
This post is part of a series focused on psychology principles, specifically applied to indie developers and solopreneurs.


In a world filled with so much opportunities and choices, one guiding principle we can use to drive ourselves to do the best thing is social proof.


We are pack animals and since the ancient times, looking at what other people do and following them is a wise choice, most of the times. You can’t go wrong making a popular choice, the subconscious thinks.

我们是群居动物 ,自古以来,在大多数情况下,观察别人的行为并跟随它们是明智的选择。 潜意识认为,做出流行的选择不会错。

“At least you can blame the others, right? Do what others do, you don’t want to be kicked out of this tribe, there’s danger outside of the cavern”

“至少您可以责怪其他人,对吗? 做其他人做的事,您不想被踢出这个部落,洞穴外面就有危险”

This is social proof: looking at the signals that are associated with something, in relation to other people.


We live in a world where companies, products and apps constantly send us social proof signals.


Every single page when you can buy something has testimonials, people that reviewed the product or service and which you can trust.


Even one testimonial, when trustworthy and known, can be vetry effective:


Facebook shows you how many likes a page has, and how many friends one has.


Instagram and Twitter show you how many followers a person or company has.


Web pages happily show how many times people shared them on social media.


People with big newsletters happily tell you how many people they already have - why wouldn’t you join?


If you have ever checked TripAdvisor before choosing a restaurant, you know how reviews of other people (even if you don’t know them) can be a very powerful influence on your choice.


The same goes for Booking.com, Airbnb, Amazon, the App Stores, and many others.

Booking.com,Airbnb,亚马逊,App Store和许多其他公司也是如此。

Airbnb puts those trust signals everywhere: reviews, ratings, “super host”. Booking.com in particular shows tells you how many people booked this particular hotel in the last 24 hours. They trusted us and chose this hotel. It’s trusted, we’re trusted, trust us too.

Airbnb将这些信任信号无处不在:评论,评分,“超级房东”。 Booking.com特别展示了您如何了解过去24小时内有多少人预订了这家酒店。 他们信任我们,并选择了这家酒店。 值得信赖,我们值得信赖,也要信任我们。

You can do it too outside of those big platforms. Here’s an example of the social signals Pieter Levels added to its Make book landing page:

您也可以在那些大型平台之外进行操作。 这是Pieter Levels添加到其Make book登陆页面的社交信号的示例:

Another big social proof signal is those landing pages that add a section on their page with a list of company logos that are in some way or another associated with the product (or service). If you have been cited by The New York Times, make sure you let your users know - that’s a very strong social signal: an institution already examined you and decided to talk about you. I trust them, hence I should trust you.

另一个重要的社会证明信号是那些登录页面,这些登录页面在页面上添加了带有公司徽标列表的部分,这些徽标以某种方式或与产品(或服务)相关联。 如果您被《纽约时报》引用,请确保您让用户知道-这是一个非常强烈的社会信号:一家机构已经进行了审查 ,并决定谈论您。 我相信他们,所以我应该相信你

When you associate yourself with the more trusted company, trust is passed down to you whatever the reason you are associated with it.

当您与更受信任的公司建立联系时, 无论您与之建立联系的原因是什么信任都会传递给您

In this example, Fastspring associates with brands that use it:


and also with products it integrates with:


If you have built a WordPress plugin that integrates with newsletter software, include all the logos of those popular apps, like MailChimp, ConvertKit, and others. People know those brands and now associate you with them.

如果您已构建了一个与时事通讯软件集成的WordPress插件,请包含那些受欢迎的应用程序的所有徽标,例如MailChimp,ConvertKit等。 人们了解这些品牌,现在将您与它们联系在一起。

I mentioned that people with big newsletters happily tell you how many people they already have. This is a very common pattern. You are more likely to join a newsletter of 50.000 people rather than a newsletter with 10 people. Right? I’ve seen this applied to sales too. 2000 people already bought this course. It’s trusted, why wouldn’t you?

我提到过,那些拥有重要新闻通讯的人会很高兴地告诉您他们已经有多少人。 这是非常常见的模式。 您更有可能加入50.000个人的新闻通讯,而不是10个人的新闻通讯。 对? 我也看到这也适用于销售。 已经有2000人购买了此课程。 值得信赖,为什么不呢?

Gumroad tells you how many people use it, and their success with the platform:


Nomadlist tells you know many people you’ll find in there if you join:


This number can also go hand in hand with scarcity during a launch. I might have a fixed amount of availability for a product or a service. If you add this number to your landing page with a countdown, you are doing 2 things:

这个数字也可以在发射过程中紧缺 。 我可能对产品或服务有固定的可用性。 如果您将此数字加上倒计时添加到您的目标网页,则说明您在做两件事:

  • people know other people bought it already人们知道别人已经买了它
  • people feel the urgency to buy it too, before it runs out人们也迫切需要在它用完之前购买它

When it runs out, it’s still a social signal: lots of people bought that premium, limited option. You’d better hurry up and purchase the other option available (or be faster next time, sign up to be notified when the next launch happens).

当它用完时,它仍然是一种社会信号:许多人购买了这种优质的有限期权。 您最好快点购买其他可用的选项(或者下次更快,请注册以在下次启动时收到通知)。

Social signals also power your bio: “who is this person?” is a question a lot of people have when they stumble on you on social media or on your website. Your “About me” snipped should vehicle trust in a fast way. Degrees (or other kinds of certifications) are a powerful social signal: an organization already verified and certified this person is worth that piece of paper, it’s trustworthy.

社交信号还可以为您的生物提供动力:“这个人是谁?” 很多人在社交媒体或您的网站上偶然发现您时,这是一个问题。 您的“关于我”一词将被Swift获得车辆信任。 学位(或其他种类的认证)是一种有力的社会信号:一个已经通过验证并证明此人的组织值得那张纸,值得信赖。

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/social-proof-principle/



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