What’s new in PSPad 5.0.4 Build 541

December 31, 2020

Autocomplete doesn’t complete numbers in automatic mode, in manual mode does

Own editor font usage without to have install it – put your TTF files into subfolder .Fonts

Highlighter settings – added possibility to open selected user highlighter definition

Code explorer – Sort button has “state”. You can switch it on/ff for current Window. Default state cames from Program settings / Tools – Sort code explorer

Code explorer – selected item stays selected after sort change or refresh (if exists)

Code explorer – search is case insesitive, Alt, Ctrl, Shift doesn’t reset search, Ctrl+Enter search for next occurence

Sort lines uses “stable sort”, If lines are same, order isn’t changed. It has meaning for sort by column.

FTP quick search box is case insensitive

FTP – new field for change folder with history for each server stored in Recent.ini. ENTER confirm entry and send command to FTP server.

New user highlighter definition for Solidity

Open files panel – possibility to arrange selected windows Horizontally/Vertically

Open file list (left tool panel) – possibility select and close more files at once (right mouse)

File info shows current open file last write time

Scripts files are sorted alphabetically before adding to scripting engine. Put underscore to the file name begin if you want to compile e.g. your script library as the first

Program settings / Backup – new options allow switch on/off autosave files with computer suspend

Program settings – added search option possibility. Repeated Enter key press search for occurences

Synchronize movement activation is possible even in one splitted window

Project – speed up big project file loading

User highlighter – added support for Ruby symbols

FTP ciphering – updated OpenSSL libraries

PHP highlighter – added void type support

AutoIt highlighter marks # as part of the word when double click

JavaScript highlighter – added support for Template literals (Template strings) and new JScript highlighter attribute Template for color setting

Current file tab highlight

Incremental search (Ctrl+E) – extended functionality – Right arrow adds another char, Tab adds string till end of the word

Favorite panel / Tools – added option Save all files before tool starts

Status bar was moved to the bottom of main window from the bottom of individual windows. The reason is reading devices support for visually impaired people.

INI highlighter – hexadecimal numbers are highlighted

C# highlighter is supported now as basic highlighter instead of user highlighter

Color schemes are stored per user highlighter slot instead of previous system where all user highlighter slots has common scheme.

PSPad saves all files in restart/shutdown state include never saved new files.

Skins – Program settings / Colors – is possible to change program skin to black. In the same place you can load Highlighters scheme. Optimized are PSPad_Light and PSPad_Dark. Creating and modifying schemes stays in Highlighter settings. As Skin is possible to use any Delphi VCL scheme (VSF extension).

Program settings / Colors – possibility to set color for other occurrence of selected text

Other occurences of selected text – changed to case insensitive, spaces on the begin/end are trimmed

Many optimalizations made for Load/Save highlighters scheme

Open/Save dialog work was rewrited (joined with skins). For Windows Vista and newer new system dialogs are used

Internal HTML preview – obsolete Mozilla, based on unsupported Mozilla activeX control was replaced for Chromium based Edge. To test it is necessary to install chromium based Edge Canary build. It can coexists with existing Windows 10 edge without problems.

Editor window – highlight all occurences of selected text. You can switch it off in the Program settings / Editor 2

Compiled with Delphi 10.4 Denali (still in beta stage)

New Memory manager version FastMM5

User highlighter – added “Attribute” for PowerShell – it highlights word after square open bracket

Find by lines – new function in the Search menu. Input is list of line numbers and result is set of lines from current document in new document.

Scroll past EOF (Program settings / Editor 1) – separated as standalone option from previous scroll past EOL and EOF

Splitted editor window – splitter has different color, splitter width depends of screen DPI

New scripting function tabsToSpaces(input: string): string

Autocorrect – won’t be executed if text is selected

Format block (left/right/center) works in column selection with limitation – text doesn’t contain real tabs.

User highlighter extended of Variable attribute with possibility highlight PHP like variables (starting with $)

FTP – added possibility to rename folder with connections. It’s possible to use it to join folders too

FTP – connection popup menu is organized into submenus according to folders

Updated color scheme PSPad dark and PSPad light

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