
Note1:The thread module has been renamed to _thread in Python 3.The 2to3 tool will automatically adapt imports when converting yoursources to Python 3; however, you should consider using the high-levelthreading module instead.

Note2:Starting with Python 2.6,  threading module provides PEP 8 compliant aliases andproperties to replace the camelCase names that were inspired by Java’sthreading API. This updated API is compatible with that of themultiprocessing module. However, no schedule has been set for thedeprecation of the camelCase names and they remain fully supported inboth Python 2.x and 3.x.


thread.LockType :锁对象的一种,用于线程同步







thread.exit() :线程退出函数

thread.allocate_lock() :生成一个未锁状态的锁对象返回值



常用函数:threading.active_count()  :返回当前线程对象Thread的个数(Return the number ofThreadobjects currently alive.  The returned count is equal to the length of the list returned byenumerate().)

threading.enumerate()  :返回当前运行的线程对象Thread(包括后台的)的list

threading.Condition()  :返回条件变量对象的工厂函数,主要用户线程的并发(A factoryfunction that returns a new condition variable object. A conditionvariableallows one or more threads to wait until they are notified by another thread.)

threading.current_thread()  :返回当前的线程对象Thread(Return the current Threadobject, corresponding to the caller’s thread of control.  If the caller’sthread of control was not created through the threading module, a dummy threadobject with limited functionality is returned.)

threading.Lock()  :返回一个新的锁对象,是在thread模块的基础上实现的,与acquire()和release()结合使用(A factory function that returns a new primitive lock object.Once a thread hasacquired it, subsequent attempts to acquire it block, untilit is released; anythread may release it.)

常用类:threading.Thread  :一个表示线程控制的类, 这个类常被继承(A class that represents athread of control.  This class can be safelysubclassed in a limited fashion.)

thraeding.Timer  :定时器,线程在一定时间后执行(A thread that executes a functionafter a specified interval has passed.)

threading.ThreadError  :引发中各种线程相关异常(Raised for various threading-relatederrors as described below.  Note thatmany interfaces use RuntimeError insteadof ThreadError.)

Thread对象:This class represents an activity that is run in a separate thread of control. There are two ways to specify the activity:

by passing a callable object to the constructor

by overriding the run() method in a subclass.

No other methods (except for the constructor) should be overridden in a subclass.  In other words,  only  override the __init__() and run() methods of this class.

Once a thread object is created, its activity must be started by calling the thread’s start() method.  This invokes the run() method in aseparate thread of control.

Once the thread’s activity is started, the thread is considered ‘alive’. Itstops being alive when its run() method terminates – either normally, orby raising an unhandled exception.  The is_alive() method tests whether thethread is alive.

threading.Thread(group = None, target = None, name = None, args = () kwars = {})

group : 应该为None(reserved for future extension when aThreadGroup class is implemented.)

target : 可以传入一个函数用于run()方法调用

name : 线程名 默认使用"Thread-N"

args : 元组, 表示传入target函数的参数

kwargs : 字典, 传入target函数中关键字参数作者:Andrew_liu





name  #线程表示, 没有任何语义

doemon  #布尔值, 如果是守护线程为True, 不是为False, 主线程不是守护线程, 默认threading.Thread.damon = False


run()  #用以表示线程活动的方法。

start()  #启动线程活动。

join([time])  #等待至线程中止。这阻塞调用线程直至线程的join() 方法被调用中止-正常退出


isAlive(): 返回线程是否活动的。

getName(): 返回线程名。

setName(): 设置线程名。






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