
Contents of the JavaScript eMag include:

  • Top JavaScript MVC Frameworks JavaScript front-end codebases have been growing larger and more difficult to maintain. As a way to solve this issue developers have been turning to MVC frameworks which promise increased productivity and maintainable code. As part of the new community-driven research initiative, InfoQ is examining the adoption of such frameworks and libraries by developers.
  • JavaScript MVC Frameworks vs. Compile to JavaScript Languages InfoQ is examining the adoption of JavaScript MVC frameworks, compared to languages that transcompile to JavaScript, for front-end development.
  • What's Your Next Language on the Javascript Platform? JavaScript VMs are mature and ubiquitous - but what's the best language to write code for it? A long list of languages targeting JavaScript exists, but which one will you use for your next project?
  • Operating Node.js in Production, with Bryan Cantrill Bryan talks about the challenges of operating Node.js in real production environments and the experiences he had working with it at Joyent. He also talks about DTrace, SmartOS, V8 and compares with other platforms.
  • Contrasting Backbone and Angular Victor Savkin presents in detail the pros and cons of using Backbone.js and Angular.js to create web applications, comparing the two frameworks with each other.
  • Ember.js - Web Applications Done Right This article explains the Ember.js application development model and shows how to use it to build your first client-side JavaScript web application with the framework.


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  3. javascript:12种JavaScript MVC框架之比较

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  6. JavaScript MVC 框架比较

    Gordon L. Hempton是西雅图的一位黑客和设计师,他花费了几个月的时间研究和比较了12种流行的JavaScript MVC框架,并在博客中总结了每种框架的优缺点,最终的结果是,Ember. ...

  7. AngularJs - Javascript MVC 框架

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  8. RegularJS 0.2.12 发布,JavaScript MVC 框架

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