
  • A、Remove Smallest(模拟)
  • B、Gifts Fixing(模拟)
  • C、Boats Competition(暴力枚举)
  • D、Binary String To Subsequences(字符串,类并查集)
  • E1、Weights Division (easy version)(贪心、树上dfs)
  • F、Yet Another Segments Subset(区间DP)

A、Remove Smallest(模拟)

#include<algorithm>using namespace std;
const int N = 50007;int a[N];
int n, m, t;
int main()
{scanf("%d", &t);while(t -- ){scanf("%d", &n);bool flag = 0;for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){scanf("%d", &a[i]);}sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n);for(int i = 1; i < n; ++ i){if(a[i + 1] - a[i] > 1){flag = 1;break;}}if(!flag)puts("YES");else puts("NO");}return 0;

B、Gifts Fixing(模拟)


typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
const int N = 50007, INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
int n, m, t;
int a[N], b[N];
int mina, minb;
int main(){cin >> t;while(t -- ){cin >> n;mina = INF, minb = INF;for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){cin >> a[i], mina = min(mina, a[i]);}for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i)cin >> b[i], minb = min(minb, b[i]);ll ans = 0;for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){ans += max(a[i] - mina, b[i] - minb);}cout << ans << endl;}return 0;

C、Boats Competition(暴力枚举)


using namespace std;
const int N = 5007;
int n, m, t;
int a[N];
int main(){cin >> t;while(t -- ){cin >> n;for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){scanf("%d", &a[i]);}sort(a + 1, a + 1 + n);int res = 0;for(int s = 2; s <= 2 * n; ++ s){int l = 1, r = n;int ans = 0;while(l < r){if(a[l] + a[r] > s)r -- ;else if(a[l] + a[r] < s)l ++ ;else ans ++ , l ++ , r -- ;}res = max(res, ans);}cout << res <<endl;}return 0;

D、Binary String To Subsequences(字符串,类并查集)

#include<cstring>using namespace std;const int N = 500007;int pre[N][2], a[N];
int last[2];
int ans[N];
string s;
int n, m;
int t;
int num[N];
bool vis[N];
int cnt;
int find(int x, int val)
{if(!x)return 0;if(!vis[x]){vis[x] = 1;return x;}return pre[x][val] = find(pre[x][val], val);
}int main(){scanf("%d", &t);while(t -- ){memset(vis, 0, sizeof vis);memset(num, 0, sizeof num);scanf("%d", &n);int res = n;cnt = 0;cin >> s;last[0] = last[1] = 0;for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){a[i] = s[i - 1] - '0';pre[i][a[i] ^ 1] = last[a[i] ^ 1];pre[i][a[i]] = last[a[i]];last[a[i]] = i;ans[i] = i;}for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){int point = find(pre[i][a[i] ^ 1], a[i] ^ 1);if(point){res -- ;ans[i] = ans[point];}}printf("%d\n", res);for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i){if(!num[ans[i]])num[ans[i]] = ++ cnt;printf("%d ", num[ans[i]]);}puts("");}return 0;

E1、Weights Division (easy version)(贪心、树上dfs)

全部改成long long就A了

#include<queue>#define int long long
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
const int N = 500007, M = 5000007;int n, m;
int head[N], nex[M], ver[M], edge[M], tot;
struct node{int val, son;bool operator<(const node &t)const {return (val - val / 2) * son < (t.val - t.val / 2) * t.son;}
priority_queue<node>heap;ll S, sum;
int t;
bool vis[N];void add(int x, int y, int z){ver[tot] = y;edge[tot] = z;nex[tot] = head[x];head[x] = tot ++ ;
}int dfs(int x, int fa){int cnt = 0;//儿子个数for(int i = head[x]; ~i;i = nex[i]){int y = ver[i], z = edge[i];if(y != fa){int num = dfs(y, x);heap.push({z, num});sum += z * num * 1ll;cnt += num;}}return max(cnt, 1ll);//可能是叶子节点
}signed main(){scanf("%lld", &t);while(t -- ){scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &S);memset(head, -1, sizeof head);memset(vis, 0, sizeof vis);sum = 0;tot = 0;while(heap.size())heap.pop();for(int i = 1, x, y, z; i <= n - 1; ++ i){scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &x, &y, &z);add(x, y, z), add(y, x ,z);}//int xx = 0;dfs(1, 0);ll ans = 0;while(sum > S){auto x = heap.top();heap.pop();//cout << x.val << "ok" <<x.son <<endl;sum -= (x.val - x.val / 2) * x.son *1ll;x.val /= 2;heap.push(x);ans ++ ;//cout << sum << endl;}//cout << xx ++ << endl;printf("%lld\n", ans);}return 0;

F、Yet Another Segments Subset(区间DP)

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