select bid.borrow_id,
(select yyb.borrow_valid_time from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id ) as borrow_valid_time,
(select yyb.borrow_end_time from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id ) as borrow_end_time,
(select yyb.BidComRate from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id ) as BidComRate,
(select yyb.Title from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id ) as Title,
bid.amount as amount,
(select yyb.BorrowCode from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id) as BorrowCode,
(select yyb.borrow_period from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id) as borrow_period,
(select yyb.status from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id) as statuss,
bid.createtime as createtime,
--(select DATEADD(MONTH,yyb.borrow_period,yyb.loanDate) from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id ) as endDate
select case when yyb.loanDate='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' then '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' else
DATEADD(MONTH,yyb.borrow_period,yyb.loanDate) end
from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=bid.borrow_id

) as endDate

from YYD_Borrow_BidRecord as bid inner join YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext on bid.borrow_id = ext.borrow_id where ext.borrow_product<>50 and ext.borrow_product<>70 and bid.bid_user_id=1239

union all

select newbid.nplid,'' as borrow_valid_time,'' as borrow_end_time,'' as BidComRate,
(select bTitle+'['+qishu+']' from HUR_NewPlanLoan where id=newbid.nplid)Title,
newbid.amount as amount,'' as BorrowCode,
(select bPeriod from HUR_NewPlanLoan where id=newbid.nplid)borrow_period,
newbid.nplStatus as statuss,newbid.createtime as createtime,

(select case when yyb.loanDate='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' then '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' else
DATEADD(MONTH,loan.bPeriod,yyb.loanDate) end from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb,HUR_NewPlanLoan as loan
where yyb.id in (select top 1 borrowId from HUR_NewPlanLoan_ItemLoan as item
where item.nplBid = newbid.id) and loan.id = newbid.nplid) as endDate
from HUR_NewPlanLoan_BidRecord as newbid where newbid.nplStatus=1 and newbid.userid=1337

union all

select bid.borrow_id,
(select yyb.borrow_valid_time from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as borrow_valid_time,
(select yyb.borrow_end_time from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as borrow_end_time,
(select yyb.BidComRate from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.ID=(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as BidComRate,

(select yyb.Title from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.id =(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as Title,

bid.amount as amount,

(select yyb.BorrowCode from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.id =(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as BorrowCode,

(select yyb.borrow_period from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.id =(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as borrow_period,

(select yyb.status from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.id =(
select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as statuss,
bid.createtime as createtime,
--(select DATEADD(MONTH,yyb.borrow_period,yyb.loanDate) from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where id =(
--select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as endDate
(select case when yyb.loanDate='1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' then '1900-01-01 00:00:00.000' else
DATEADD(MONTH,yyb.borrow_period,yyb.loanDate) end
from YYD_Borrow_BorrowInfo as yyb where yyb.id =(select top 1 ext.OrginBorrowId from YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext
where ext.borrow_id=bid.borrow_id)) as endDate

from YYD_Borrow_BidRecord as bid inner join YYD_Borrow_borrowinfo_ext as ext on bid.borrow_id = ext.borrow_id
where ext.borrow_product=50 and bid.bid_user_id=1239


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