome, and this is the browser we’ll talk here, although also Firefox and Edge have great tools as well.

每个浏览器都不同,因此它们的开发工具也略有不同。 在撰写本文时,Chrome提供了我最喜欢的开发人员工具,这是我们将在这里讨论的浏览器,尽管Firefox和Edge也具有出色的工具。

HTML结构和CSS (HTML Structure and CSS)

The most basic form of usage, and a very common one, is inspecting the content of a webpage. When you open the DevTools that’s the panel the Elements panel is what you see:

使用的最基本形式(也是最常见的形式)是检查网页的内容。 当您打开面板的DevTools时,您将看到“元素”面板:

HTML面板 (The HTML panel)

On the left, the HTML that composes the page.


Hovering the elements in the HTML panel highlights the element in the page, and clicking the first icon in the toolbar allows you to click an element in the page, and analyze it in the inspector.


You can drag and drop elements in the inspector to live change their positioning in the page.


CSS样式面板 (The CSS styles panel)

On the right, the CSS styles that are applied to the currently selected element.


In addition to editing and disabling properties, you can add a new CSS property, with any target you want, by clicking the + icon.


Also you can trigger a state for the selected element, so you can see the styles applied when it’s active, hovered, on focus.


At the bottom, the box model of the selected element helps you figure out margins, paddings, border and dimensions at a quick glance:


控制台 (The Console)

The second most important element of the DevTools is the Console.


The Console can be seen on its own panel, or by pressing Esc in the Elements panel, it will show up in the bottom.

可以在自己的面板上看到控制台,或者在Elements面板中按Esc ,它将显示在底部。

The Console serves mainly two purposes: executing custom JavaScript and error reporting.

控制台主要用于两个目的: 执行自定义JavaScript错误报告

执行自定义JavaScript (Executing custom JavaScript)

At the bottom of the Console there is a blinking cursor. You can type any JavaScript there, and it will be promptly executed. As an example, try running:

在控制台的底部,有一个闪烁的光标。 您可以在此处键入任何JavaScript,它将立即执行。 例如,尝试运行:


The special identifier $0 allows you to reference the element currently selected in the elements inspector. If you want to reference that as a jQuery selector, use $($0).

特殊标识符$0允许您引用元素检查器中当前选择的元素。 如果要引用它作为jQuery选择器,请使用$($0)

You can write more than one line with shift-enter. Pressing enter at the end of the script runs it.

您可以使用shift-enter编写多行内容。 在脚本末尾按Enter即可运行它。

错误报告 (Error reporting)

Any error, warning or information that happens while rendering the page, and subsequently executing the JavaScript, is listed here.


For example failing to load a resource from the network, with information on why, is reported in the console.


Console Error Reporting

In this case, clicking the resource URL brings you to the Network panel, showing more info which you can use to determine the cause of the problem.


You can filter those messages by level (Error / Warning / Info) and also filter them by content.


Those messages can be user-generated in your own JavaScript by using the Console API:

这些消息可以使用Console API在用户自己JavaScript中由用户生成:

console.log('Some info message')
console.warn('Some warning message')
console.error('Some error message')

模拟器 (The emulator)

The Chrome DevTools embed a very useful device emulator which you can use to visualize your page in every device size you want.

Chrome DevTools嵌入了一个非常有用的设备仿真器,您可以使用该仿真器以所需的每种设备尺寸可视化页面。

You can choose from the presets the most popular mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, Android devices and much more, or specify the pixel dimensions yourself, and the screen definition (1x, 2x retina, 3x retina HD).


In the same panel you can setup network throttling for that specific Chrome tab, to emulate a low speed connection and see how the page loads, and the “show media queries” option shows you how media queries modify the CSS of the page.

在同一面板中,您可以为特定的Chrome标签设置网络限制 ,以模拟低速连接并查看页面的加载方式,“ 显示媒体查询 ”选项显示媒体查询如何修改页面CSS。

网络面板 (The network panel)

The Network Panel of the DevTools allows you to see all the connections that the browser must process while rendering a page.


The network panel

At a quick glance the page shows:


  • a toolbar where you can setup some options and filters
  • a loading graph of the page as a whole
  • every single request, with HTTP method, response code, size and other details
  • a footer with the summary of the total requests, the total size of the page and some timing indications.

A very useful option in the toolbar is preserve log. By enabling it, you can move to another page, and the logs will not be cleared.

工具栏中的一个非常有用的选项是保留日志 。 通过启用它,您可以移至另一页,并且不会清除日志。

Another very useful tool to track loading time is disable cache. This can be enabled globally in the DevTools settings as well, to always disable cache when DevTools is open.

跟踪加载时间的另一个非常有用的工具是禁用缓存 。 也可以在DevTools设置中全局启用此功能,以在打开DevTools时始终禁用缓存。

Clicking a specific request in the list shows up the detail panel, with HTTP Headers report:


The HTTP headers report in the network panel

And the loading time breakdown:


The loading time breakdown

JavaScript调试器 (JavaScript debugger)

If you click an error message in the DevTools Console, the Sources tab opens and in addition to pointing you to the file and line where the error happened, you have the option to use the JavaScript debugger.


This is a full-featured debugger. You can set breakpoints, watch variables, and listen to DOM changes or break on specific XHR (AJAX) network requests, or event listeners.

这是功能齐全的调试器。 您可以设置断点,监视变量,侦听DOM更改或在特定XHR (AJAX)网络请求或事件侦听器上中断。

应用与储存 (Application and Storage)

The Application tab gives you lots of information about which information is stored inside the browser relative to your website.


Application and storage

存储 (Storage)

You gain access to detailed reports and tools to interact with the application storage:


  • Local Storage


  • Session Storage
  • IndexedDb


  • Web SQL
    Web SQL
  • Cookies


and you can quickly wipe any information, to start with a clean slate.


应用 (Application)

This tab also gives you tools to inspect and debug Progressive Web Apps.

此选项卡还为您提供了检查和调试Progressive Web Apps的工具。

Click manifest to get information about the web app manifest, used to allow mobile users to add the app to their home, and simulate the “add to homescreen” events.


Service workers let you inspect your application service workers. If you don’t know what service workers are, in short they are a fundamental technology that powers modern web apps, to provide features like notification, capability to run offline and synchronize across devices.

服务人员可让您检查应用程序服务人员。 如果您不知道服务人员是什么,简而言之,它们是为现代Web应用程序提供动力的一项基本技术,可提供通知,脱机运行以及跨设备同步等功能。

安全标签 (Security tab)

The Security tab gives you all the information that the browser has relatively to the security of the connection to the website.


The Security Tab

If there is any problem with the HTTPS connection, if the site is served over TLS, it will provide you more information about what’s causing it.


审核 (Audits)

The Audits tab will help you find and solve some issues relative to performance and in general the quality of the experience that users have when accessing your website.


You can perform various kinds of audits depending on the kind of website:


The audit is provided by Lighthouse, an open source automated website quality check tool. It takes a while to run, then it provides you a very nice report with key actions to check.

审核由Lighthouse (一种开源的自动化网站质量检查工具)提供。 它需要一段时间才能运行,然后为您提供了非常不错的报告,其中包含要检查的关键操作。

Lighthouse audit report

If you want to know more about the Chrome DevTools, check out this Chrome DevTools Tips list


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