
1.1 实验内容

本节课程主要利用 Spring 框架实现 Service 层。

1.2 实验知识点

Spring 框架

1.3 实验环境


Eclipse JavaEE


在项目 hrms 的目录 src/main/java 下新建包 com.shiyanlou.service,作为 Servcie 层接口的包,新建包 com.shiyanlou.service.impl 作为 Servcie 层实现的包。

2.1 AdminService 接口与实现

在包 com.shiyanlou.service 下建一个 AdminService.java 接口文件,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Admin;

public interface AdminService {

/** 登录


* @param admin

* @return


public Admin login(Admin admin);

/** 根据条件查询管理员


* @param map

* @return


public List findAdmins(Map map);

/** 根据条件查询管理员人数


* @param map

* @return


public Integer getCount(Map map);

/** 添加管理员


* @param admin

* @return


public Integer addAdmin(Admin admin);

/** 修改管理员


* @param admin

* @return


public Integer updateAdmin(Admin admin);

/** 删除管理员


* @param id

* @return


public Integer deleteAdmin(Integer id);


在包 com.shiyanlou.service.impl 下建一个类 AdminServiceImpl 实现上述的接口,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service.impl;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.shiyanlou.dao.AdminDao;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Admin;

import com.shiyanlou.service.AdminService;


public class AdminServiceImpl implements AdminService {

// 自动注入 DAO 对象


private AdminDao adminDao;

// 实现接口中的方法


public Admin login(Admin admin) {

return adminDao.login(admin);



public List findAdmins(Map map) {

return adminDao.findAdmins(map);



public Integer getCount(Map map) {

return adminDao.getCount(map);



public Integer addAdmin(Admin admin) {

return adminDao.addAdmin(admin);



public Integer updateAdmin(Admin admin) {

return adminDao.updateAdmin(admin);



public Integer deleteAdmin(Integer id) {

return adminDao.deleteAdmin(id);



2.2 PostService 接口与实现

在包 com.shiyanlou.service 下建一个 PostService.java 接口文件,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Post;

public interface PostService {

/** 根据条件查询公告


* @param map

* @return


public ListfindPosts(Map map);

/** 根据条件查询公告数量


* @param map

* @return


public Integer getCount(Map map);

/** 添加公告


* @param post

* @return


public Integer addPost(Post post);

/** 修改公告


* @param post

* @return


public Integer updatePost(Post post);

/** 删除公告


* @param id

* @return


public Integer deletePost(Integer id);

/** 根据 ID 查询公告信息


* @param id

* @return


public Post getPostById(Integer id);


在包 com.shiyanlou.service.impl 下建一个类 PostServiceImpl 实现上述的接口,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service.impl;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.shiyanlou.dao.PostDao;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Post;

import com.shiyanlou.service.PostService;


public class PostServiceImpl implements PostService {

// 自动注入 DAO 对象


private PostDao postDao;

// 实现接口中的方法


public List findPosts(Map map) {

return postDao.findPosts(map);



public Integer getCount(Map map) {

return postDao.getCount(map);



public Integer addPost(Post post) {

return postDao.addPost(post);



public Integer updatePost(Post post) {

return postDao.updatePost(post);



public Integer deletePost(Integer id) {

return postDao.deletePost(id);



public Post getPostById(Integer id) {

return postDao.getPostById(id);



2.3 DepartmentService 接口与实现

在包 com.shiyanlou.service 下建一个 DepartmentService.java 接口文件,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Department;

public interface DepartmentService {

/** 根据条件查询部门


* @param map

* @return


public List findDepartments(Map map);

/** 根据条件查询部门数量


* @param map

* @return


public Integer getCount(Map map);

/** 添加部门


* @param department

* @return


public Integer addDepartment(Department department);

/** 修改部门


* @param department

* @return


public Integer updateDepartment(Department department);

/** 删除部门


* @param id

* @return


public Integer deleteDepartment(Integer id);


在包 com.shiyanlou.service.impl 下建一个类 DepartmentServiceImpl 实现上述的接口,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service.impl;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.shiyanlou.dao.DepartmentDao;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Department;

import com.shiyanlou.service.DepartmentService;


public class DepartmentServiceImpl implements DepartmentService {

// 自动注入 DAO 对象


private DepartmentDao departmentDao;

// 实现接口中的方法


public List findDepartments(Map map) {

return departmentDao.findDepartments(map);



public Integer getCount(Map map) {

return departmentDao.getCount(map);



public Integer addDepartment(Department department) {

return departmentDao.addDepartment(department);



public Integer updateDepartment(Department department) {

return departmentDao.updateDepartment(department);



public Integer deleteDepartment(Integer id) {

Integer flag = null;

// 如果删除关联外键的行记录,抛出异常

try {

flag = departmentDao.deleteDepartment(id);

} catch (Exception e) {

throw new RuntimeException();


return flag;



2.4 PositionService 接口与实现

在包 com.shiyanlou.service 下建一个 PositionService.java 接口文件,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Position;

public interface PositionService {

/** 根据条件查询职位


* @param map

* @return


public List findPositions(Map map);

/** 根据条件查询职位数量


* @param map

* @return


public Integer getCount(Map map);

/** 添加职位


* @param position

* @return


public Integer addPosition(Position position);

/* 修改职位


* @param position

* @return


public Integer updatePosition(Position position);

/** 删除职位


* @param id

* @return


public Integer deletePosition(Integer id);


在包 com.shiyanlou.service.impl 下建一个类 PositionServiceImpl 实现上述的接口,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service.impl;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.shiyanlou.dao.PositionDao;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Position;

import com.shiyanlou.service.PositionService;


public class PositionServiceImpl implements PositionService {

// 自动注入 DAO 对象


private PositionDao positionDao;

// 实现接口中的方法


public List findPositions(Map map) {

return positionDao.findPositions(map);



public Integer getCount(Map map) {

return positionDao.getCount(map);



public Integer addPosition(Position position) {

return positionDao.addPosition(position);



public Integer updatePosition(Position position) {

return positionDao.updatePosition(position);



public Integer deletePosition(Integer id) {

Integer flag = null;

// 如果删除关联外键的行记录,抛出异常

try {

flag = positionDao.deletePosition(id);

} catch (Exception e) {

throw new RuntimeException();


return flag;



2.5 EmployeeService 接口与实现

在包 com.shiyanlou.service 下建一个 EmployeeService.java 接口文件,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Employee;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Post;

public interface EmployeeService {

/** 根据条件查询员工


* @param map

* @return


public ListfindEmployees(Map map);

/** 根据条件查询员工人数


* @param map

* @return


public Integer getCount(Map map);

/** 添加员工


* @param employee

* @return


public Integer addEmployee(Employee employee);

/** 修改员工


* @param employee

* @return


public Integer updateEmployee(Employee employee);

/** 删除员工


* @param id

* @return


public Integer deleteEmployee(String id);


在包 com.shiyanlou.service.impl 下建一个类 EmployeeServiceImpl 实现上述的接口,代码如下:

package com.shiyanlou.service.impl;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Resource;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import com.shiyanlou.dao.EmployeeDao;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Employee;

import com.shiyanlou.domain.Post;

import com.shiyanlou.service.EmployeeService;


public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {

// 自动注入 DAO 对象


private EmployeeDao employeeDao;

// 实现接口中的方法


public List findEmployees(Map map) {

return employeeDao.findEmployees(map);



public Integer getCount(Map map) {

return employeeDao.getCount(map);



public Integer addEmployee(Employee employee) {

Integer flag = null;

// 如果插入记录主键重复,抛出异常

try {

flag = employeeDao.addEmployee(employee);

} catch (Exception e) {

throw new RuntimeException();


return flag;



public Integer updateEmployee(Employee employee) {

return employeeDao.updateEmployee(employee);



public Integer deleteEmployee(String id) {

return employeeDao.deleteEmployee(id);




到这里我们就完成了 Service 层的代码实现,下一节我们将完成 MyBatis 和 Spring 的整合及测试。

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