
  • 1. 独立的工具
  • 2. Vim 集成
  • 3. Emacs 集成
  • 4. BBEdit 集成
  • 5. CLion 集成
  • 6. Visual Studio 集成
  • 7. 用于补丁重新格式化的脚本(Script for patch reformatting)

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ClangFormat描述了一组构建在 LibFormat 之上的工具。它可以以多种方式支持您的工作流,包括一个独立的工具和编辑器集成。

1. 独立的工具


$ clang-format -help
OVERVIEW: A tool to format C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf/C# code.If no arguments are specified, it formats the code from standard input
and writes the result to the standard output.
If <file>s are given, it reformats the files. If -i is specified
together with <file>s, the files are edited in-place. Otherwise, the
result is written to the standard output.USAGE: clang-format [options] [<file> ...]OPTIONS:Clang-format options:-assume-filename=<string> - When reading from stdin, clang-format assumes thisfilename to look for a style config file (with-style=file) and to determine the language.-cursor=<uint>            - The position of the cursor when invokingclang-format from an editor integration-dump-config              - Dump configuration options to stdout and exit.Can be used with -style option.-fallback-style=<string>  - The name of the predefined style used as afallback in case clang-format is invoked with-style=file, but can not find the .clang-formatfile to use.Use -fallback-style=none to skip formatting.-i                        - Inplace edit <file>s, if specified.-length=<uint>            - Format a range of this length (in bytes).Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifyingseveral -offset and -length pairs.When only a single -offset is specified without-length, clang-format will format up to the endof the file.Can only be used with one input file.-lines=<string>           - <start line>:<end line> - format a range oflines (both 1-based).Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifyingseveral -lines arguments.Can't be used with -offset and -length.Can only be used with one input file.-offset=<uint>            - Format a range starting at this byte offset.Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifyingseveral -offset and -length pairs.Can only be used with one input file.-output-replacements-xml  - Output replacements as XML.-sort-includes            - Sort touched include lines-style=<string>           - Coding style, currently supports:LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit.Use -style=file to load style configuration from.clang-format file located in one of the parentdirectories of the source file (or currentdirectory for stdin).Use -style="{key: value, ...}" to set specificparameters, e.g.:-style="{BasedOnStyle: llvm, IndentWidth: 8}"-verbose                  - If set, shows the list of processed filesGeneric Options:-help                     - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)-help-list                - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)-version                  - Display the version of this program

当所需的代码格式化样式与可用选项不同时,可以使用 -style="{key: value, ...}" 选项;或者将样式配置放在您的项目目录中的.clang-format_clang-format文件中,并使用clang-format -style=file,以自定义样式。

创建 .clang-format 文件的一个简单方法是:

clang-format -style=llvm -dump-config > .clang-format

在 Clang-Format 样式选项中描述了可用的样式选项。

2. Vim 集成


map <C-K> :pyf <path-to-this-file>/<cr>
imap <C-K> <c-o>:pyf <path-to-this-file>/<cr>

第一行启用clang-format以支持NORMAL模式和VISUAL模式,第二行添加了对INSERT模式的支持。如果需要在一个不同的键上使用clang-format (C-K 代表 Ctrl+k),则将“C-K”更改为另一个绑定。


function! Formatonsave()let l:formatdiff = 1pyf ~/llvm/tools/clang/tools/clang-format/
autocmd BufWritePre *.h,*.cc,*.cpp call Formatonsave()

3. Emacs 集成


(load "<path-to-clang>/tools/clang-format/clang-format.el")
(global-set-key [C-M-tab] 'clang-format-region)


4. BBEdit 集成

clang-format不能与BBEdit一起用作一个文本过滤器,但是通过一个脚本可以很好地工作。实现此集成的AppleScript可以在clang/tools/clang-format/clang-format-bbedit.applescript中找到;在~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit/Scripts中放置一个副本,并编辑其中的path以指向您的clang-format的本地副本。
通过这种集成,您可以从Script菜单中选择脚本,并且clang-format将对选择进行格式化。注意,您可以通过重命名脚本来重命名菜单项,并且可以在Menus & Shortcuts下的BBEdit首选项中为菜单项分配键盘快捷方式。

5. CLion 集成

clang-format作为一种可选的代码格式化程序集成到CLion中。它在默认情况下是禁用的,可以在Settings/Preferences | Editor | Code Style中打开。
如果启用了clang-format支持,CLion会在打开一个项目时检测配置文件,并建议覆盖当前 IDE 设置。然后将.clang-format文件中的代码样式规则自动应用于所有编辑器操作,包括自动完成(auto-completion)、代码生成(code generatio)和重构(refactorings)。

6. Visual Studio 集成

从 alpha构建站点下载最新的 Visual Studio 扩展。默认的绑定键是 Ctrl-R、Ctrl-F。

7. 用于补丁重新格式化的脚本(Script for patch reformatting)

这个python脚本lang/tools/clang-format/clang-format-diff.py解析一个统一的 diff 的输出,并用clang-format重新格式化所有包含的行。

usage: [-h] [-i] [-p NUM] [-regex PATTERN] [-style STYLE]Reformat changed lines in diff. Without -i option just output the diff that
would be introduced.optional arguments:-h, --help      show this help message and exit-i              apply edits to files instead of displaying a diff-p NUM          strip the smallest prefix containing P slashes-regex PATTERN  custom pattern selecting file paths to reformat-style STYLE    formatting style to apply (LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla,WebKit)

因此,要重新格式化最新 git 提交中的所有行,只需:

git diff -U0 --no-color HEAD^ | -i -p1

使用 Mercurial/hg

hg diff -U0 --color=never | -i -p1

在一个 SVN 客户端中,你可以这样做:

svn diff --diff-cmd=diff -x -U0 | -i

选项-U0将创建一个没有上下文行的 diff(脚本也将格式化这些行)。

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