
I was reading my boss's blog today, as he's a hard core GTD practitioner - more than I - and I'm trying to get better at it.


He recently went on an automation rampage kick around his home IT and wrote a pile of scripts. He also tends to email him self quick little reminders that are filed as todos, as do I, except he can just type

最近,他在自己的家庭IT上进行了自动化横冲直撞,并编写了一堆脚本。 他也倾向于通过电子邮件将自己的一些小提醒发送给他,就像我一样,除了他只能输入

todo "Write a blog post on foo"


And it'll be mailed to him with an appropriate subject and tagged in his Gmail account.


He's using BLAT under Windows (using sendEmail under Linux). BLAT is a command-line util for sending email under Windows. It'll also post to USENET via NNTP if you like.

他在Windows下使用BLAT (在Linux下使用sendEmail)。 BLAT是用于在Windows下发送电子邮件的命令行实用程序。 如果愿意,它还将通过NNTP发布到USENET。

You can include all the settings on the command-line, or just "install" them in the registry, once, like this:


blat -install localhost - - FromScott

BLAT -install本地主机 - - FromScott

Where "FromScott" is the name of a profile we'll use later. Then I can create a TODO.BAT (or TODO.PS1) and put this in it:

“ FromScott”是配置文件的名称,我们将在以后使用。 然后,我可以创建一个TODO.BAT(或TODO.PS1)并将其放入其中:

@echo off
blat -p FromScott -to -subject %1 -body %1 > NUL

@回声关闭BLAT -p FromScott -to -subject%1 -体%1> NUL

I like running BLAT with -debug, because I'm all about -verbose, don't you know.


NOTE: I'm using Vista and when I ran blat for the first time I was warned by the loader I didn't have MSVCR71.dll, so I ended up getting it and putting it in the same folder as BLAT then it was cool.


I ended up making todo.bat, worktodo.bat and hometodo.bat and they look like this:


start "TODO-ING" /MIN c:\pathto\blat.exe -p FromScott -to -subject %1 -body %1 -debug

启动“ TODO-ING” / MIN c:\ pathto \ blat.exe -p FromScott -to主题%1 -body%1 -debug

So now,


c:>todo "Write a blog post about how my Home IT is automated"

c:> todo“撰写有关家庭IT如何自动化的博客文章”






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