



一些经典老代码是tensoflow1.15 这个版本只能单独安装tensoflow-gpu 而且还要搭配cuda-10.0使用,然后集群机器上的版本是10.2,所以需要自己在虚拟环境下手动安装。



Update The installation UI for 10.1 changed. The following works:

  • Deselect driver installation (pressing ENTERon it)
  • Change options -> root install path to a non-sudo directory.
  • Press A on the line marked with a + to access advanced options. Deselect create symbolic link, and change the toolkit install path.
  • Now installation should work without root permissions

Thank you very much for the hints in the question! I just want to complete it with an approach that worked for me, also inspired in this gist and that hopefully helps in situations where a valid driver is installed, and installing a more recent CUDA on Linux without root permissions is still needed.

TL;DR: Here are the steps to install CUDA9+CUDNN7 on Debian, and installing a pre-compiled version of TensorFlow1.4 on Python2.7 to test that everything works. Everything without root privileges and via terminal. Should also work for other CUDA, CUDNN, TensorFlow and Python versions on other Linux systems too.


  1. Go to NVIDIA's official release web for CUDA (as for Nov. 2017, CUDA9 is out): https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads.

  2. Under your Linux distro, select the runfile (local)option. Note that the sudo indication present in the installation instructions is deceiving, since it is possible to run this installer without root permissions. On a server, one easy way is to copy the <LINK> of the Download button and, in any location of your home directory, run wget <LINK>. It will download the <INSTALLER> file.

  3. Run chmod +x <INSTALLER> to make it executable, and execute it ./<INSTALLER>.

  4. accept the EULA, say no to driver installation, and enter a <CUDA> location under your home directory to install the toolkit and a <CUDASAMPLES> for the samples.

  5. Not asked here but recommended: Download a compatible CUDNN file from the official web (you need to sign in). In my case, I downloaded the cudnn-9.0-linux-x64-v7.tgz, compatible with CUDA9 into the <CUDNN> folder. Uncompress it: tar -xzvf ....

  6. Optional: compile the samples. cd <CUDASAMPLES> && make. There are some very nice examples there and a very good starting point to write some CUDA scripts of yourself.

  7. (If you did 5.): Copy the required files from <CUDNN> into <CUDA>, and grant reading permission to user (not sure if needed):

  8. cp -P <CUDNN>/cuda/include/cudnn.h <CUDA>/include/
    cp -P <CUDNN>/cuda/lib64/libcudnn* <CUDA>/lib64
    chmod a+r <CUDA>/include/cudnn.h <CUDA>/lib64/libcudnn*
  9. Add the library to your environment. This is typically done adding this following two lines to your ~/.bashrc file (in this example, the <CUDA> directory was ~/cuda9/:
  10. export PATH=<CUDA>/bin:$PATH

然后按照这个一顿操作后在命令行python 进如,输入print(tf.test.is_gpu_available()) 结果是True. 但是 运行我自己py文件的时候仍然找不到lib.so文件




conda install cudatoolkit==10.0



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