Python Multiprocessing with PyCUDA


You need to get all your bananas lined up on the CUDA side of things first, then think about the best way to get this done in Python [shameless rep whoring, I know].

The CUDA multi-GPU model is pretty straightforward pre 4.0 - each GPU has its own context, and each context must be established by a different host thread. So the idea in pseudocode is:

  1. Application starts, process uses the API to determine the number of usable GPUS (beware things like compute mode in Linux)
  2. Application launches a new host thread per GPU, passing a GPU id. Each thread implicitly/explicitly calls equivalent of cuCtxCreate() passing the GPU id it has been assigned
  3. Profit!

In Python, this might look something like this:

import threading
from pycuda import driverclass gpuThread(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, gpuid):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.ctx  = driver.Device(gpuid).make_context()self.device = self.ctx.get_device()def run(self):print "%s has device %s, api version %s"  \% (self.getName(),, self.ctx.get_api_version())# Profit!def join(self):self.ctx.detach()threading.Thread.join(self)driver.init()
ngpus = driver.Device.count()
for i in range(ngpus):t = gpuThread(i)t.start()t.join()

This assumes it is safe to just establish a context without any checking of the device beforehand. Ideally you would check the compute mode to make sure it is safe to try, then use an exception handler in case a device is busy. But hopefully this gives the basic idea.

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