

Equipment 接口

package august.domain;/*** 设备领取** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:58*/
public interface Equipment {public abstract  String getDescription();}



package august.domain;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 17:41*/
public class PC implements Equipment{//机器的型号private String model;//显示器名称private String display;public PC() {}public PC(String model, String display) {this.model = model;this.display = display;}public String getModel() {return model;}public String getDisplay() {return display;}@Overridepublic String getDescription() {return model +"(" +  display + ")";}}


package august.domain;import august.domain.Equipment;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 17:43*/
public class NoteBook implements Equipment {//机器的型号private String model;private double price;public NoteBook() {}public NoteBook(String model, double price) {this.model = model;this.price = price;}public String getModel() {return model;}public void setModel(String model) {this.model = model;}public double getPrice() {return price;}public void setPrice(double price) {this.price = price;}@Overridepublic String getDescription() {return model + "(" + price + ")";}


package august.domain;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 17:45*/
public class Printer implements Equipment {private String name;//机器的机型private String type;public Printer() {}public Printer(String name, String type) { = name;this.type = type;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) { = name;}public String getType() {return type;}public void setType(String type) {this.type = type;}@Overridepublic String getDescription() {return name + "(" + type + ")";}



package august.domain;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:47*/
public class Employee {private int id;private String name;private int age;private double salary;public Employee(int id, String name, int age, double salary) { = id; = name;this.age = age;this.salary = salary;}public int getId() {return id;}public void setId(int id) { = id;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) { = name;}public int getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(int age) {this.age = age;}public double getSalary() {return salary;}public void setSalary(double salary) {this.salary = salary;}public String getshow(){return id + "\t" + name + "\t"+ age + "\t"+ salary ;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return getshow();}


package august.domain;import august.service.Status;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:51*/
public class Programer extends Employee implements Equipment {//用来记录成员加入开发团队后在团队中的IDprivate int memberld;private Status status = Status.FREE;//    表示该成员领用的设备private Equipment equipment;public Programer(int id, String name, int age, double salary, Equipment equipment) {super(id, name, age, salary); = equipment;}public Programer(int id, String name, int age, double salary) {super(id, name, age, salary);}@Overridepublic String getDescription() {return null;}public int getMemberld() {return memberld;}public void setMemberld(int memberld) {this.memberld = memberld;}public Status getStatus() {return status;}public void setStatus(Status status) {this.status = status;}public Equipment getEquipment() {return equipment;}public void setEquipment(Equipment equipment) { = equipment;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return getshow() + "\t\t" + "程序员" + "\t" + getStatus().getNAME() + "\t\t" + "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + getEquipment().getDescription();}public String getDetailsTeam() {return memberld + "/" + getId() + "\t\t\t" + getName() + "\t" + getAge() + "\t\t" + getSalary() + "\t\t程序员";}


package august.domain;import august.service.Status;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:51*/
public class Designer extends Programer {//表示奖金private double bonus;public Designer(int id, String name, int age, double salary, Equipment equipment, double bonus) {super(id, name, age, salary, equipment);this.bonus = bonus;}public Designer(int id, String name, int age, double salary) {super(id, name, age, salary);}public double getBonus() {return bonus;}public void setBonus(double bonus) {this.bonus = bonus;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return getshow() + "\t\t" + "设计师" + "\t" + getStatus().getNAME() + "\t\t" + bonus + "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + getEquipment().getDescription();}@Overridepublic String getDetailsTeam() {return getMemberld() + "/" + getId() + "\t\t" + getName() + "\t" + getAge() + "\t\t" + getSalary() + "\t\t设计师\t" +bonus;}


package august.domain;import august.service.Status;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:52*/
public class Architect extends Designer {//表示公司奖励的股票数量private int stock;public Architect(int id, String name, int age, double salary, Equipment equipment, double bonus, int stock) {super(id, name, age, salary, equipment, bonus);this.stock = stock;}public Architect(int id, String name, int age, double salary) {super(id, name, age, salary);}public int getStock() {return stock;}public void setStock(int stock) {this.stock = stock;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return getshow() + "\t\t" + "架构师" + "\t" + getStatus().getNAME()+ "\t\t" + getBonus() + "\t\t\t" + stock + "\t\t" +getEquipment().getDescription();}@Overridepublic String getDetailsTeam() {return getMemberld() + "/" + getId() + "\t\t" + getName() + "\t" + getAge() + "\t\t" + getSalary() + "\t\t架构师\t" +getBonus() + "\t\t" + getStock();}

TSUtility 工具类

package august.view;import java.util.Scanner;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.* 目中提供了TSUtility.java类,可用来方便地实现键盘访问。** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 17:06*/
public class TSUtility {private static Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;/*** @return* @Description 该方法读取键盘,如果用户键入’1’-’4’中的任意字符,则方法返回。返回值为用户键入字符。* @author shkstart* @date 2019年2月12日上午12:03:30*/public static char readMenuSelection() {char c;for (; ; ) {String str = readKeyBoard(1, false);c = str.charAt(0);if (c != '1' && c != '2' &&c != '3' && c != '4') {System.out.print("选择错误,请重新输入:");} else {break;}}return c;}/*** @Description 该方法提示并等待,直到用户按回车键后返回。* @author shkstart* @date 2019年2月12日上午12:03:50*/public static void readReturn() {System.out.print("按回车键继续...");readKeyBoard(100, true);}/*** @return* @Description 该方法从键盘读取一个长度不超过2位的整数,并将其作为方法的返回值。* @author shkstart* @date 2019年2月12日上午12:04:04*/public static int readInt() {int n;for (; ; ) {String str = readKeyBoard(2, false);try {n = Integer.parseInt(str);break;} catch (NumberFormatException e) {System.out.print("数字输入错误,请重新输入:");}}return n;}/*** @return* @Description 从键盘读取‘Y’或’N’,并将其作为方法的返回值。* @author shkstart* @date 2019年2月12日上午12:04:45*/public static char readConfirmSelection() {char c;for (; ; ) {String str = readKeyBoard(1, false).toUpperCase();c = str.charAt(0);if (c == 'Y' || c == 'N') {break;} else {System.out.print("选择错误,请重新输入:");}}return c;}private static String readKeyBoard(int limit, boolean blankReturn) {String line = "";while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {line = scanner.nextLine();if (line.length() == 0) {if (blankReturn) {return line;} else {continue;}}if (line.length() < 1 || line.length() > limit) {System.out.print("输入长度(不大于" + limit + ")错误,请重新输入:");continue;}break;}return line;}



package august.service;import august.domain.*;/*** 功能:负责将Data中的数据封装到Employee[]数组中,同时提供相关操作Employee[]的方法。** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:48*/
public class NameListService {//用来保存公司所有员工对象private Employee[] employees;//给Employee及数组元素进行初始化public NameListService() {//1.根据项目提供的Data类构建相应大小的employees数组employees = new Employee[Data.EMPLOYEES.length];//动态绑定Equipment equipment;//2.再根据Data类中的数据构建不同的对象,包括Employee、Programmer、Designet ,Architect对象,以及相关联的Equipment子类的对象//3.将对象存于数组中for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {int type = Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][0]);if (Data.EMPLOYEE == type) {employees[i] = new Employee(Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][1]), Data.EMPLOYEES[i][2], Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][3]), Double.parseDouble(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][4]));} else if (Data.PROGRAMMER == type) {//创建员工的设备equipment = creativeEquipment(i);employees[i] = new Programer(Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][1]), Data.EMPLOYEES[i][2], Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][3]), Double.parseDouble(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][4]), equipment);} else if (Data.DESIGNER == type) {equipment = creativeEquipment(i);employees[i] = new Designer(Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][1]), Data.EMPLOYEES[i][2], Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][3]), Double.parseDouble(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][4]), equipment, Double.parseDouble(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][5]));} else if (Data.ARCHITECT == type) {equipment = creativeEquipment(i);employees[i] = new Architect(Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][1]), Data.EMPLOYEES[i][2], Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][3]), Double.parseDouble(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][4]), equipment, Double.parseDouble(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][5]), Integer.parseInt(Data.EMPLOYEES[i][6]));}}}/*** @Description :获取员工的设备* @Author Crazy_August* @Date 2021-02-28  20:23* @Since version-1.0*/public Equipment creativeEquipment(int index) {int Employeestype = Integer.parseInt(Data.EQIPMENTS[index][0]);switch (Employeestype) {case Data.PC:return new PC(Data.EQIPMENTS[index][1], Data.EQIPMENTS[index][2]);case Data.NOTEBOOK:return new NoteBook(Data.EQIPMENTS[index][1], Double.parseDouble(Data.EQIPMENTS[index][2]));case Data.PRINTER:return new Printer(Data.EQIPMENTS[index][1], Data.EQIPMENTS[index][2]);default:}return null;}public Employee[] getAllEmployee() {return employees;}public Employee getEmployees(int id) throws TeamException {for (int i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {if (employees[i].getId() == id) {return employees[i];}}throw new TeamException("找不到指定的员工");}


package august.service;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:49*/
public class TeamException extends Exception{static final long serialVersionUID = -3387516229948L;public TeamException() {super();}public TeamException(String msg) {super(msg);}


package august.service;import august.domain.Architect;
import august.domain.Designer;
import august.domain.Employee;
import august.domain.Programer;/*** 功能:关于开发团队成员的管理:添加、删除等。** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:48*/
public class TeamService {//用来为开发团队新增成员自动生成团队中的唯一IDprivate static int counter = 1;private final int MAX_MEMBER = 5;//用来保存当前团队中的各成员对象private Programer[] team = new Programer[MAX_MEMBER];//记录团队成员的实际人数private int total = 0;//获取team中架构师、设计师、程序员中的人数private int numArc = 0;private int numDes = 0;private int numPro = 0;//得到团队public Programer[] getTeam() {Programer[] team = new Programer[total];for (int i = 0; i < team.length; i++) {team[i] =[i];}return team;}/*** @Description :将指定的员工加到开发团队中* @Param [employee]* @Return [august.domain.Employee]* @Author Crazy_August* @Date 2021-03-01  12:59* @Since version-1.0*/public void addMember(Employee employee) throws TeamException {//失败信息包含以下几种://成员已满,无法添加if (total == MAX_MEMBER) {throw new TeamException("成员已满,无法添加");}//该成员不是开发人员,无法添加//判断employee是否是程序员if (!(employee instanceof Programer)) {throw new TeamException("该成员不是开发人员,无法添加");}//该员工已在本开发团队中if (isExist(employee)) {throw new TeamException("该员工已在本开发团队中,无法添加");}//该员工已是某团队成员//需要强转,因为上方if已经过滤掉employee没有Status属性Programer programer = (Programer) employee;// 注意:判断字符串内容是否相同用.equals()//        if ("BUSY".equalsIgnoreCase(programer.getStatus().getNAME())) {//            throw new TeamException("该员工已是某团队成员,无法添加");
//        } else if ("VOCATION".equalsIgnoreCase(programer.getStatus().getNAME())) {//            //该员正在休假,无法添加
//            throw new TeamException("该员正在休假,无法添加");
//        }if (programer.getStatus() == Status.BUSY) {throw new TeamException("该员工已是某团队成员,无法添加");} else if (programer.getStatus() == Status.VOCATION) {//该员正在休假,无法添加throw new TeamException("该员正在休假,无法添加");}//团队中至多只能有一名架构师//团队中至多只能有两名设计师//团队中至多只能有三名程序员//        for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {//
//            if (employee instanceof Architect) {//
//            } else if (employee instanceof Designer) {//
//            } else if (employee instanceof Programer){//
//            }
//        }//小范围开始,因为都继承关系为 program > Desiger >Architectif (employee instanceof Architect) {if (numArc >= 1) {throw new TeamException("团队中至多只能有一名架构师,无法添加");}numArc++;} else if (employee instanceof Designer) {if (numDes >= 2) {throw new TeamException("团队中至多只能有两名设计师,无法添加");}numDes++;} else {if (numPro >= 3) {throw new TeamException("团队中至多只能有三名程序员,无法添加");}numPro++;}//添加无异常,添加 employee(需要强转,因为team是Program类型)// 或者 programer(上方已经转型  Programer programer = (Programer) employee;)// 操作//方式一://team[total] = (Programer) employee;//方式二:team[total] = programer;total++;//更改开发团队员工的Statusprogramer.setStatus(Status.BUSY);programer.setMemberld(counter++);}/*** @Description :判断员工是否存在开发团队中* @Param [employee]* @Return [august.domain.Employee]* @Author Crazy_August* @Date 2021-03-01  13:23* @Since version-1.0*/private boolean isExist(Employee employee) {for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {if (team[i].getId() == employee.getId()) {return true;}}return false;}/*** @Description :删除指定成员* @Param [menberld]* @Return [int]* @Author Crazy_August* @Date 2021-03-01  18:34* @Since version-1.0*/public void removeMember(int menberld) throws TeamException {for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {if (team[i].getMemberld() == menberld) {//修改状态team[i].setStatus(Status.FREE);Programer programer = team[i];if (programer instanceof Architect) {numArc--;} else if (programer instanceof Designer) {numDes--;} else {numPro--;}// 后一个元素覆盖前一个元素,实现删除操作for (int j = i; j < total - 1; j++) {team[j] = team[j + 1];}//最后一个元素需要置空
//            team[total - 1] = null;
//            total--;//或team[--total]=null;return;}}throw new TeamException("删除失败找不到指定成员");}}


package august.service;/****  表示员工的状态* @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 18:24*/
public class Status {private final String STATUS;private Status(String STATUS){this.STATUS = STATUS;}public static final Status FREE = new Status("FREE");public static final Status BUSY = new Status("BUSY");public static final Status VOCATION = new Status("VOCATION");public String getNAME() {return STATUS;}


package august.service;/*** Created with IntelliJ IDEA.** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 17:11*/public class Data {public static final int EMPLOYEE = 10;public static final int PROGRAMMER = 11;public static final int DESIGNER = 12;public static final int ARCHITECT = 13;public static final int PC = 21;public static final int NOTEBOOK = 22;public static final int PRINTER = 23;//Employee  :  10, id, name, age, salary//Programmer:  11, id, name, age, salary//Designer  :  12, id, name, age, salary, bonus//Architect :  13, id, name, age, salary, bonus, stockpublic static final String[][] EMPLOYEES = {{"10", "1", "马  云", "22", "3000"},{"13", "2", "马化腾", "32", "18000", "15000", "2000"},{"11", "3", "李彦宏", "23", "7000"},{"11", "4", "刘强东", "24", "7300"},{"12", "5", "雷  军", "28", "10000", "5000"},{"11", "6", "任志强", "22", "6800"},{"12", "7", "柳传志", "29", "10800", "5200"},{"13", "8", "杨元庆", "30", "19800", "15000", "2500"},{"12", "9", "史玉柱", "26", "9800", "5500"},{"11", "10", "丁 磊", "21", "6600"},{"11", "11", "张朝阳", "25", "7100"},{"12", "12", "杨致远", "27", "9600", "4800"}};//如下的EQIPMENTS数组与上面的EMPLOYEES数组元素一一对应//PC      :21, model, display//NoteBook:22, model, price//Printer :23, type, namepublic static final String[][] EQIPMENTS = {{},{"22", "联想T4", "6000"},{"21", "戴尔", "NEC17寸"},{"21", "戴尔", "三星 17寸"},{"23", "激光", "佳能 2900"},{"21", "华硕", "三星 17寸"},{"21", "华硕", "三星 17寸"},{"23", "针式", "爱普生20K"},{"22", "惠普m6", "5800"},{"21", "戴尔", "NEC 17寸"},{"21", "华硕", "三星 17寸"},{"22", "惠普m6", "5800"}};



package august.view;/*** view** @author : Crazy_August* @Date: 2021-02-28* @Time: 16:40*/import august.domain.Employee;
import august.domain.Programer;
import august.service.NameListService;
import august.service.TeamException;
import august.service.TeamService;/*** @Description :负责菜单的显示和处理用户操作* @Author Crazy_* August* @Date 2021-02-28  16:42* @Since version-1.0*/
public class TeamView {private NameListService listSvc = new NameListService();private TeamService teamSvc = new TeamService();public static void main(String[] args) {TeamView teamView = new TeamView();teamView.entermMainMenu();}//主界面显示及控制方法。public void entermMainMenu() {boolean isFlag = true;TeamView teamView = new TeamView();char menu = 0;do {if (menu != '1') {teamView.listAllEmployees();}menu = TSUtility.readMenuSelection();switch (menu) {case '1':teamView.getTeam();break;case '2':teamView.addMember();break;case '3':teamView.deleteMember();break;case '4':System.out.println("确认是否退出( Y/N ):");char key = TSUtility.readConfirmSelection();if ('Y' == key) {isFlag = false;System.out.println("退出成功");}break;default:}} while (isFlag);}//以表格形式列出公司所有成员private void listAllEmployees() {System.out.println("------------------------------------开发团队调度软件---------------------------------------");System.out.println("ID\t姓名\t\t年龄\t工资\t\t\t职位\t\t状态\t\t\t奖金\t\t\t\t股票\t\t\t领用设备");//显示员工详细信息for (int i = 0; i < listSvc.getAllEmployee().length; i++) {System.out.println(listSvc.getAllEmployee()[i]);}System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");System.out.println("1- 团队成员 2- 添加团队成员 3-删除团队成员 4-退出  请选择( 1 - 4 ) ");}//显示团队成员列表操作private void getTeam() {System.out.println("------------------------------------团队列表----------------------------------------------");Programer[] team = teamSvc.getTeam();if (team == null || team.length == 0){System.out.println("开发团队还没有成员");}else {System.out.println("TID/ID\t\t姓名\t\t年龄\t\t工资\t\t\t职位\t\t奖金\t\t\t股票");for (int i = 0; i < team.length; i++) {System.out.println(team[i].getDetailsTeam());}System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");}}//实现添加成员操作private void addMember() {System.out.println("------------------------------------添加员工----------------------------------------------");System.out.print("请输入要添加的员工ID:");int id = TSUtility.readInt();try {Employee employees = listSvc.getEmployees(id);teamSvc.addMember(employees);System.out.println("添加成功");} catch (TeamException e) {System.out.println("添加失败,原因 :" + e.getMessage() + "\n");}System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");//按回车继续TSUtility.readReturn();}//实现删除成员操作private void deleteMember() {System.out.println("------------------------------------删除成员----------------------------------------------");System.out.print("请输入要删除员工的TID:");int id = TSUtility.readInt();System.out.print("确认是否删除( Y/N ):");char key = TSUtility.readConfirmSelection();try {if (key == 'Y') {teamSvc.removeMember(id);System.out.println("删除成功");}} catch (TeamException e) {System.out.print("删除失败,原因 :" + e.getMessage() + "\n");}TSUtility.readReturn();System.out.println("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");}}



​ ① 继承异常类 extends Exception

​ ② 序列号 static final long serialVersionUID = -3387516229948L;

​ ③ 提供构造器

public TeamException() {super();
public TeamException(String msg) {super(msg);


//        if (&quot;BUSY&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(programer.getStatus().getNAME())) {//            throw new TeamException(&quot;该员工已是某团队成员,无法添加&quot;);
//        } else if (&quot;VOCATION&quot;.equalsIgnoreCase(programer.getStatus().getNAME())) {//            //该员正在休假,无法添加
//            throw new TeamException(&quot;该员正在休假,无法添加&quot;);
//        }--

使用 instanceof 用来判断A是否是B的实例对象或者B子类的实例对象。

 A instanceof B ,返回值为boolean类型。从小范围开始,因为都继承关系为 program > Desiger >Architect
Person p = new Person() ;
Man m = new Man() ; //Man是Person的子类
Animal a = new Animal() ;
m instanceof Man //返回true
m instanceof Animal//返回false
m instanceof Person//返回true
//小范围开始,因为都继承关系为 program > Desiger >Architect
if (employee instanceof Architect) {if (numArc >= 1) {throw new TeamException("团队中至多只能有一名架构师,无法添加");}numArc++;
} else if (employee instanceof Designer) {if (numDes >= 2) {throw new TeamException("团队中至多只能有两名设计师,无法添加");}numDes++;
} else {if (numPro >= 3) {throw new TeamException("团队中至多只能有三名程序员,无法添加");}numPro++;



​ 1.判断输入是否合法

​ 2.后一个元素覆盖前一个元素,实现删除操作

​ 3.//最后一个元素需要置空 null



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  2. Linux学习笔记(三)(安装软件)

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  3. QT学习笔记(三):Qt软件打包发布(QT5.8 _msvc2013_64+Win10_64)

    QT学习笔记(三):Qt软件打包发布(QT5.8 _msvc2013_64+Win10_64) 1.编译方式介绍: 2.动态编译方式打包发布QT程序: 方法一:手动复制 方法二:使用工具 问题& ...

  4. 学习java第四天,自己做的尚硅谷项目三开发人员调度系统,代码很丑陋,等后面有时间再优化一下。

    1.定义公司成员作为父类 package tEAM;public class Person {private String ID;private String age;private String w ...

  5. Java学习笔记(三):流程控制

    版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明. 本文链接: 目录 ...

  6. Java学习笔记(三十五)

    在完成对C语言的学习后,我最近开始了对C++和Java的学习,目前跟着视频学习了一些语法,也跟着敲了一些代码,有了一定的掌握程度.现在将跟着视频做的笔记进行整理.本篇博客是整理Java知识点的第三十五 ...

  7. java学习笔记第三部分

    接口 接口就是给出一些没有实现的方法,封装到一起,到某个类要使用的时候,再根据具体情况把这些方法写出来. interface 接口名{//属性//方法(1. 抽象方法 2.默认实现方法 3.静态方法) ...

  8. Java学习笔记(三)--Java主类结构

    目录 Java语言基础(一) 一.Java主类结构 1.1 Java主类程序例子 1.2 程序解析 1.3 Java语言规范 1.4 命名习惯 二.代码注释与编码规范 2.1 代码注释 2.2 编码规 ...

  9. C语言、Java学习笔记(三)---几种简单的排序算法

    假期已经过了一半,整个人都变得颓废了许多.今天没有出去玩,就学了几个简单的排序算法,以求安慰自己,好歹也是在假期里学习过了.(瘫- C 这里一次性给出三种排序方法的代码,分别是冒泡排序,选择排序和归并 ...


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