1. suitable

having the right qualities for a particular purpose or person 适合的,适宜的

a suitable place for a picnic


They don't consider him a suitable husband for their daughter.


2. right

completely suitable in every way 完全适合的,恰当的

It's a nice house,but it isn't right for us.



suitable for a particular purpose.Appropriate is more formal than suitable.适合的,恰当的

(appropriate 比suitable 正式)

She filled out all the appropriate forms


It may not be an appropriate time to ask him about it.


The proper tool, piece of equipment , or way of doing something is the one that most people think is most suitable(工具、设备、方法等)正确的,适当的

You can't change a wheel without the proper tools.


the proper procedure for hiring staff


5.Suited to sth

if someone is suited to something, he or she has the right qualities to do it 适合做某事。

He'd be well suited to the job.


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