Determine whether two given binary trees are identical assuming any number of ‘tweak’s are allowed. A tweak is defined as a swap of the children of one node in the tree.



/    \

3        8

/   \

1      4



/    \

8        3

/   \

1     4

the two binary trees are tweaked identical.

How is the binary tree represented?

We use the level order traversal sequence with a special symbol "#" denoting the null node.

For Example:

The sequence [1, 2, 3, #, #, 4] represents the following binary tree:


/   \

2     3



time: O(4 ^ log_2(n)) = O(n ^ 2), space: O(h)

/*** public class TreeNode {*   public int key;*   public TreeNode left;*   public TreeNode right;*   public TreeNode(int key) {*     this.key = key;*   }* }*/
public class Solution {public boolean isTweakedIdentical(TreeNode one, TreeNode two) {// Write your solution hereif(one == null && two == null) {return true;} else if(one == null || two == null) {return false;}else if(one.key != two.key) {return false;}return isTweakedIdentical(one.left, two.right) && isTweakedIdentical(one.right, two.left) || isTweakedIdentical(one.left, two.left) && isTweakedIdentical(one.right, two.right);}


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