
从这篇开始我会不定期写一些在实际工作中把项目代码从Python2.7迁移到最新的Python 3.7的经验。

这篇先介绍pyupgrade - 一个修改代码中Python 2语法到最新版本写法的工具,同时它还可以作为pre-commit钩子,可以在代码提交或者push时拒绝引入旧的用法。


  1. 替换代码中旧版本Python的用法。例如 '%s %s'%(a,b)这种百分号的字符串格式化写法

  2. 替换成Python 3的新语法。例如在Python 3中 super不再需要传递self、字符串格式化在Python 3.6及以后可以直接用f-strings

  3. 迁移后不再需要支持Python2,所以应该去掉six模块的相关使用,直接用Python3的代码写才是正途。




set(()) # set()

set([]) # set()

set((1,)) # {1}

set((1, 2)) # {1, 2}

set([1, 2]) # {1, 2}

set(x for x in y) # {x for x in y}

set([x for x in y]) # {x for x in y}



dict((a, b) for a, b in y) # {a: b for a, b in y}

dict([(a, b) for a, b in y]) # {a: b for a, b in y}


Python2.7+ Format说明符

'{0} {1}'.format(1, 2) # '{} {}'.format(1, 2)

'{0}' '{1}'.format(1, 2) # '{}' '{}'.format(1, 2)



'%s %s' % (a, b) # '{} {}'.format(a, b)

'%r %2f' % (a, b) # '{!r} {:2f}'.format(a, b)

'%(a)s %(b)s' % {'a': 1, 'b': 2} # '{a} {b}'.format(a=1, b=2)

后面的是Python2.7推荐的写法。但是可以传入 --keep-percent-format忽略这类修改。

Unicode literals

u'foo' # 'foo'

u"foo" # 'foo'

u'''foo''' # '''foo'''

在Python3中,u'foo'其实已经是字符串的'foo',默认是不会修改这个类型数据的,除非传入 --py3-plus或者 --py36-plus:

❯ cat unicode_literals.py

u'foo' # 'foo'

u"foo" # 'foo'

u'''foo''' # '''foo'''

❯ pyupgrade --py36-plus unicode_literals.py

Rewriting unicode_literals.py

❯ cat unicode_literals.py

'foo' # 'foo'

"foo" # 'foo'

'''foo''' # '''foo'''

Invalid escape sequences


# strings with only invalid sequences become raw strings

'\d' # r'\d'

# strings with mixed valid / invalid sequences get escaped

'\n\d' # '\n\\d'

# `ur` is not a valid string prefix in python3

u'\d' # u'\\d'

❯ cat escape_seq.py

'\d' # r'\d'

❯ flake8 escape_seq.py

escape_seq.py:1:2: W605 invalid escape sequence '\d'

❯ pyupgrade escape_seq.py

Rewriting escape_seq.py

❯ cat escape_seq.py

r'\d' # r'\d'

is / isnot

is/ isnot从Python3.8开始会抛出SyntaxWarning错误,应该使用 ==/ !=替代:

❯ python

Python 3.8.0a4+ (heads/master:289f1f80ee, May 9 2019, 07:16:38)

[Clang 10.0.0 (clang-1000.11.45.5)] on darwin

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> 1 is 1

<stdin>:1: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?


>>> 1 is not 1

<stdin>:1: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?




x is 5 # x == 5

x is not 5 # x != 5

x is 'foo' # x == foo



ur'foo' # u'foo'

ur'\s' # u'\\s'

# unicode escapes are left alone

ur'\u2603' # u'\u2603'

ur'\U0001f643' # u'\U0001f643'



5L # 5

5l # 5

123456789123456789123456789L # 123456789123456789123456789



# Python 2

In : import os

In : !touch 1.txt

In : os.chmod('1.txt', 0755)

In : ll 1.txt

-rwxr-xr-x 1 dongwm 0 May 9 07:26 1.txt* # 755权限正常

# Python 3

In : os.chmod('1.txt', 0644)

File "", line 1

os.chmod('1.txt', 0644)


SyntaxError: invalid token

In : os.chmod('1.txt', 0o644)

In : ll 1.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 dongwm 0 May 9 07:26 1.txt


0755 # 0o755

05 # 5


class C(Base):

def f(self):

super(C, self).f() # super().f()

在Python3中,使用super不再需要手动传递self,传入 --py3-plus或者 --py36-plus会修复这个问题。


class C(object): pass # class C: pass

class C(B, object): pass # class C(B): pass

Python3 中只有新式类,传入 --py3-plus或者 --py36-plus会修复这个问题。


当完全迁移到Python3之后,就没必要兼容Python2了,可以传入 --py3-plus或者 --py36-plus去掉six相关代码:

six.text_type # str

six.binary_type # bytes

six.class_types # (type,)

six.string_types # (str,)

six.integer_types # (int,)

six.unichr # chr

six.iterbytes # iter

six.print_(...) # print(...)

six.exec_(c, g, l) # exec(c, g, l)

six.advance_iterator(it) # next(it)

six.next(it) # next(it)

six.callable(x) # callable(x)

from six import text_type

text_type # str

@six.python_2_unicode_compatible # decorator is removed

class C:

def __str__(self):

return u'C()'

class C(six.Iterator): pass # class C: pass

class C(six.with_metaclass(M, B)): pass # class C(B, metaclass=M): pass

isinstance(..., six.class_types) # isinstance(..., type)

issubclass(..., six.integer_types) # issubclass(..., int)

isinstance(..., six.string_types) # isinstance(..., str)

six.b('...') # b'...'

six.u('...') # '...'

six.byte2int(bs) # bs[0]

six.indexbytes(bs, i) # bs[i]

six.iteritems(dct) # dct.items()

six.iterkeys(dct) # dct.keys()

six.itervalues(dct) # dct.values()

six.viewitems(dct) # dct.items()

six.viewkeys(dct) # dct.keys()

six.viewvalues(dct) # dct.values()

six.create_unbound_method(fn, cls) # fn

six.get_unbound_method(meth) # meth

six.get_method_function(meth) # meth.__func__

six.get_method_self(meth) # meth.__self__

six.get_function_closure(fn) # fn.__closure__

six.get_function_code(fn) # fn.__code__

six.get_function_defaults(fn) # fn.__defaults__

six.get_function_globals(fn) # fn.__globals__

six.assertCountEqual(self, a1, a2) # self.assertCountEqual(a1, a2)

six.assertRaisesRegex(self, e, r, fn) # self.assertRaisesRegex(e, r, fn)

six.assertRegex(self, s, r) # self.assertRegex(s, r)

目前还有 six.add_metaclass这个点没有实现,其他的都可以了~


这是我最喜欢的一个功能,现在迁移到Python3都会迁到Python3.6+,所以可以直接使用 --py36-plus参数,字符串格式化不需要用str.format,而是直接用f-strings:

'{foo} {bar}'.format(foo=foo, bar=bar) # f'{foo} {bar}'

'{} {}'.format(foo, bar) # f'{foo} {bar}'

'{} {}'.format(foo.bar, baz.womp} # f'{foo.bar} {baz.womp}'


项目地址: https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade


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