
More and more companies are realizing just how valuable a mobile application can be for their businesses. However, they also tend to make a very common mistake: they begin development without considering all of the costs associated with the process.

越来越多的公司意识到移动应用程序对其业务的价值。 但是,它们也容易犯一个非常普遍的错误:他们在开始开发时并未考虑与该过程相关的所有成本。

Depending on the specifications and requirements, software development companies pricing for mobile app development and deployment can range from $2,000 to $250,000. This price may sound a bit staggering for those just getting started with the process, but a lot more goes into the process of building an application than just design and development.

根据规格和要求,软件开发公司针对移动应用程序开发和部署的价格范围从2,000美元到250,000美元不等。 对于刚开始使用该程序的用户来说,这个价格听起来有些惊人,但是在构建应用程序的过程中,不仅要进行设计和开发,还要付出更多的代价。

移动应用类型 (Types of Mobile Applications)

Before diving into the unexpected costs associated with application development, it is important to note that there are three distinct types of mobile apps:


  1. Native Application: A native application is installed on a device itself and distributed through the platform’’s app store.


  2. Mobile Web Application: A newer application version, a mobile web app or “HTML 5 app” is a cross-platform application that uses the mobile device’s web browser to access the app.

    移动Web应用程序:较新的应用程序版本,移动Web应用程序或“ HTML 5应用程序”是跨平台的应用程序,它使用移动设备的Web浏览器来访问该应用程序。

  3. Hybrid Application: Wrapped in a native shell but built with web technologies, hybrid apps are a combination of native and mobile web apps. They are actually considered web apps with the look and feel of a native one.

    混合应用程序:混合应用程序包装在本机外壳中,但使用Web技术构建,是本机和移动Web应用程序的组合。 实际上,它们被视为具有本机外观的Web应用程序。

It is important to understand the differences between these kinds of apps as hidden costs associated with application development does not necessarily apply to each individual type.


应用程序开发的隐性成本 (The Hidden Costs of App Development)

Below are just a few of the lesser-known or thought about costs that come along with the process of building and releasing a mobile application.


设计 (Design)

Many first-timers believe that the mobile developer will also take care of the design of the application. While they may be able to, it can prevent users from using the app long-term or keeping it on their mobile device. User experience is the most important aspect of an application. Some may argue that functionality is the biggest concern, but end-users will not use the app long enough to experience any functionality if the user experience is not up to par.

许多初学者认为,移动开发人员还将照顾应用程序的设计。 尽管他们可能这样做,但可以阻止用户长期使用该应用程序或将其保留在其移动设备上。 用户体验是应用程序最重要的方面。 有人可能会说功能是最大的问题,但如果用户体验达不到要求,最终用户使用该应用程序的时间将不足以体验任何功能。

Not satisfying the user’s expectations is one of the top reasons users report for uninstalling an application. If a business wants a good app, they are going to have to hire an experienced designer to design it – probably for an extra cost. The cost of design applies to all three types of mobile applications.

不满足用户的期望是用户报告卸载应用程序的主要原因之一 。 如果企业想要一个好的应用程序,他们将不得不聘请一位经验丰富的设计师来设计它-可能需要支付额外的费用。 设计成本适用于所有三种类型的移动应用程序。

应用商店 (App Store)

No matter the platform, getting an application into the app store is relatively inexpensive, but it is definitely not free. Google charges a one-time fee of $25 while Apple charges $99 per year to offer the app. These fees may seem minimal, but they can have an impact when an application is just getting started and may not have a huge amount of sales.

无论使用哪种平台,将应用程序放入应用程序商店都是相对便宜的,但绝对不是免费的。 Google一次性收取25美元的费用,而Apple 每年收取99 美元以提供该应用程序的费用 。 这些费用看似微不足道,但当应用程序刚刚开始使用时可能会产生影响,并且可能不会产生大量销售。

The rules of each app store also frequently change, which means that an app that may have been initially approved now violates a new rule. The need to constantly update an app to keep it in the store is one cost that companies may not consider when finding funding. This hidden cost applies to native and hybrid apps as mobile web apps are not distributed through a store.

每个应用程序商店的规则也经常更改,这意味着最初可能已被批准的应用程序现在违反了新规则。 不断更新应用程序以将其保存在商店中的需要是公司在寻找资金时可能不会考虑的一项成本。 由于移动Web应用程序不是通过商店分发的,因此此隐藏成本适用于本机和混合应用程序。

跨平台开发 (Cross-Platform Development)

Companies and brands are typically unaware that mobile apps are more complex than typical business applications. This means that one app does not necessarily work across different platforms and a separate application will need to be built for each one, mostly in the case of native apps. Some hybrid apps might also be impacted. The single development project that a company thought they were signing up for quickly turns into multiple development projects for cross-platform compatibility, thus upping costs.

公司和品牌通常不知道移动应用程序比典型的业务应用程序复杂。 这意味着一个应用程序不一定可以在不同平台上运行,并且需要为每个应用程序分别构建一个单独的应用程序,大多数情况下是本机应用程序。 一些混合应用程序也可能会受到影响。 公司认为他们很快签约的单个开发项目变成了跨平台兼容性的多个开发项目,从而增加了成本。

数据存储 (Data Storage)

Building a data-driven application that requires data storage space means another cost to factor into development. This price varies depending on the provider, the amount of data, the type of application, and the location of the storage. Data storage is something that affects all application types.

构建需要数据存储空间的数据驱动应用程序意味着需要考虑开发的另一项成本。 价格取决于提供商,数据量,应用程序类型和存储位置。 数据存储会影响所有应用程序类型。

保养 (Maintenance)

Mobile application development is not a one-and-done kind of project. It involves a constant process of updates, bug fixes, security patches, and many other changes that require addressing on a regular basis. Although this applies to all types of mobile apps, native applications require more constant compatibility updates for devices and operating systems.

移动应用程序开发不是一劳永逸的项目。 它涉及不断更新,错误修复,安全补丁以及许多其他需要定期解决的更改的过程。 尽管这适用于所有类型的移动应用程序,但本机应用程序需要针对设备和操作系统进行更不断的兼容性更新。

测试中 (Testing)

The cost of testing across devices is one that businesses frequently underestimate or forget about entirely. Mobile testing is a very involved and complicated process due to the wide array of mobile devices on the market today.

跨设备测试的成本是企业经常低估或完全忘记的成本。 由于当今市场上的移动设备种类繁多,因此移动测试是一个非常复杂的过程。

In addition to operating systems, apps require testing across different screen sizes, device types, network speeds, and other factors to guarantee that it is usable on any device. The sheer amount of testing makes this a rather large cost in the development process. Hybrid and native apps must go through the most testing, although all apps go through some.

除操作系统外,应用程序还需要在不同的屏幕尺寸,设备类型,网络速度和其他因素上进行测试,以确保该功能可在任何设备上使用。 大量的测试使开发过程中的成本相当高。 混合和本机应用程序必须经过最多的测试,尽管所有应用程序都必须通过某些测试。

与软件和应用程序开发公司一起开发 (Developing with Software and Application Development Companies)

An experienced software and application development company, such as BairesDev, will ensure that a business looking to develop a mobile app fully understands the required processes, procedures, and costs required to build a successful product. Although this may mean more time or money than initially anticipated, a high-quality, functional, and enjoyable application is worth it.

一家经验丰富的软件和应用程序开发公司,例如BairesDev ,将确保希望开发移动应用程序的企业完全了解构建成功产品所需的流程,过程和成本。 尽管这可能意味着比最初预期的时间或金钱更多,但值得使用高质量,功能强大且令人愉快的应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2020/06/the-hidden-costs-of-developing-a-mobile-application.html



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