<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> Emacs 使用YASnippet


Emacs 使用YASnippet

Table of Contents

  • 1 安装YASnippent
  • 2 安装 org-mode字典
  • 3 org-mode中使用教程
  • 4 YASnippet增加模板

1 安装YASnippent

$ cd ~/.emacs.d/plugins
$ git clone https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet

Add the following in your .emacs file:

(add-to-list 'load-path"~/.emacs.d/plugins/yasnippet")
(require 'yasnippet)
(yas/global-mode 1)

2 安装 org-mode字典

# git clone git://github.com/rvf0068/yasnippets.git
## 复制yasnippets/org-mode目录到yasnippet/snippets/目录下
# cp -r yasnippets/org-mode /root/.emacs.d/site-lisp/yasnippet/snippets/

3 org-mode中使用教程

Snippets for org-mode. See Yasnippet in Github.

They have bindings C-c y plus an extra letter.

I have added a condition statement so that the snippets can be expanded only at the beginning of the line.

name key letter explanation
#+begin_ …#+end_ block b
#+srcname:..#+begin_src…#+end_src sb s source block with name
attr_html ath alt="$1" img class="aligncenter"
attr_latex atl ${1:width=$2\textwidth}
author aut a inserts #+author:
corollary cor c (uses reftex)
definition def d (uses reftex)
ditaa dit #+begin_ditaa,+end_ditaa
el el #+begin_src emacs-lisp,+end_src
email email inserts #+email:
equation eqn e (uses reftex)
figure fig f asks for image file
language lan inserts #+language: (with choice)
LaTeX class lcl inserts #+latex_class: (with choice)
LaTeX header lhe inserts #+latex_header:
lemma lem l (uses reftex)
options opt o inserts #+options:
proof prf
properties folded properties inserts visibility folded property
proposition pro p (uses reftex)
startup sta inserts #+startup:
text text inserts #+text:
theorem thm t (uses reftex)
tikz-picture tkz z (uses reftex)
title title inserts #+title:

4 YASnippet增加模板



下面举个例子增加 cnblogs的bash着色模块.

  1. ESC x yas/new-snippet 来进入新建snippet的buffer,可以看到以下的内容:

      # -*- mode: snippet -*-# name: # key: # binding: direct-keybinding# expand-env: ((some-var some-value))# type: command# --


    • name: 是在YASnippet中显示的名字.
    • key: 是触发这个snippet所用的关键字.
    • binding 和 expand-env, type 是一些高级特征,这里不做研究.
  2. 将上面的内容改为(不需要的行删掉):
       # -*- mode: snippet -*-# name: src_bash# key: bash# --#+BEGIN_HTML<div class="cnblogs_Highlighter"><pre class="brush:bash">${1:#!/bin/bash}$0</pre></div>#+END_HTML

    其中: ${N: Some Text} 的内容被称为字段, N 是tab stop序号(顺序是从$1-$N的),冒号后面的文本则是默认值.最近 $0 被称为YASnippet的退出点,即一个key被展开为snippet,并按顺序走完所有的tab stop之后光标停留的点.

  3. 保存: C-x C-s 保存在 org-mode/bash文件里面即可.
  4. 重启之后,可以使用.

Date: 2012-12-30 Sun

Author: liweilijie

Org version 7.9.2 with Emacs version 23

Validate XHTML 1.0


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