Current Control




In this article,we prepare to discuss the question of motor current close-loop will view more and more professional words and multisim.I promise to you i will try my best to describe it by simply next chapter, it contains current sensor,transfer function of system,and PI controller.


Curreent Detection


Firstly,we need current,but where is it from?there is a great many of answers.the principle of measuring current also beyond count.we can measure the voltage of resistant so that caculate the current.Besides,wo also can use hall sensor to measure it.and current transformer.but it is not ofen needed.Let's skip it.


Hall Current Sensor


According to Ampere's law,when current through to wireway,it product magenetic filed.its intensity proportional to the size of current.when current perpendicular external magenatic filed and through to semiconductor,carrier will the direction of  perpendicular to current and magnetic filed will generate a addtional electric filed.then creat a voltage at both ends of semiconductor.the phenomenon of this called Hall Effective.the voltage also named Hall Voltage.therefore,we just get this voltage then deduction the current  of circuit.


Next,i will introduce the chip to you,its CC6902 of CROSSCHIP company.we can check the datasheet and know how to apply it.just need a IO port to MCU,and A/D transform,we can get the current of circuit.the most typical character is linear,The linearity is 0.4%.



Sampling Resistance


This way is used widely in the field of motor control.Give the woltage and the resistance,the current can be determined according to Ohm`s Law.In series with the H-bridge,we measure the voltage of sampling resistance then calculate the current of circuit.But we also need consider some factors,for one thing are power dissipation,we gain the conclusion that power will become greater with increasing sampling the range of value of resistance is mΩ.for another are amplifier.low-resistance mean low voltage.we assume the value of current is 10A in the can be caculated easily.about 50mV voltage will be measured when sampling resistance is 5mΩ. For STM32,it owms 16 bits ADC transformer.when reference voltage is 3.3V,we can get min resolution is may think it is enough to measure.but in fact,we need amplifier all along.Why?One reason is it has the funtion of amplification will have more high-precision.In my design,AD8414 has 20x magnification change the voltage from 50mV to 1V.if you have a low-precition ADC is friendly.Another reason is impebance converter.its dangerous for MCU that through high current.

使用采样电阻测量电流是目前电机控制领域,应用最广泛的一种方法。由欧姆定律:I = U/R,将采样电阻串联在H桥中。我们只需要采集电阻上的电压就能计算出电流。但是这也有一些需要考虑的因素:一个是热耗散问题,由 P = I^2*R 可知,电阻值越大,功耗越大,所以我们的采样电阻的阻值一般选取在mΩ级别。另外一个是需要运算放大器,阻值过小意味着电流在该电阻上产生的压降会很小。有多小呢?假设电路中的电流是10A,采样电阻的阻值为5mΩ,可以计算出电阻上的压降值大概在50mV附近。那么单片机的IO口能不能直接读取呢?以STM32为例,它的ADC是16位的,我们假设ADC的参考电压是3.3V,那么该ADC最小分辨率约为0.05mV。乍看之下,好像可以。但是我们始终需要配合运算放大器一起使用。为什么呢?一个原因是运放具有放大调理的功能。如果直接使用IO口的ADC,0.05mV到50mV只有100个单位。显然精度是不够的。以我开源的资料为例,AD8418这款芯片的放大能力是20倍,刚才的50mV电源,放大后可以到1V,这对于很多低分辨率的ADC很友好。另外一个原因就是阻抗变换,如果直接分压进单片机的IO口,势必会造成单片机烧毁。有关运放的使用,可以参照TI的应用手册,里面讲的很详细。

Transfer Function


In the previous series of articles, we have always emphasized two formulas: one is the relationship between the back EMF generated by the motor as a generator and the shaft speed; the other is the relationship between the output torque of the motor shaft and the current passing through the motor coil. I put these two formulas below:


U = Ke*n

T = Kt*I

By the way, I would like to mention that the prototypes of these two formulas are actually:


U = Ke * φ *n

T = Kt * φ * I

Here, φ is the magnetic flux of the motor, unit: Weber. It is omitted because the motor generally uses permanent magnet as its stator, and its magnetic flux is often constant. So we usually omit it. Let's discuss the transfer function of DC brush motor. Let's start with the mathematical model and deduce the transfer function relationship between armature voltage and winding current.


First of all, in the previous discussion, we said that the motor is equivalent to the following model, and then review one side, DC motor is equivalent to a resistance (internal resistance of the motor), series inductance (coil) and a voltage source (back EMF).


From the above model, we can deduce the armature voltage balance equation as follows:

由以上模型,我们可以推出电机电枢电压平衡方程为 :

   Um = Rm*Im + Lm*di/dt+Vs

Where: vs = Ke * φ * n

其中:Vs = Ke * φ *n.

In addition, the motor torque balance equation is as follows:


                    J*dn/dt = M - Ml

Where: M = KT * φ * I

其中:M =  Kt * φ * I.

Readers who have read my previous series of articles must be familiar with these two formulas. They are the electrical equation and the mechanical equation of the motor. From the principle of automatic control, we know that the transfer function of the system is the output / input of the system, that is, G (s) = C (s) / R (s). Here, it should be noted that the input is the motor armature voltage and the output is the motor coil current. You may have doubts, that the current is the input and the voltage is the output. But we think carefully, we control the motor, the most fundamental is to control the power of the motor. Power is determined by voltage and current. In fact, pulse width modulation is widely used now. So our final input is the voltage.

看过我之前系列文章的读者对这两个公式想必并不陌生。它们分别是电机的电气方程和机械方程。由自动控制原理,我们知道系统的传递函数是该系统的输出/输入,即G(s) = C(s)/R(s).在这里,需要注意的是,输入是电机电枢电压,输出是电机线圈电流。 可能大家会有疑问,觉得电流是输入,电压是输出。但是我们仔细想一想,我们控制电机,最根本的是控制电机的功率大小。而功率由电压和电流决定。实际上,我们现在普遍采用的是脉宽调制技术。那么我们最终的输入量,就是电压值。

Two transfer functions can be obtained by making a pulldown transformation of the two equations


Transfer function between armature current and armature voltage:


im /(Um - Vs)= (1/R)/(1+s*Lm/Rm)= Ka / (1+s*Ta)

The transfer function between rotor speed n and dynamic torque (M - ml) is as follows

转子转速n与动态转矩(M - Ml)之间的传递函数:

                                 n / (M - Ml) = 1 / s*J

Where the armature gain Ka = 1 / RM and the armature time constant TA = LM / RM.

其中,电枢增益Ka = 1/Rm,电枢时间常数Ta = Lm/Rm。

If I only discuss the current loop here, we only need to look at the transfer function g (s) = (1 / R) / (1 + s * LM / RM) = Ka / (1 + s * TA). The function is a typical first-order inertial link. Using the DC motor module of Simulink, we can easily get the current curve of the motor. I use the official example of MATLAB to modify the parameters to the parameters of my own motor. The simulation schematic diagram of Simulink is shown in Fig. 1. The PWM reference voltage is set to full scale (i.e. the voltage is directly from 0V to 24V), and the motor current curve is shown in Fig. 2. As can be seen from Figure 2: on the one hand, the motor starts with a large current, which is similar to current charging. On the other hand, when the motor enters the rated working state, the condition I mentioned here is under no load condition. The required current will return to normal. I actually measured it, and the simulation value is very close to the actual value. We have to boast about the power of Simulink.

我这里只讨论电流环的话,我们只需要看G(s) = (1/R)/(1+s*Lm/Rm)= Ka / (1+s*Ta)这个传递函数。该函数为典型的一阶惯性环节。使用Simulink的直流电机模块,我们可以很方便的得到电机上电流的变化曲线。我使用的是Matlab的官方示例,将参数修改为自己电机的参数。Simulink仿真原理图如图1所示,设置PWM参考电压为满量程(即电压由0V直接到24V),得到的电机电流曲线如图2所示。由图2可以知道:一方面,电机启动瞬间电流很大,这个过程类似于电容充电。另一方面,当电机进入额定工作状态时,这里我所说的状况是在无负载的状态下。电机线圈上的电流会回到正常值。我实际测量了一下,仿真值和实际值很接近。这里不得不夸一夸Simulink的强大。

图1 Simulink仿真原理图

图2 电流曲线

The response curve of the motor shows the physical characteristics of the motor itself. There is inherent hysteresis in the motor current response. This tells us that the control frequency of the motor current should not be lower than this value or too high. If the control frequency is too high, the motor can not respond in time, which will increase the cost of MCU. Too low control frequency is not enough to counteract the influence of inertia of motor itself, which affects the continuity of control.


PI Controller


I don't want to talk more about PID controller. Readers can search by themselves. My main problems here are as follows:


  1. 输入输出,被控对象分别是什么 (What are the input, output and controlled objects)
  2. 为什么用PI控制器而不是PID(Why use PI controller instead of PID Controller)
  3. 纯电流环有无意义(The significance of current loop)

Let's start with the first question. In this chapter, we discuss the current loop. Maybe after talking for a long time, I still don't know what the current loop is. What we need to understand is that a closed-loop control system contains inputs and outputs as well as feedback. Here, our input is the voltage at both ends of the motor, and the output is the current flowing through the motor. So what is feedback? It's the current that we collect through the sensor. In practical engineering application, our feedback is the A / D conversion value of the voltage at both ends of the sampling resistor. Our input is the target current value and the output is the duty cycle of PWM. From the whole control logic point of view, it is like this. As shown in the figure below.


The next question is why only PI controllers are used instead of classic PID controllers. My point of view is: there is a lag link in the motor itself, and adding D will only affect the dynamic performance. The differential part of PID controller can amplify the error. Due to the limitation of measurement principle, there will be noise in our current value. Therefore, reliable hardware design and PCB layout are also very important parts of motor drive. In addition, in my personal understanding, the differential link can reduce the steady-state time of the system. Relative to the motor's dependent time, this speed is too fast to work at all.

接下来的问题是,  为什么只使用PI控制器而不是经典的PID控制器。一方面来自经验。我的观点是:电机本身存在滞后环节,但并未达到大滞后的状况。对于温度量这种严重滞后的控制环节,D必不可少。电流加D只会影响动态性能。此外,控制器中的微分环节对误差有放大作用,由于测量原理的限制,我们的电流值会存在噪声,D环节容易放大噪声。所以可靠的硬件设计和PCB布局也是电机驱动中很重要的部分。

The last question is also the one that bothers me the most for a long time. Here I give a pertinent answer: not sure. The output of the current loop is finally reflected in the motor torque. It is used for constant torque control of motor. If my controlled object is the CPU cooling fan, in fact, what I need to control is the speed of the fan, and the effect of torque is not obvious here. If I control the spindle cutting, then torque control is very important here. In fact, this also explains a truth, specific analysis of specific issues. Most importantly, torque control is generally used as the most internal loop of the system, because it directly controls the motor. The speed loop is often in the outer ring, which is what I need to talk about in the next chapter. Generally, it is current ring + speed ring, or speed ring + position ring. Because the current loop directly controls the motor and acts as a voltage current converter, its processing cycle is usually a PWM cycle.




This chapter mainly introduces the role of current loop in motor control and the need to use PI controller when selecting controller. And the processing time of the current loop.


Next is the author's words: when it comes to the control principle, this part of the content is more and more difficult. It's a big head. Due to the limited level, there are some fallacies in the article. I hope the readers can point out the common progress. As I am crossing the river by feeling the stone, some things can only be improved slowly. I hope you don't mind. In addition, after a long delay, I will put the source code of supporting hardware on the agenda as soon as possible. Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world. I'd like to share with you.




1.《STM32 电机教程 4 - 直流有刷电机闭环电流控制》


3.《Simulink 控制设计入门之旅》

4.《有刷直流电机的数学模型及参数测量方法》金国强 1000-0712(2014)01-0056-05

5. 贺益康 许大中 《电机控制》

6. 阮毅 陈伯 《电力拖动自动控制系统-运动控制系统》



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