机翼升力计算公式(Formula of wing lift)

机翼升力计算公式(Formula of wing lift)

Formula of wing lift

Power delta wing 2009-06-18 02:00 read 463 review 0

Size: medium, medium, small

Formula of wing lift

Formula of wing lift

Lift L=1/2 * air density * speed square * wing area * wing lift coefficient (N)

The wing lift coefficient curves are as follows: when small angle of attack, the slope of the curve is constant.

The 1 position of the mark is the vibration vibration point, the 2 position is automatic pitching up, the 3 position is counter horizontal control and the direction divergence point, and the 4 position is the stalling point. Symmetrical wing at 0 angles, lift coefficient =0 (by chart) asymmetric, at the fuselage level, lift coefficient is greater than 0, so the fuselage level also has lift

Glide ratio and lift drag ratio

Lift drag ratio is the ratio of lift to drag at different flight speed, which is curvilinear with flight speed. In general, the maximum velocity of the lift drag ratio is the aircraft's favorable speed and favorable angle of attack. Glide is the distance from which the plane descends, and the greater the glide ratio, the farther away the plane is at the same altitude as the ground. This is the inherent characteristic of the aircraft, and does not change in general.

If there are two aircraft have the same aerodynamic shape, a large number of stainless steel materials, another widely used carbon fiber material, so the carbon fiber material, the glide ratio is definitely better than stainless steel materials. This can be seen in SU-27 and 11-B, and the 11-B should have a greater glide ratio.

Calculation formula of propeller tensile force (static tension estimation)

Your aircraft has been completed. The required tension is calculated with the engine. But what size does the propeller need? Let's work out an estimation formula to solve the problem

The propeller thrust calculation formula: diameter (m) x (m) x width pitch slurry (m) x speed 2 (Rev / sec) * 1 atmospheric pressure (1 ATM) x (0.25)

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