
const getPersonInfo = (type: number) => {switch (type) {case 1:const name = '张三'; // Error: Unexpected lexical declaration in case block.eslintbreak;case 2:const name = '李四';console.log(name); // Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'name' has already been declaredbreak;default:break;}

可以看到,case 1 和case 2 中定义的字段,理论上应该是互不影响的,但由于作用域的提升,case1 会影响到 case 2 。


const getPersonInfo = (type: number) => {switch (type) {case 1: {const name = '张三';break;}case 2: {const name = '李四';console.log(name);break;}default:break;}


// Declarations outside switch-statements are valid
const a = 0;switch (foo) {// The following case clauses are wrapped into blocks using bracketscase 1: {let x = 1;break;}case 2: {const y = 2;break;}case 3: {function f() {}break;}case 4:// Declarations using var without brackets are valid due to function-scope hoistingvar z = 4;break;default: {class C {}}

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