

 "BtnDeadCenter"{"ControlName"           "L4D360HybridButton""fieldName"             "BtnDeadCenter""xpos"                   "0""ypos"                   "180""wide"                 "150""tall"                 "20""autoResize"            "1""pinCorner"              "0""visible"                "1""enabled"                "1""tabPosition"            "0""wrap"                   "1""navUp"                  "BtnRiver""navDown"             "BtnThePassing""labelText"              "#L4D360UI_Campaign_DeadCenter" //关联L4D360UI中的参数"tooltiptext"           "#L4D360UI_Campaign_Tooltip_DeadCenter""disabled_tooltiptext"   "#L4D360UI_Campaign_Tooltip_DeadCenter_Disabled""style"                 "FlyoutMenuButton""command"             "cmd_campaign_L4D2C1" //地图名称(关联mission中txt里的name)"command"              "cmd_campaign_DeadCenter"}

"Name" "River"[关联l4d360ui_schinese.txt]

地图:(牺牲) 的任务代码分析

{"Name"               "River""Version"            "1""Author"         "Turtle Rock""Website"          "http://www.turtlerockstudios.com/""BuiltIn"            "0""DisplayTitle"       "#L4D_Mission_River_Title""Description"     "#L4D_Mission_River_Objective""OuttroImage"     "VGUI\outroTitle_sacrifice"// Loading poster data"poster"{"posterImage"       "LoadingScreen_TheSacrifice"//    "posterTitle"     "#L4D360UI_RiverCampaignTitle"  [$!ENGLISH]// "posterTitle_y"       "320"//   "posterTagline"       "#L4D360UI_RiverCampaignTagline"  [$!ENGLISH]//   "posterTagline_y" "380"     "bill_player_name_x"  "-16""bill_player_name_y"   "-94""louis_player_name_x"  "44""louis_player_name_y"   "-40""zoey_player_name_x"   "101" // left to right -left +right"zoey_player_name_y"    "-14" // top to bottom -raises +lowers"francis_player_name_x"  "-77""francis_player_name_y"    "-66" }"modes"{"coop"{"1"{"Map" "l4d_river01_docks""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Chapter_Docks""Image" "maps/l4d_river01_docks""TankVariant" "models/infected/hulk_dlc3.mdl""SpawnBossThreats" "1"   "coop_boss_spawning"{"boss_threat_radius"           "500""boss_threat_separation_min"   "6000""boss_threat_separation_max"  "6000""spawn_witches"                   "1""spawn_tanks"                    "0"}              }"2"{"Map" "l4d_river02_barge""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Chapter_Barge""Image" "maps/l4d_river02_barge""SpawnBossThreats" "1""coop_boss_spawning"{"boss_threat_radius"          "1500""boss_threat_separation_min"  "6000""boss_threat_separation_max"  "9000""spawn_witches"                   "1""spawn_tanks"                    "1"}}"3"{"Map" "l4d_river03_port""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Chapter_Port""Image" "maps/l4d_river03_port""SpawnBossThreats" "0""coop_boss_spawning"{"spawn_witches"                    "0""spawn_tanks"                    "0"}} }"versus"{"1"{"Map" "l4d_river01_docks""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Chapter_Docks""Image" "maps/l4d_river01_docks""TankVariant" "models/infected/hulk_dlc3.mdl""VersusModifier" "1.0""VersusConvertPills" "0.25""versus_boss_spawning"{"spawn_pos_min"      "0.55""spawn_pos_max"       "0.95""tank_chance"     "0""witch_chance"       "1.0""witch_and_tank"   "0"}                  }"2"{"Map" "l4d_river02_barge""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Chapter_Barge""Image" "maps/l4d_river02_barge""VersusModifier" "1.5""VersusConvertPills" "0.25""versus_boss_spawning"{"spawn_pos_min"      "0.3""spawn_pos_max"        "0.9""tank_chance"      "1.0""witch_chance"     "1.0""witch_and_tank"   "1"}                  }"3"{"Map" "l4d_river03_port""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Chapter_Port""Image" "maps/l4d_river03_port""VersusModifier" "3.5"  "VersusFinaleProgressScoreFactor" "0.85""VersusConvertPills" "0""versus_boss_spawning"{"tank_chance"        "0""witch_chance"       "0"}}}"survival"{           "1"{"Map" "l4d_river01_docks""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Holdout_Chapter_Docks""Image" "maps/l4d_river01_tankcar""TankVariant" "models/infected/hulk_dlc3.mdl"}"2"{"Map" "l4d_river03_port""DisplayName" "#L4D360UI_Holdout_Chapter_Port""Image" "maps/l4d_river03_port"}}} // "modes"// "SpawnBossThreats"// In CoOp games, controls whether or not a map can randomly spawn witches / tanks. // By default, the first map in a campaign can't. // If this value is set for a map, it overrides the default. (0 for false, 1 for true)// "versus_boss_spawning"// In versus games, there are a set of console variables that are used to govern how witches and // tanks spawn. If you wish to override those defaults for a map in this campaign, you can do that here. // If you don't specify a mapma or a specific value for a map, // it will use the console variables defaults instead. //// spawn_pos_min - (float: 0.01 ... 0.99)//  The minimum random position on a map to spawn a boss. //    0.01 means right near the beginning, 0.99 means near the end// // spawn_pos_max - (float: 0.01 ... 0.99)//  The maximum random position on a map to spawn a boss. //    0.01 means right near the beginning, 0.99 means near the end//// tank_chance - (float: 0.0 ... 1.0)//   The random chance that a Tank will spawn, 0 being never and 1 being always.//// witch_chance - (float: 0.0 ... 1.0)//   The random chance that a witch will spawn, 0 being never and 1 being always.//// witch_and_tank - (int: 0 or 1)//   If both a witch and a tank randomly spawn, this controls whether //     the tank is supressed in favor of the witch. //     0 means only spawn the witch if they would both spawn, 1 means spawn them both. //  // "VersusFinaleProgressScoreFactor" (float: 0.0 ... 1.0)// This controls how much of the player's progress through the finale (rather than movement through the map)// is counted towards their score. Generally, you want a higher number if there is little distance // between the checkpoint and the finale, and a lower number if there is significant distance// from the checkpoint to the finale.// 0.0 is the default behavior, which means that the score is based on movement through the map. // 1.0 means that the score is based completely on progress during the finale. // 0.85 means that 85% comes from progress in the finale, and 15% from movement through the map. // "VersusConvertPills" (float: 0.0 ... 1.0)// This controls how many pills are converted to kits at the beginning of the map. By default, // the game references the director_vs_convert_pills convar for this value, but you can // override it here. // "ThirdTankDelay" (float: 0.0 .... 9999)// This controls the delay before the third tank is spawned in the finale. // This is the tank that shows up while the survivors are rushing for the escape vehicle. // By default, the delay is twice the "director_finale_stage_delay" convar. // "FinaleVehicleEvent"// This allows designers to change what message is displayed when the escape vehicle is ready. // "FinaleEscapeKillIncapped"  - (int: 0 or 1)// If set to 1, any characters that are incapped when the escape starts will be killed. // This is primarily a cutscene aid, it doesn't change the way points are awarded, etc. // By default, survivors are left alone// "SpawnFinalePZClose"  - (int: 0 or 1)// If set to 1, the Director will try to spawn PZs closer to the survivors during the // finale, which can be useful for finales with a very large playable area and many potential// spawn locations. // The behavior of this is controlled by the convars "z_finale_pz_spawnable_area_*".// By default, PZs are spawned randomly in the nav areas marked FINALE// "coop_boss_spawning"// In Co-Op & Single-Player games, there are a set of console variables that are used to govern how witches and // tanks spawn. If you wish to override those defaults for a map in this campaign, you can do that here. // If you don't specify a specific value for a map, // it will use the console variables defaults instead. //// Tanks and witches are spawned periodically at certain distances along the escape route, so the longer the map,// the more potential boss encounters you'll get. //// "boss_threat_separation_min" - (float: 0.0 ... 100000.0)//  Minimum distance between boss spawns//// "boss_threat_separation_max" - (float: 0.0 ... 100000.0)//  Max distance between boss spawns//// "boss_threat_radius" - (float: 0.0 ... 10000.0)//  Random distance off the escape route that the boss can be spawned//// "spawn_witches" - (int: 0 or 1)//  Controls whether or not witches will spawn on the map//// "spawn_tanks" - (int: 0 or 1)//  Controls whether or not Tanks will spawn on the map//} // "mission"


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