
然而,到如今,浏览器技术已经取得了巨大的进步。我们可以自由的使用所有最新众多ES5/ES6提供的原生API,配合革命性的HTML5 API,我们对DOM的操作变得从未如此的容易。WEB开发人员突然发现,没有jQuery其实也能轻松高效的完成项目开发。


1. 监听页面加载完成事件

写jQuery代码时,我们通常首先做的是把代码包裹在$(document).ready()里,这样,当DOM加载完成,可以操作时,包裹的代码才会去执行。除了使用jQuery,我们还可以使用 DOMContentLoaded 事件代替,下面是用例:

/ Add an event listener of DOMContentLoaded to the whole document and call an anonymous function.
// You can then wrap your code in that function's brackets
// and it will execute once loading is complete.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {// Our hawaiian greeting is displayed as soon as the page loads,console.log('Aloha');});


2. 查找/选择页面元素

曾经,我们如果想捕捉一个/一批元素,只能通过 id, class 和 tag 名称,jQuery给我提供了革命性的更具灵活性的基于css的查找方法。随着浏览器的进步,我们现在可以使用两个新型的原生JavaScript API – querySelector 和querySelectorAll:

// We can use document.querySelector to get the first element that matches a certain criteria.
// It's only argument is a string containing one or more CSS selectors.var lochNess = document.querySelector(".monsters");console.log("It's from Scotland - " + lochNess.textContent);// We can also get all elements of a certain type or class by using document.querySelectorAll.
// This returns a NodeList of all the elements that fit our criteria.var scary = document.querySelectorAll(".monsters");console.log("Hide and seek champions: ");for (var i = 0; i < scary.length; i++) {console.log(scary[i].innerHTML);}


<ul><li class="monsters">Nessy</li><li class="monsters">Big foot</li><li class="monsters">La chupacabra</li></ul>


3. 添加和移除事件监听器


var btn = document.querySelectorAll("button"),list = document.querySelector("ul");// We call the addEventListener method on our desired event target(in this case a button).
// This will start a listener that will wait until a click is generated on the element.btn[0].addEventListener("click", function () {// When this button is clicked we want to enable zooming of our list.// To do this we add an event listener to our list itself,// so when the cursor hovers it, the enlarge function gets called.list.addEventListener("mouseover", enlarge);
});// To disable the zooming we can simply use removeEventListener.btn[1].addEventListener("click", function () {// Removing event listeners doesn't work on anonymous functions, so always use a named one.list.removeEventListener("mouseover", enlarge);
});// Let's create our enlarge function.var enlarge = function () {// Add class zoomed to the unordered list.list.classList.add("zoomed");// When the cursor leaves the list return to normal size by removing the class.list.addEventListener("mouseout", function () {list.classList.remove("zoomed")});};// Now we want to be able to color the names by clicking them.// When a 'click' is registered on one of the list entries it should change its color to green.
// Thanks to event delegation we can actually add an event listener to the whole parent object.
// This way we don't have to add separate event listeners to each <li>.list.addEventListener("click", function (e) {// Make the coloring happen only to the clicked element by taking the target of the event.e.target.classList.add('green');});


<button>Enable zoom</button><button>Disable zoom</button><br><br>Click on any of the names to color them green<ul><li>Chewbacca</li><li>Han Solo</li><li>Luke</li><li>Boba fett</li></ul>


.green {color: green;
}.zoomed {cursor: pointer;font-size: 23px;


addEventListener 的用法看起来跟jQuery里的事件监听用法非常相似。

4. 对类和属性的操作

以前,执行对于页面元素css类的各种操作(查找、增加、删除等),如果不用jQuery,那是一件非常麻烦的事情。这样的历史已经一去不复返了,这样要感谢classList 属性。而使用 setAttribute, 我们可对元素属性进行操作。

var btn = document.querySelectorAll("button"),div = document.querySelector("#myDiv");btn[0].addEventListener("click", function () {// Get any attribute easily.console.log(div.id);
});// Element.classList stores all classes of the element in the form of a DOMTokenList.var classes = div.classList;btn[1].addEventListener("click", function () {console.log(classes);});btn[2].addEventListener("click", function () {// 可以增加和移除某个类名classes.add("red");});btn[3].addEventListener("click", function () {// 可以翻转某个类名classes.toggle("hidden");});


<div id='myDiv' class="square"></div><button>Display id</button><button>Display classes</button>
<button>Color red</button>
<button>Toggle visibility</button>


.square {width: 100px;height: 100px;margin-bottom: 20px;border: 1px solid grey;border-radius: 5px;
}.hidden {visibility: hidden;
}.red {background-color: red;


5. 获取或设置元素的内容

jQuery里有个非常方便的 text() 和 html() 方法,相对应的,在元素JavaScript里,我们可以使用 textContent 和 innerHTML 两个属性,这两个属性其实并不是新出现的:

var myText = document.querySelector("#myParagraph"),btn = document.querySelectorAll("button");// We can easily get the text content of a node and all its descendants.var myContent = myText.textContent;console.log("textContent:  " + myContent);// When using textContent to alter the text of an element
// it deletes the old content and replaces it with new.btn[0].addEventListener('click', function () {myText.textContent = " Koalas are the best animals ";});// If we want to grab all the HTML in a node (including the tags) we can use innerHTML.var myHtml = myText.innerHTML;console.log("innerHTML:  " + myHtml);// To change the html simply supply new content.
// Of course we aren't limited to text only this time.btn[1].addEventListener('click', function () {myText.innerHTML = "<button> Penguins are the best animals </button>";});


<p id="myParagraph"><strong> Which are the best animals? </strong></p><button>Koalas</button><br><button>Penguins</button>


6. 循环数组

jQuery里提供了很多实验的方法,比如each() 和 map(),而在新版的JavaScript api里,我们有了原生的 forEach 和 map ,需要注意的是,它们参数的用法有些不同,并且在回调函数里 this 的代表性也有些不同。

var ninjaTurtles = ["Donatello", "Leonardo", "Michelangelo", "Raphael"];// ForEach automatically iterates through an array.ninjaTurtles.forEach(function (entry) {console.log(entry);
});// The map method calls a function on every element of an array and creates a new array with the results.var lovesPizza = ninjaTurtles.map(function (entry) {return entry.concat(" loves pizza!");});console.log(lovesPizza);



新版的JavaScript API里提供了一个全新的可以实现ajax的API——fetch,这个api采用了全新的 Promise 架构,使用起来更方便,更灵活,详细用法请参考《你不需要jQuery(三):新AJAX方法fetch() 》。






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    目录 一.目的 1.想:学习前端知识 2.想:记录笔记,下次不用看视频,直接看笔记就可以快速回忆. 二.参考 1.我自己代码的GitHub网址 2.SIKI学院:我参考此视频实操 3.w3school ...

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