What is DDS? 什么是DDS?(Data Distribute Service,数据分发服务)

关键字:数据分发服务 DDS

The Proven Data Connectivity Standard for the Industrial Interet of Things 经验证的工业物联网数据连接标准

The Data Distribution Service (DDS™) is a middleware protocol and API standard for data-centric connectivity from the Object Management Group® (OMG®). It integrates the components of a system together, providing low-latency data connectivity, extreme reliability, and a scalable architecture that business and mission-critical Internet of Things (IoT) applications need.


In a distributed system, middleware is the software layer that lies between the operating system and applications. It enables the various components of a system to more easily communicate and share data. It simplifies the development of distributed systems by letting software developers focus on the specific purpose of their applications rather than the mechanics of passing information between applications and systems.


The DDS Middleware is a software layer that abstracts the Application from the details of the operating system, network transport, and low-level data formats. The same concepts and APIs are provided in different programming languages allowing applications to exchange information across operating systems, languages, and processor architectures. Low-level details like data wire format, discovery, connections, reliability, protocols, transport selection, QoS, security, etc. are managed by the middleware.


Data Centricity 以数据为中心

DDS provides Qos-controlled data-sharing. Applications communicate by publishing and subscribing to Topics identified by their Topic name. Subscriptions can specify time and content filters and get only a subset of the data being published on the Topic. Different DDS Domains are completely independent from each other. There is no data-sharing across DDS domains.


There are many communications middleware standards and products. DDS is uniquely data centric, which is ideal for the Industrial Internet of Things. Most middleware works by sending information between applications and systems. Data centricity ensures that all messages include the contextual information an application needs to understand the data it receives.


The essence of data centricity is that DDS knows what data it stores and controls how to share that data. Programmers using traditional message-centric middleware must write code that sends messages. Programmers using data-centric middleware write code that specifies how and when to share data and then directly share data values. Rather than managing all this complexity in the application (your) code, DDS directly implements controlled, managed, secure data sharing for you.


Global Data Space 全局数据空间

DDS conceptually sees a local store of data called the “global data space.” To the application, the global data space looks like local memory accessed via an API. You write to what looks like your local storage. In reality, DDS sends messages to update the appropriate stores on remote nodes. You read from what looks like a local store.

DDS在概念上创建了一个 “全局数据空间”的本地的数据存储空间。对应用程序来说,全局数据空间看起来像是通过API访问的本地内存:发送端应用程序写入数据时,就像是写到了本地的存储空间;而实际上,由DDS发送消息以更新远程节点上的存储内容;接收端应用程序方可通过读取本地存储获取到数据。

Inside a DDS domain the unit of information sharing is data-objects within Topics. The topic is identified by its name and the data-object by some ‘Key” attributes. This is similar to how key attributes are used to identify records in a Database. This is figure is conceptual. DDS communicates peer-to-peer and does not require the data to be brokered by a server or cloud.

在DDS域中,信息共享的单位是主题的数据对象。主题由其名称标识,数据对象由一些“键(Key)”属性标识。这类似于在数据库中用键属性来标识数据。上述是一张概念性的图示, DDS进行点对点通信,不需要服务器或云代理进行转发。

All together, the local stores give applications the illusion of having access to the entire global data space. This is only an illusion; there is no global place where all the data lives. Each application locally stores only what it needs and only for as long as it needs it. DDS deals with data in motion; the global data space is a virtual concept that is really only a collection of local stores. Every application, in almost any language, running on any system, sees local memory in its optimal native format. The global data space shares data between embedded, mobile, and cloud applications across any transport, regardless of language or system, and with extremely low-latency.


Quality of Service 服务质量

The data can also be shared with flexible Quality of Service (QoS) specifications including reliability, system health (liveliness), and even security. In a real system, not every other end-point needs every item in your local store. DDS is smart about sending just what it needs. If messages don’t always reach their intended destinations, the middleware implements reliability where needed. When systems change, the middleware dynamically figures out where to send which data, and intelligently informs participants of the changes. If the total data size is huge, DDS intelligently filters and sends only the data each end-point really needs. When updates need to be fast, DDS sends multicast messages to update many remote applications at once. As data formats evolve, DDS keeps track of the versions used by various parts of the system and automatically translates. For security-critical applications, DDS controls access, enforces data flow paths, and encrypts data on-the-fly.


The true power of DDS emerges when you specify all of these things simultaneously, at extremely high speeds, and in a very dynamic, demanding, and unpredictable environment.


Dynamic Discovery 动态发现

DDS provides Dynamic Discovery of publishers and subscribers. Dynamic Discovery makes your DDS applications extensible. This means the application does not have to know or configure the endpoints for communications because they are automatically discovered by DDS. This can be completed at runtime and not necessarily at design or compile time, enabling real “plug-and-play” for DDS applications.


This dynamic discovery goes even further than discovering endpoints. DDS will discover if the endpoint is publishing data, subscribing to data, or both. It will discover the type of data being published or subscribed to. It will also discover the publisher’s offered communication characteristics and the subscriber’s requested communications characteristics. All of these attributes are taken into consideration during the dynamic discovery and matching of DDS participants.


DDS participants can be on the same machine or across a network: the application uses the same DDS API for communications. Because there is no need to know or configure IP addresses, or take into account the differences in machine architectures, adding an additional communication participant on any operating system or hardware platform becomes an easy, almost trivial, task.

DDS参与者可以在同一台计算机上,也可以跨网络,应用程序使用相同的DDS API进行通信。因为不需要知道或配置IP地址,也不需要考虑机器体系结构的差异,所以在任何操作系统或硬件平台上添加新的通信节点就成了一项极其简单的工作。

Scalable Architecture 可扩展的架构

DDS systems can span from Edge to Fog to Cloud. At the edge they can be used for high-speed real-time machine to machine communications. Within the intermediary system they can provide robust, reliable QoS and content-aware information flows. Integrating these systems DDS provides scalable access and distribution of information all the way to and within the cloud.


The OMG DDS architecture is designed to be scalable from small devices to the cloud and for very large systems. DDS enables the Internet of Things by scaling across thousands or millions of participants, delivering data at ultra-high speed, managing many thousands of data objects, and providing extreme availability and security. DDS simplifies distributed systems development by absorbing much of the complexity in a single, standard communications layer.

OMG DDS的适用范围覆盖了从小型设备到云计算系统等超大型系统。DDS可为成千上万参与者提供以超高速传输数据,同时管理数千个数据对象,提供极高的可用性和安全性,适用于物联网。DDS通过提供一个标准通信层,屏蔽了大量的底层复杂性,简化了分布式系统的开发。

Security 安全性

Protecting mission-critical Industrial IoT environments requires security that scales from edge to cloud, across systems and suppliers.

DDS includes security mechanisms that provide authentication, access control, confidentiality, and integrity to the information distribution. DDS Security uses a decentralized peer-to-peer architecture that provides security without sacrificing real-time performance.


For further information on the DDS standard then please visit the specifications page.

有关DDS标准的更多信息,请查看DDS规范《DDS (Data Distribution Service) 数据分发服务-规范中文翻译_001》。

Note: A DDS DomainParticipant represents the local membership of the application in a domain. A domain is a distributed concept that links all the applications able to communicate with each other. It represents a communication plane: only the publishers and the subscribers attached to the same domain may interact. Furthermore, it acts as a factory for DDS Publishers, Subscribers, Topics, MultiTopics and ContentFilteredTopics.

注意:DDS 域参与者(DomainParticipant)表示域中应用程序的本地成员身份。域是一个分布式概念,它将所有能够相互通信的应用程序连接起来。它表示一个通信平面:只有同一域中的发布者和订阅者可以进行数据交互。此外,它还充当工厂类用于产生DDS的发布者、订阅者、主题、多主题(MultiTopics)和内容过滤主题(ContentFilteredTopics)等。



DDS规范-译文连载:DDS (Data Distribution Service) 数据分发服务-规范中文翻译_001




产品介绍:BLUE DCS分布式数据连接解决方案

产品试用: 海蓝云平台-Blue DCS

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