
If you watch videos on a variety of devices, its likely that you’ve run into compatibility issues. Your iPhone might record 4K video, but can your PlayStation or your smart TV play that video seamlessly? Luckily, there are many free video converters available that will help you convert and watch your favorite videos on the device of your choice. Here are our top picks.

如果您在各种设备上观看视频,则很可能会遇到兼容性问题。 您的iPhone可能会录制4K视频,但是您的PlayStation或智能电视可以无缝播放该视频吗? 幸运的是,有许多免费的视频转换器可帮助您转换并在您选择的设备上观看喜欢的视频。 这是我们的首选。

手刹:适合大多数人的最佳选择(Windows,macOS,Linux) (Handbrake: The Best Choice for Most People (Windows, macOS, Linux))

Handbrake is an open source video converter available for Windows, Mac, and Linux based systems. It supports a wide range of video and audio formats for conversion, the full list of which is in the image below.

Handbrake是一个开源视频转换器,可用于基于Windows,Mac和Linux的系统。 它支持多种视频和音频格式进行转换,其完整列表在下面的图像中。

There are a couple of features in Handbrake that makes it a top choice for video converting software.


The first is its vast range of presets. Even if you don’t know anything about video conversion, you can pick a preset and get a pretty good result. You do get the option of tweaking the settings of a preset conversion, which makes it even more useful.

首先是其广泛的预设范围。 即使您对视频转换一无所知,也可以选择一个预设并获得不错的结果。 您确实可以调整预设转换的设置,这使其更加有用。

The second standout feature is a live preview. If you’re converting a bunch of videos and are unsure about the quality of the preset you’ve selected, you can use the live preview to convert a small section of a video. You can then preview the converted clip immediately and decide if that preset works for your needs, or if should tinker with the settings or switch to another preset.

第二个突出功能是实时预览。 如果您要转换一堆视频并且不确定所选预设的质量,则可以使用实时预览来转换一小段视频。 然后,您可以立即预览转换后的剪辑,并确定该预设是否适合您的需要,或者是否应该修改设置或切换到另一个预设。

The only drawback of Handbrake is that its conversion process is slower than some of the other converters on our list.


在线转换:一个简单的在线解决方案(Web浏览器) (Online-Convert: A Simple Online Solution (Web Browser))

Online Convert lets you convert videos in your browser so that you can use it on any platform.


The process of converting videos on Online-Convert is slightly different than most other sites of its kind. Instead of uploading a file and then choosing the format to convert to, you first have to choose a file format. After that, you can then upload a file, enter a URL, or choose a file from your Dropbox or Google Drive account.

在线转换上的视频转换过程与同类大多数其他网站略有不同。 首先必须选择一种文件格式,而不是上载文件然后选择要转换的格式。 之后,您可以上传文件,输入URL或从Dropbox或Google云端硬盘帐户中选择文件。

You don’t get a lot of options for conversion like some of the other software, but it does cover the basics. One thing to note is that Online-Convert does not display any metadata about the source file that you upload. This makes choosing the right settings difficult if you don’t know some details about your source file. However, the actual conversion process is pretty fast, and you’ll be able to download the file as soon as it’s converted.

您没有像其他一些软件那样有很多转换选项,但是它涵盖了基础知识。 需要注意的一件事是,在线转换不会显示有关您上载的源文件的任何元数据。 如果您不了解有关源文件的某些详细信息,这将使选择正确的设置变得困难。 但是,实际的转换过程非常快,转换后即可下载文件。

Overall, Online-Convert is a decent choice for people who don’t want to worry about the details and just want the file converted.


MediaCoder HQ:快速转换(Windows) (MediaCoder HQ: Fast Conversion (Windows))

Media Encoder HQ is a fantastic video converter, but it’s only available for Windows. It’s been around since 2005 and is frequently updated. It also supports a wide range of formats, as shown in the image below.

Media Encoder HQ是出色的视频转换器,但仅适用于Windows。 自2005年以来一直存在,并且经常更新。 它还支持多种格式,如下图所示。

Media Encoder HQ supports converting local and hosted files. However, using URLs from video streaming websites does not work. For local files, the conversion process is pretty fast thanks to the GPU accelerated transcoding process.

Media Encoder HQ支持转换本地文件和托管文件。 但是,无法使用来自视频流网站的URL。 对于本地文件,由于GPU加速了转码过程,因此转换过程非常快。

One small drawback of Media Encoder is that it’s not exactly made for beginners. Finding settings is tricky, and so is configuring the transcode process. However, if you know some video conversion basics, you should be able to work it out easily enough.

Media Encoder的一个小缺点是它并非完全适合初学者。 查找设置非常棘手,因此配置转码过程也很棘手。 但是,如果您了解一些视频转换基础知识,则应该能够轻松完成。

任何视频转换器:简单直观的界面(Windows,macOS) (Any Video Converter: A Simple, Intuitive Interface (Windows, macOS))

Any Video Converter, or AVC for short, is another user-friendly video converter available for Windows and Mac. AVC’s simple, well-organized interface makes it more user-friendly than some of the other converters on our list.

任何Video Converter (简称AVC)是另一个适用于Windows和Mac的用户友好视频转换器。 AVC的简单,组织良好的界面使其比我们列表中的其他一些转换器更加用户友好。

Similar to Handbrake, AVC also has a lot of presets built-in that take the guesswork out of the editing process. The presets are organized by device type, which makes it easy to find the right preset.

与Handbrake相似,AVC还具有许多内置的预设,这些预设使编辑过程不再需要猜测。 这些预设按设备类型进行组织,因此可以轻松找到正确的预设。

Although AVC is ad-free, it does prompt you to install additional, often unwanted software during setup. It’s easy to miss if you’re not paying attention, so keep an eye out for that.

尽管AVC不含广告,但它会提示您在安装过程中安装其他通常不需要的软件。 如果您不注意,很容易错过,因此请多加注意。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363809/the-best-free-video-converters/



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