Creating an effect with QQEM


November 03, 2022 by Kaj Grönholm | Comments

2022年11月3日  Kaj Grönholm |评论

Todays blog post gives a bit more information about how to effectively use the Qt Quick Effect Maker (see the QQEM introduction blog post). We will first create an example effect using several Qt Graphical Effects and then re-create this same effect using a single QQEM multi-effect. This will be done with the node editor, so no experience of writing a shader code is required.

​今天的博客文章提供了关于如何有效使用Qt Quick Effect Maker的更多信息(参见QQEM简介博客文章)。我们将首先使用几个Qt图形效果创建一个示例效果,然后使用单个QQEM多重效果重新创建相同的效果。这将使用节点编辑器完成,因此不需要编写着色器代码的经验。



It is Monday morning. You are early in work as usual, drinking your morning coffee and checking tasks when email from The Designer arrives.


Seems easy to do with Qt Quick. You take a sip of coffee, roll up the sleeves and start coding. Luckily Qt Quick contains Graphical Effects which can be used for this. After coding a while, you end up with a functional effect and a tester application which looks like this:

​使用Qt Quick似乎很容易。你喝一口咖啡,卷起袖子开始编码。幸运的是,Qt Quick包含可用于此目的的图形效果。编码一段时间后,您将得到一个功能效果和一个测试应用程序,它看起来如下:

The relevant source code for the effect is:


FastBlur {id: effect1anchors.fill: parentsource: sourceItemradius: toolbar.effectValue * 150visible: false
BrightnessContrast {id: effect2anchors.fill: effect1source: effect1brightness: toolbar.effectValue * 2visible: false
Image {id: maskImagesource: "mask.png"visible: false
ThresholdMask {id: effect3anchors.fill: effect2scale: 1.0 - 0.2 * toolbar.effectValuesource: effect2maskSource: maskImagespread: 0.2threshold: toolbar.effectValue

So basically, you combine 3 graphical effects after each other: FastBlur, BrightnessContrast and ThresholdMask with a custom masking image. Being satisfied with this, you provide the effect and a small tester application to The Designer with a note "Did you mean something like this?" and continue being awesome for the rest of the day.


Next morning, a new email arrives. This time from The Project Manager.


OK, so nobody had mentioned to you that the customer runs this on an embedded device. And the effect you made yesterday was anyway just an initial version to get feedback. But that's OK. You know exactly what to do next: Implement the same effect as a single multieffect using the new Qt Quick Effect Maker.

好的,所以没有人向你提到客户在嵌入式设备上运行这个。你昨天所做的效果只是一个初步的版本,以获得反馈。但没关系。你确切知道下一步该做什么:使用新的Qt Quick效果生成器实现与单个多重效果相同的效果。

Creating the effect using QQEM


Here's a video showing how to create the above effect with the Qt Quick Effect Maker using just nodes and properties.

下面是一段视频,演示如何使用Qt Quick effect Maker仅使用节点和属性创建上述效果。

As you can see, creating, testing, and exporting the effect with QQEM took only about 3 minutes. The source code to use the exported effect component in your application looks like this:


SmoothFadeEffect {anchors.fill: parentscale: 1.0 - 0.2 * toolbar.effectValuesource: sourceItemblurHelperBlurMultiplier: 0.4fastBlurAmount: toolbar.effectValue * 1.5brightnessContrastBrightness: toolbar.effectValue * 2thresholdMaskThresholdLow: toolbar.effectValuethresholdMaskSpreadLow: 0.2

So instead of 3 separate effect components there is only one, with properties to control blur, brightness and masking.


Performance measurements


Now let's test the performance of the original Graphical Effects version vs. custom QQEM multi-effect. Testing is done on a beefy Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 with Adreno 730 GPU, increasing the amount of effect items animating on screen and measuring how that affects the framerate. Note that Tab S8 has higher frequency 120Hz screen.

现在,让我们测试原始图形效果版本与自定义QQEM多效果的性能。测试是在带有Adreno 730 GPU的三星Galaxy Tab S8上完成的,它增加了屏幕上动画效果项的数量,并测量了它对帧速率的影响。请注意,选项卡S8具有更高频率的120Hz屏幕。

What we can see is that the initial effect using multiple Qt Graphical Effects maintains 120fps up to 7 effect items, while the QQEM multi-effect reaches solid 120fps still with 12 effect items: Combining effects into a single shader effect brings a notable performance gain.


You provide this custom effect to The Project Manager, it runs at solid 60fps on the customer target hardware and everyone is happy.




Let's conclude why you may want to create custom effects using QQEM:


  • Performance: Chaining multiple Qt Graphical Effects requires an additional draw call, an additional set of shader passes and an additional offscreen buffer for each effect you add. QQEM composes the effect into a single draw call, shader & buffer.
  • 性能:链接多个Qt图形效果需要一个额外的绘制调用、一组额外的着色器过程以及为每个添加的效果添加额外的屏幕外缓冲区。QQEM将效果合成为单个绘制调用、着色器和缓冲区。
  • More effects: QQEM contains also effect nodes not available in Qt Graphical Effects. For example, Vignette, Noise, ColorLUT, NormalMapping etc. and all of these can be customized. This means that you have more effects to choose from, to reach the desired outcome.
  • 更多效果:QQEM还包含Qt图形效果中不可用的效果节点。例如,Vignette、Noise、ColorLUT、NormalMapping等,所有这些都可以定制。这意味着你有更多的效果可供选择,以达到期望的结果。
  • Customization: With QQEM you can create fully custom nodes, with custom shader code and properties. These custom nodes can be combined with the built-in nodes. This allows extending the effect while keeping the performance optimal.
  • 自定义:使用QQEM,您可以使用自定义着色器代码和属性创建完全自定义的节点。这些自定义节点可以与内置节点组合。这允许在保持最佳性能的同时扩展效果。

The source codes of the example application with both versions of the effect are available in here. Convinced? See the instructions from the end of QQEM Introduction blog post and start making your own custom effects!



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