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items[] 0 店铺的所有商品


  • Curl
  • PHP
  • PHPsdk
  • JAVA
  • C#
  • Python
-- 请求示例 url 默认请求参数已经URL编码处理
curl -i "<您自己的apiKey>&secret=<您自己的apiSecret>&shopid=sXahcZg&page=1"


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title: "【古蒂歌品牌】夏季薄款衬衫女短袖衬衣高级感半袖气质缎面上衣",
promotion_price: 69,
price: 69,
sales: "4000+",
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title: "2022夏季缎面衬衫女宽松短袖气质垂直感衬衣金属扣时尚显瘦上衣",
promotion_price: 75,
price: 75,
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detail_url: ""
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title: "【古蒂歌品牌】2022夏季新款印花吊带裙碎花长裙洋气百搭连衣裙",
promotion_price: 79,
price: 79,
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pic_url: "",
title: "[丽公主专属] GD006法式圆领套头灯笼袖衬衫女夏新款设计感上衣",
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price: 75,
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title: "高端缎面A字大摆裙气质复古弹力半身裙2022夏新款女装长裙",
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price: 69,
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title: "打底内搭上衣 无袖外搭配小西装的气质背心",
promotion_price: 39,
price: 39,
sales: "2000+",
detail_url: ""
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pic_url: "",
title: "【古蒂歌品牌】高档缎面阔腿直筒裤女夏季新款气质长裤",
promotion_price: 79,
price: 79,
sales: "9000+",
detail_url: ""
num_iid: "3466926714179963316",
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title: "【古蒂歌品牌】高档缎面V领衬衫 刺绣拼接轻奢女装",
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price: 69,
sales: "5000+",
detail_url: ""
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pic_url: "",
title: "【古蒂歌品牌】洋气衬衣女长袖缎面宽松设计感衬衫",
promotion_price: 69,
price: 69,
sales: "100+",
detail_url: ""
num_iid: "3551148899957885269",
pic_url: "",
title: "设计感女衬衫小众2022夏季新款v领雪纺小衫上衣职业宽松短袖",
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price: 79,
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server_time: "Beijing/2022-06-24 17:10:29",
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{"error": "item-not-found","reason": "商品没找到","error_code": "2000","success": 0,"cache": 0,"api_info": "today:0 max:10000","execution_time": 0.081,"server_time": "Beijing/2020-06-10 23:44:00","call_args": [],"api_type": "douyin","request_id": "15ee0ffc041242"}



状态代码(error_code) 状态信息 详细描述 是否收费
0000 success 接口调用成功并返回相关数据
2000 Search success but no result 接口访问成功,但是搜索没有结果
4000 Server internal error 服务器内部错误
4001 Network error 网络错误
4002 Target server error 目标服务器错误
4003 Param error 用户输入参数错误 忽略
4004 Account not found 用户帐号不存在 忽略
4005 Invalid authentication credentials 授权失败 忽略
4006 API stopped 您的当前API已停用 忽略
4007 Account stopped 您的账户已停用 忽略
4008 API rate limit exceeded 并发已达上限 忽略
4009 API maintenance API维护中 忽略
4010 API not found with these values API不存在 忽略
4012 Please add api first 请先添加api 忽略
4013 Number of calls exceeded 调用次数超限 忽略
4014 Missing url param 参数缺失 忽略
4015 Wrong pageToken 参数pageToken有误 忽略
4016 Insufficient balance 余额不足 忽略
4017 timeout error 请求超时
5000 unknown error 未知错误


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