时刻将 React Native 更新到最新的版本,可以获得更多 API、视图、开发者工具以及其他一些好东西(译注:官方开发任务繁重,人手紧缺,几乎不会对旧版本提供维护支持,所以即便更新可能带来一些兼容上的变更,但建议开发者还是尽一切可能第一时间更新)。由于一个完整的 React Native 项目是由 Android 项目、iOS 项目和 JavaScript 项目组成的,且都打包在一个 npm 包中,所以升级可能会有一些麻烦。我们会尽量简化这一流程。你可以在项目目录下使用npx react-native info命令查看当前的版本。There's currently two ways for upgrading your React Native project: by using React Native CLI or manually with Upgrade Helper.

React Native CLI#

The React Native CLI comes with upgrade command that provides a one-step operation to upgrade the source files with a minimum of conflicts, it internally uses rn-diff-purge project to find out which files need to be created, removed or modified.

1. Run the upgrade command#The upgrade command works on top of Git by using git apply with 3-way merge, therefore it's required to use Git in order for this to work, if you don't use Git but still want to use this solution then you can check out how to do it in the Troubleshooting section.

Run the following command to start the process of upgrading to the latest version:

npx react-native upgradeCopy

You may specify a React Native version by passing an argument, e.g. to upgrade to 0.61.0-rc.0 run:

npx react-native upgrade 0.61.0-rc.0Copy

The project is upgraded using git apply with 3-way merge, it may happen that you'll need to resolve a few conflicts after it's finished.

2. Resolve the conflicts#

Conflicted files include delimiters which make very clear where the changes come from. For example:

13B07F951A680F5B00A75B9A/* Release */={





CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer";















You can think of "ours" as "your team" and "theirs" as "the React Native development team".

Upgrade Helper#

The Upgrade Helper is a web tool to help you out when upgrading your apps by providing the full set of changes happening between any two versions. It also shows comments on specific files to help understanding why that change is needed.

1. Select the versions#

You first need to select from and to which version you wish to upgrade, by default the latest major versions are selected. After selecting you can click the button "Show me how to upgrade".

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