英睿达中国官网|美光(镁光) 官方说明:


Why Did my SSD 'Disappear' from my System?

A sudden loss of power or rare software events can cause a system to fail to recognize an SSD.   In most cases, the SSD can be returned to normal operating condition by completing our power cycle procedure.   The instructions detailed below will only take a few minutes, and should be followed by optimizing your power settings for SSD use. This process is non-destructive, and your data will be intact as long as the event that triggered the SSD malfunction did not affect your file system as well.




Apple® and Windows® desktop users follow the same steps.

  1. If possible, connect the SSD via a hard drive enclosure or USB-to-SATA adapter, then plug it in to a USB port (preferably a different system if possible, to rule out system-level malfunctions).   Whether the drive is visible or not, let it sit in this state for a minimum of five minutes to allow the SSD to rebuild its mapping tables, then reboot the system and see if the drive is restored.   如果可能,通过 硬盘盒 或 USB转SAS适配器 连接SSD,然后将其插入USB端口(如果可能,最好是另一个系统,以排除系统级故障)。无论驱动器是否可见,让它在此状态至少停留5分钟,以让SSD重建其映射表,然后重新启动系统,查看驱动器是否已还原。
  2. If a USB adapter is not available, reseat the drive and boot in to your system’s BIOS or UEFI with the drive connected normally  for a minimum of five minutes  to allow the drive to attempt this same rebuild, then reboot the system and see if the drive is restored.     如果你没有USB转换器,请重新拔插一下SSD,并在SSD正常连接的情况下重启到你系统的BIOS或UEFI中至少5分钟,以让SSD尝试相同的重建,然后重新启动系统并查看驱动器是否已还原。
  3. Note: This mode may be less effective than a USB connection, as some systems will cut power to an attached device if the drive does not mount normally.    此模式可能不如USB连接有效,因为如果驱动器未正常安装,某些系统将切断连接设备的电源。
  4. If the above steps do not help, try the SSD in another system (if you haven’t already), to rule out the original cabling and ports as a potential cause of this behavior.    如果上述步骤没有帮助,请在另一个系统中尝试SSD(如果您还没有试过的话),以排除原始布线和端口可能导致此行为的原因。
  5. If the drive comes back and is functional, it is recommended to update the firmware to the latest revision (if applicable). The page with the latest firmware revisions can be found here.    如果驱动器恢复正常工作,建议将固件更新到最新版本(如果适用)。最新固件版本的页面可以在这里找到。
  6. If this procedure does not resolve the issue, a replacement may be needed. Please contact us for more assistance.   如果本程序不能解决问题,则可能需要更换。请联系我们寻求更多帮助。

固态硬盘恢复之30分钟大法操作技巧   请自百度。


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