
UNIX在交易中 (UNIX in Trading)

With the dismemberment of AT & T in 1984 in the famous seven Baby Bells, smaller companies that operate locally, free sharing of Unix ended. Only a few universities, like Berkeley, California, continued to develop their own version of Unix derivative. AT & T had resigned his position of market dominance and become a carrier for calls between states. The commercialization of Unix knew no barriers and therefore Unix System III (based on the seventh version) was the first release to be issued on payment of a price and without source code. Was followed a few years later the UNIX version of System V, which included support for other architectures and the integration of the vi editor, originally developed by the California branch of Unix, and BSD.

1984年,由于AT&T在著名的七个婴儿钟中解散,在本地经营的小型公司结束了对Unix的免费共享。 只有少数几所大学,例如加利福尼亚的伯克利,继续开发自己的Unix衍生版本。 AT&T已经辞去了市场支配地位,并成为州际通话的载体。 Unix的商业化是没有障碍的,因此Unix System III(基于第七版)是第一个需要付费且没有源代码的发行版本。 几年后又推出了UNIX版本的System V,其中包括对其他体系结构的支持以及vi编辑器的集成,该编辑器最初是由Unix的加利福尼亚州分支机构和BSD开发的。

Other companies began to offer commercial versions of Unix. Some obtained a license to use the code by AT & T, others rely on the development branch created by the University of California, Berkeley. It was precisely from this derivation that Bill Joy created SunOS (now Solaris and OpenSolaris) and founded Sun Microsystems in 1982. Microsoft also had its own version of Unix, which he called XENIX, then acquired by SCO (Santa Cruz Operation). It was thanks to the SCO’s work to make it compatible with the Intel 386.

其他公司开始提供Unix的商业版本。 其中一些获得了AT&T的使用该代码的许可,另一些则依赖于加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校创建的开发分支。 正是从这种派生中,比尔·乔伊(Bill Joy)创建了SunOS(现在是Solaris和OpenSolaris),并在1982年创建了Sun Microsystems。微软还拥有自己的Unix版本,他称之为XENIX,然后被SCO(Santa Cruz Operation)收购。 这要归功于SCO使其与Intel 386兼容。

In 1984 came the first real standard Unix, or SVR4 System V Release 4, which contained all the innovations promoted by the various companies that had marketed so far as Sun Unix, BSD, SCO and IBM.

1984年出现了第一个真正的标准Unix,即SVR4 System V Release 4,其中包含由Sun Unix,BSD,SCO和IBM等已上市的各种公司推动的所有创新。

In 1993 AT & T decided to sell all rights to Unix from Novell, UnixWare with whom he created a system that integrates the technology behind NetWare. UnixWare then found himself having to compete against Microsoft Windows NT, but it is lacking a valid business support to the long lost the battle. In 1995, some development and marketing rights were distributed to the SCO. Do not know exactly what rights have been sold and the matter is now underpin today’s case that pits the two companies.

在1993年,AT&T决定从UnixWare的Novell出售Unix的所有权利,他与他一起创建了一个集成了NetWare技术的系统。 UnixWare随后发现自己必须与Microsoft Windows NT竞争,但是由于长期失败,它缺乏有效的业务支持。 1995年,一些开发和销售权被分配给上海合作组织。 不确切知道已经出售了哪些权利,此事现在是两家公司陷入困境的今天的案例。

SCO’s lawsuit against Linux (year two thousand)


Initially, the SCO supported Linux distribution with its own and actively collaborated in order to make more palatable its Unix crushed by competition from Microsoft, did, however, that while the SCO lost sales due to an inadequate business support, small firms Linux grew tremendously. The growth of Linux caused many problems for SCO, which was crushed by the strong growth of Linux on one side and a sales force Microsoft hand. He decided to resort to legal action against IBM and other companies that used Linux heavily at the center of their business. The charges relate to alleged copyright violations in the Linux kernel, which means that parts of Linux, according to SCO, were copied from the kernel of Unix, which SCO claims to hold the rights.

最初,SCO支持自己的Linux发行版,并积极合作以使其Unix更受Microsoft的竞争压制,但确实如此,尽管SCO因业务支持不足而损失了销售,但小型公司Linux取得了巨大的发展。 Linux的增长给SCO带来了许多问题,一方面Linux的强劲增长和微软的销售力量压垮了SCO。 他决定诉诸针对IBM和其他在其业务中心大量使用Linux的公司的法律诉讼。 这些指控与Linux内核中涉嫌侵犯版权有关,这意味着根据SCO,Linux的某些部分是从Unix内核中复制的,SCO声称拥有Unix的内核。

In early 2007 SCO provided specific details of the alleged copyright violation. Unlike previous statements that saw SCO owns a million lines of code, they stated only 326 lines of code, most of which was not covered by copyright. In August 2007, the court in the Novell case settled, to begin , which SCO did not own either the copyright to Unix.

2007年初,SCO提供了涉嫌侵犯版权的具体细节。 与以前的声明看到SCO拥有一百万行代码不同,他们仅陈述了326行代码,其中大多数没有版权保护。 2007年8月,Novell案的法院开始和解,SCO不拥有Unix的版权。

Curiously BSD also suffered a similar legal attack (relative to the neo-distribution BSD/386) by AT & T. The dispute ended in 1994, largely in favor of BSD, where, among 18,000 files, only 3 had to be removed from the system and 70 modified in terms of the license.

奇怪的是,BSD也遭受了AT&T的类似法律攻击(相对于新发行版的BSD / 386)。纠纷于1994年结束,主要是对BSD的支持,在18,000个文件中,只有3个文件必须从BSD中删除。系统,并在许可方面进行了70项修改。

Unix和免费软件 (Unix and free software)

In 1983, Richard Stallman launched the GNU project to create a clone of Unix that was free software, which would guarantee full freedom of use and modification by users and developers, Unix subtracting the proprietary vendors. In 1991 the system was supplemented by the creation of the Linux kernel by Linus Torvalds. The Unix world knew that a second youth. Currently systems based on GNU / Linux are the most used in the large family of Unix systems, especially in the server, but with increasing frequency and also on the netbook personal computer. Between 2007 and 2008 several manufacturers, including Dell, Asus, Lenovo, HP brought computers with Linux preinstalled to the general public to this system by opening the doors of personal computing. From 2009 are becoming mobile phones and PDAs based on Android, a version of GNU / Linux modified by Google to be extremely light.

1983年,Richard Stallman启动了GNU项目,以创建Unix的克隆,该克隆是免费软件,这将保证用户和开发人员具有完全的使用和修改自由,Unix减去了专有供应商。 1991年,系统由Linus Torvalds创建Linux内核进行了补充。 Unix世界知道第二个年轻人。 当前,基于GNU / Linux的系统是大型Unix系统家族中使用最多的系统,尤其是在服务器中,但使用频率越来越高,在上网本个人计算机上也越来越频繁。 在2007年至2008年之间,包括戴尔,华硕,联想和惠普在内的数家制造商通过打开个人计算之门,将预装Linux的计算机带给了公众。 从2009年开始,基于Android的移动电话和PDA逐渐成为一种轻量级产品,该版本由Google修改为GNU / Linux版本。

The most important family of systems derived from Unix, but not certified as UNIX, is to BSD, which include FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFlyBSD, and many others.


Remember also that the family is the Unix operating system Minix.


There’s big difference between the statements UNIX, Unix and Unix-like:


  • UNIX is a registered trademark and indicates an operating system certified by The Open Group, a consortium of companies including IBM, HP and Sun Microsystems. To be certified, the operating system must conform to specifications set by The Open Group itself;UNIX是注册商标,表示由The Open Group(包括IBM,HP和Sun Microsystems的公司组成的财团)认证的操作系统。 要获得认证,操作系统必须符合The Open Group本身设定的规范;
  • Unix-like (often abbreviated as * nix, though in common usage the latter term refers primarily BSD operating systems such as FreeBSD, which can use such information for historical reasons) indicates those operating systems that are designed according to specifications Unix systems, described in the Single UNIX Specification, but for legal reasons can not use the trademark UNIX;类似于Unix(通常缩写为* nix,尽管通常使用后一个术语主要指BSD操作系统,例如FreeBSD,出于历史原因可以使用此类信息)表示那些按照Unix系统规范设计的操作系统,在单一UNIX规范,但由于法律原因不能使用商标UNIX;
  • With Unix are generally given all the systems derived from UNIX from AT & T.一般而言,使用Unix的所有系统都来自UNIX的AT&T。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/unix-operating-system-part-2/


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