We are pleased to confirm that a place has been reserved for you on the following class Class Spinning on Monday at 19:00

This class will be taking place in the Activity RM

Please note that you will need to “check in” on arrival for your class, you can either do this at reception or by using our self service Sport Liverpool kiosks located in Reception. Also, any members attending for the first time, can you please arrive 5 minutes before the class start time.

If you are not available to attend your class, please contact the Sports & Fitness Centre’s reception on 0151 794 3307. Any cancellations requested with less than 1 hours notice will be charged. Also please note that non attendees will be charged the appropriate fee if they do not inform reception of their cancellation or cancel online. Further information on the “booking procedure” can be found on the Sport Liverpool website at www.liv.ac.uk/sports

Sports & Fitness Centre - Admissions and Membership Mis-use Policy - Reminder
Management reserve the right to refuse admission and to suspend or cancel memberships. To gain admission, your own ID/Membership card is required at all times - entry will be refused if you do not produce your own valid ID/Membership card. ID Membership cards are strictly non-transferrable. Mis-use of cards may also result in your membership being cancelled without a refund.


Thanks for your interest in the Mobile Robotics Intern position at Ocado Group. We’re excited to move forward with the interview process.

I can see you have already sent in availability, thanks for that! We would need you to be in for around 5-6 hours though, would you be available any of those days from 10:00-16:00?

To help us schedule your next interview, please let us know when you’re available by selecting the online calendar link below.

We’ll coordinate with our team and confirm a time with you.

Technology People Coordinator

Date of interview: Wednesday 4th March 2020

Start Time:

Venue: Building 1, Trident Place, Mosquito Way, Hatfield Business Park, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9BW.

Upon arrival please report to main reception and ask for Barbara Makura.

If you could aim to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time, this gives you plenty of time to sign in and grab a complimentary drink from our coffee bar before the interview begins.

Dress Code; we are interested in who you are rather than how you look, so please wear something comfortable and casual for your interview.

Interview Structure for the role:

  • Logic and 10 X test - A paper based coding test and innovation test

  • Tour of the CFC- An opportunity to visit our warehouse and see how our technology drives our billion pound organisation.

  • Lunch (on us!)

  • Technical Interview - A delve into your technical knowledge conducted by two team members

  • Presentation + Cultural Fit “please prepare a 10-15 min presentation highlighting a personal project you have worked on

Please note if the candidate does not pass the paper test we will unfortunately cut the day short and they will not progress to the next stages

Let us know if you have any other questions before your interview.



Homework 1 is now live for completion by 23:59 on the 20th of February 2020. You will not be able to begin your attempt after this date and time. I highly suggest reading carefully every question. Remember that this homework will count 3.33% of your final mark.

Please note that the deadline is 1 minute to midnight, not midnight

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