《Windows 8应用开发权威指南》介绍

Introduction to Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer


中文书名:Windows 8应用开发权威指南

英文书名:Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer

I. Cover design requirements and characters

Book name in Chinese: Windows 8应用开发权威指南

Book name in English: Windows 8: The Definitive Guide for Developer


II. Content profile

本书应该是目前全球范围内最为系统、全面、详尽和极具实战性的一本关于Windows应用商店应用开发的著作,书中深刻地阐述了Windows应用商店应用简洁、直观、优雅的界面设计理念和思想,以及开发中的重点和难点。技术内容涵盖了Visual C#、JavaScript和Visual C++ 开发语言,以满足不同读者群体的需求。为方便读者学习,书中在讲解技术重点的同时辅以完整的示例演示,使读者能够更快地将所学知识运用到实践开发当中,最后还针对不同的开发语言精心设计了三个综合性案例,可操作性极强。

This book is the most systematic, complete, detailed, and practical material for the development of Windows App Store applications all over the world. It deeply elaborates the simple, visualized, and refined interface design concepts and thoughts of Windows App Store applications as well as key points and difficulties during development. The technical contents of this book cover Visual C#, JavaScript, and Visual C++ development language to meet the demands of different reader groups. This book also presents complete demonstrations while it explains technical concepts, so that readers can apply the knowledge learned to practical development. At the final part of the book, three comprehensive cases are hereby designed carefully using different development languages with stronger operability.

全书共分21章:第1~2章首先介绍了Windows 8系统的特点、Windows应用商店应用的设计风格和思想、Windows应用商店应用的特征,然后详细介绍了开发Windows应用商店应用所需的开发工具及其使用方法,之后还介绍了开发者账号的注册、开发环境的搭建、远程调试以及应用程序的发布;第3章详细讲解了适用于Windows应用商店应用开发的XAML语法基础;第4~18章则系统讲解了使用Visual C#语言开发Windows应用商店应用的相关技术,包括应用控件、界面布局与导航、数据绑定、推送通知、图形与画刷、多媒体、动画效果、多线程与后台任务、传感器、文件与数据存储、网络通信、生命周期管理、地图应用、外部设备、全球化;第19~20章分别讲解了使用JavaScript和Visual C++语言进行Windows应用商店应用开发时所使用的重要技术;第21章结合前面章节所介绍的技术知识完整的实现一个真实的Windows应用商店应用案例。

This book is divided into 21 chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 present characteristics of Windows 8 system, show the design style, concepts, and characteristics of Windows 8 App Store applications, then they detail development tools and application methods required by Windows App Store applications, and later registration of developer’s account number, establishment of development environment, remote commissioning, and release of this application program are explained. Chapter 3 explains XAML grammar basis applicable for the development of Windows App Store applications. On the other hand, chapters 4 to 18 systematically elaborate relevant technologies for the development of Windows App Store applications by Visual C# language, including application control, interface layout and navigation, data binding, propulsion notice, figure and paintbrush, multi-media, cartoon effect, multithread and background task, sensor, file and data memory, network communication, life cycle management, map application, external equipment, and globalization. Then chapters 19 to 20 respectively present important technologies adopted when Windows App Store applications are developed by JavaScript and Visual C++ languages. Finally, chapter 21 sets forth a real Windows App Store application case integrating the technical knowledge stated in the previous chapters.



软件开发工程师,专注于移动互联网和云计算,对移动终端设备应用的界面设计及自动化测试有深入研究,熟悉Windows Phone、Android、iOS平台应用开发技术。



III. About the Author

Yan Yan, a development engineer, is devoted to mobile Internet and cloud computing. She deeply researches on the interface design and automatization testing of mobile terminal device applications, and she is adept with the development technologies of Windows Phone, Android, and iOS platform applications.

Microblog:  @ Yanyan

Twitter: @finehappy.

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