Diagram has one semantic issue: the ivi-controller.xml removed and we have ivi-wm.xml instead the ivi-controller.so is still there [图片中的ivi-controller.xml已经被替换为ivi-wm.xml]


    Layer Manager APIs: three shared libraries to be compatible with IVI Layer Management: http://projects.genivi.org/ivi-layer-management. These internally use ivi-application/ivi-controller protocol. This means developer also directly uses ivi-application/ivi-controller protocol to manage wayland surfaces without Layer Manager APIs.
    ivi-controller: A shared library to export ivi-layout interfaces via ivi-controller protocol.
    ivi-layout inteface: compatible with IVI Layer Management APIs. These internal APIs allow developers to develop an window manager in weston process with IVI Layer Management like APIs.
    HMI Controller: provided as a module which shall be loaded on ivi-shell. This is a reference implementation how to use ivi-layout library. This shall be exclusively used with ivi-controller. In other words, developer shall decide how to implement own window manager with either using ivi-controller.so or ivi-layout interface inside of weston.
    ivi-shell: realize ivi-application protocol and framework to load ivi-controller.so (or hmi-controller) as ivi-module to use ivi-layout interfaces.
Wayland IVI Extension is loaded as ivi-module in ivi-shell + Weston. These modules are configured to be loaded by using weston.ini.
Weston will load ivi-shell.so to enable ivi features. ivi-shell.so will load ivi-controller.so which implements server side of ivi-controller.xml protocol.
    IVI Scene    Logical container for multiple screens, layers and surfaces.
    IVI Surface    Represents graphical content of an application. One application can provide several surfaces.
    IVI Layer    Logical container for multiple surfaces usually attached to one ivi screen
    IVI Screen    Logical container for multiple layers usualy corresponds to concrete display
    IVI        In Vehicle Infotainment
    RenderOrder    Logical arrangements of surfaces or layers, first element of the list is on bottom, last element is on top
    IVI Application    client application for ivi. Predefined numeric ID shall be assigned to each ivi application to be identified by HMI Central Controller.
    Applications basically use the wayland core protocol defined by Wayland (e.g connection to display, wl_display and so on) to draw their contents. Weston also supports implementing our own shell which defines management of surfaces. For example, the positioning of a surface can be implemented in the shell. Without a shell, there is no composition of surface in screen. By default, the shell in Weston is "desktop-shell" which supports wl_shell. Wayland IVI Extension uses the ivi-shell to manage surfaces, whose shell protocol is ivi-application.xml. Applications must support the ivi-application protocol to be managed by the HMI central controller with an unique numeric ID.
    ivi controller[edit]   ivi controller is a extension protocol defined in this project wayland-ivi-extension. It exports surface/layer/screen management protocol to make each product scene
    ivi input    ivi-input is enabled when ivi-input.so is added after ivi-controll.so in weston.ini. Without ivi-input, input handling is the same as normal desktop style; a top focused surface will be received when input event. Refer Wayland_IVI_Extension_Design_ivi_input
    HMI Controller/Central Controller    Window Manager which is responsible to controll the composition and input routing
    HMI    Human-Machine Interface



Sections in this file describe:
- How to build
- Example applications
- How to testHow to build on different platforms
- Weston
- CMake required (version 2.6 or higher)
- Open GLES and EGL for example applications
- Gtest for the test suiteBuild up
1. Pull the current codebase form the git repoE.g. git clone https://github.com/GENIVI/wayland-ivi-extension.git2. Create a build directoryE.g mkdir build_ivi_extension3. In <build-dir> Generate build system for your platform using CMake.E.g. cd <build-dir>cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=<your setting *.cmake> ../4. Start the build and installE.g. sudo make installExample applications
- Modify weston.ini to use ivi-shell.soExample:[core]shell=ivi-shell.somodules=ivi-controller.so[ivi-shell]ivi-input-module=ivi-input-controller.so- Set Environmental valuesExample:export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/run/<your user name>/1000export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<your installation path>/lib Start-up Weston:Example: <your installation path>/bin/westonStart-up HMI helper:Example: <your installation path>/bin/layer-add-surfaces 1000 1EGLWLMockNavigation:Example: <your installation path>/bin/EGLWLMockNavigationHow to test
1. Build the testsuite by setting BUILD_ILM_API_TESTS option.Example: cmake -DBUILD_ILM_API_TESTS
2. After starting up Weston run the testsuite.Example: <your installation path>/bin/ivi-layermanagement-api-test

2.将第一张图从(10.10)开始截取一个(480*480)大小的图。第二张图不设置,任然500*500. –》surface source region
3.将第一张图放在layer0(500,10)的位置,并且缩放成大小是900*480的大小【由于layer的总大小只有1000*500,所以只能放进去一部分,其余部分丢失】;第二张图未设置从(0,0)位置放置,大小任然是500*500;;;另外将第二张图放入layer1   --》surface destination region
4.放图后的layer内容;将layer1的大小改成从(10,10)开始的480*480大小。 --》layer source region
5.将layer0放入screen0,从screen0的(0,0)开始放置,,将layer0的大小缩放为500*500;screen的大小为500*500;;将layer1的内容放置到screen1,从screen的(10,10)放置,将layer1的内容缩放至480*480;--》layer destination region



root@:~# layer-add-surfaces --help-h,  --help                  display this help and exit.-d,  --display-name          name of the display which will be used,e.g.: HDMI-A-1, LVDS1If it is not set, display with highest resolution is used.-l,  --layer-id              id of the used ILM layer. It has to be set-s,  --surface-count         number of surfaces which will be added tothe layer. It has to be set


help: supported commands:
add surface <sid> to layer <lid>
analyze surface <surfaceid>
create layer <layerid> <width> <height>
destroy layer <id>
dump screen|surface <id> to <file>
export scene to <filename>
export xtext to <filename> <grammar> <url>
get input device <name> capabilities
get input devices with pointer|keyboard|touch|all
get input focus
get scene|screens|layers|surfaces
get screen|layer|surface <id>
get surface <surfaceid> input acceptance
remove surface <sid> from layer <lid>
set layer|surface <id> destination region <x> <y> <w> <h>
set layer|surface <id> opacity <opacity>
set layer|surface <id> source region <x> <y> <w> <h>
set layer|surface <id> visibility <visibility>
set screen|layer <id> render order [<idarray>]
set surface <surfaceid> input acceptance to [<namearray>]
set surface <surfaceid> type <type>
set|unset surfaces [<idarray>] input focus pointer|keyboard|touch|all
test notification layer <layerid>
tree                         //此命令可以告诉你所有的LayerManagerControl的命令
watch layer|surface <idarray>
root@:~# LayerManagerControl tree
help: supported commands:[root]
|  |--surface
|  |  |--<sid>
|  |  |  |--to
|  |  |  |  |--layer
|  |  |  |  |  |--<lid>*
|  |--surface
|  |  |--<surfaceid>*
|  |--layer
|  |  |--<layerid>
|  |  |  |--<width>
|  |  |  |  |--<height>*
|  |--layer
|  |  |--<id>*
|  |--screen|surface
|  |  |--<id>
|  |  |  |--to
|  |  |  |  |--<file>*
|  |--scene
|  |  |--to
|  |  |  |--<filename>*
|  |--xtext
|  |  |--to
|  |  |  |--<filename>
|  |  |  |  |--<grammar>
|  |  |  |  |  |--<url>*
|  |--input
|  |  |--device
|  |  |  |--<name>
|  |  |  |  |--capabilities*
|  |  |--devices
|  |  |  |--with
|  |  |  |  |--pointer|keyboard|touch|all*
|  |  |--focus*
|  |--scene|screens|layers|surfaces*
|  |--screen|layer|surface
|  |  |--<id>*
|  |--surface
|  |  |--<surfaceid>
|  |  |  |--input
|  |  |  |  |--acceptance*
|  |--surface
|  |  |--<sid>
|  |  |  |--from
|  |  |  |  |--layer
|  |  |  |  |  |--<lid>*
|  |--layer|surface
|  |  |--<id>
|  |  |  |--destination
|  |  |  |  |--region
|  |  |  |  |  |--<x>
|  |  |  |  |  |  |--<y>
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |--<w>
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |--<h>*
|  |  |  |--opacity
|  |  |  |  |--<opacity>*
|  |  |  |--source
|  |  |  |  |--region
|  |  |  |  |  |--<x>
|  |  |  |  |  |  |--<y>
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |--<w>
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |--<h>*
|  |  |  |--visibility
|  |  |  |  |--<visibility>*
|  |--screen|layer
|  |  |--<id>
|  |  |  |--render
|  |  |  |  |--order
|  |  |  |  |  |--[<idarray>]*
|  |--surface
|  |  |--<surfaceid>
|  |  |  |--input
|  |  |  |  |--acceptance
|  |  |  |  |  |--to
|  |  |  |  |  |  |--[<namearray>]*
|  |  |  |--type
|  |  |  |  |--<type>*
|  |--surfaces
|  |  |--[<idarray>]
|  |  |  |--input
|  |  |  |  |--focus
|  |  |  |  |  |--pointer|keyboard|touch|all*
|  |--notification
|  |  |--layer
|  |  |  |--<layerid>*
|  |--layer|surface
|  |  |--<idarray>*


$ layer-add-surface 1 1000&  添加surface
$ export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/run/user/1000
$ weston &                    //打开weston
$ LayerManagerControl create layer 1000 600 400    //创建layer;id为1000. 宽600.长400
$ LayerManagerControl set layer 1000 render order 10    //为layer1000链接上id为10的surface
$ LayerManagerControl set surface 10 source region 0 0 600 400 //将surface10 的内容从(0,0)开始截取一个600*400的范围
$ LayerManagerControl set surface 10 destination region 0 0 600 400 //将surface截取后的内容放置到layer(0,0)的位置,缩放为600*400的大小
$ LayerManagerControl set screen 0 render order 1000    //将screen0与layer1000链接
$ LayerManagerControl set layer 1000 visibility 1    //将layer1000设置为可见
$ LayerManagerControl set surface 10 visibility 1    //将surface设置为可见

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